81 research outputs found

    Integrated Sensor Systems for Smart Cities

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    Smart cities are ubiquitous topic today, and emerge as preferred concept for future development of human lifestyle. In the international literature, there are only a few articles dealing critically with the topic of the smart cities, and even fewer of them are interdisciplinary. Integrated sensor systems are a prerequisite for developing the concept of smart cities in practice because individual sensors can hardly meet the demands of the smart cities for complex information. This paper provides an overview of the theoretical concept of smart cities and the integrated sensor systems. The article promotes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the smart cities, where geomatics should also contribute due to the fact that most of the information has a spatial component


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    Rad razmatra širenje komercijalnih vinograda u Vinogorju Kutjevo 2000. – 2012. godine potaknuto mjerama nacionalne agrarne politike. Teorijski koncept istraživanja je model prostorne difuzije radi čijeg su objašnjavanja uvedeni termini korišteni u stranoj literaturi, poput S-krivulje, učinka susjedstva i učinka hijerarhije. Osnova su metodološkog pristupa telefonsko anketno istraživanje, istraživački razgovor (intervju) i terensko kartiranje u okviru kojih je ispitano 130 vinogradara ili 26,6 % od 488 vinogradara u Upisniku poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. Rezultati pokazuju da je Kutjevo bilo primarno difuzijsko žarište Vinogorja Kutjevo, da je početak i završetak širenja vinograda bio uvjetovan fi nancijskim razlozima te da je prihvaćanje vinograda u pojedinim naseljima ovisilo o njihovim razvojnim obilježjima (tipovima). Posljedica širenja vinograda je transformacija agrarnog pejzaža i začetak vinskog turizma u jezgri Vinogorja Kutjevo. Mogućnost razvoja vinogradarstva i vinskog turizma je stvaranje i umrežavanje klastera, čega su proizvođači svjesni.This paper considers the expansion of commercial vineyards in the Kutjevo wine-growing hills in the period from 2000 to 2012, as encouraged by national agrarian policy measures. The theoretical concept of the study is the spatial diffusion model. For its explanation, the terms used in the foreign literature, such as the S-curve, the neighbourhood effect and the hierarchy effect, have been introduced. The methodological approach was based on telephone surveys, interviews and field mapping. A total of 130 grapevine growers, or 26.6% of the total 488 grapevine growers listed in the Farm Register, were surveyed. The results show that Kutjevo was the primary focal point of diffusion in the Kutjevo wine-growing hills area, that the start and end of vineyard expansion was predicated on fi nancing, and that the adoption of vineyards in individual settlements was contingent on their developmental characteristics (types). The outcome of the expansion of vineyards was the transformation of the agrarian landscape and the start of wine tourism in the core of the Kutjevo wine-growing hills. The creation and networking of clusters presents an opportunity for the development of viniculture and wine tourism, and producers are aware of this

    Teorijska osnova modela prostorne difuzije

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    Model prostorne difuzije Torstena Hägerstranda značajan je za geografiju poput Christallerova sistema centralnih mjesta ili von Thünenove izolirane države. Unatoč tome, u hrvatskoj geografskoj bibliografiji nedostaju znanstveni radovi, jedinstven naziv i odgovarajuća definicija procesa. Ovaj rad nastojat će dati uvod u postavke modela prostorne difuzije na temelju selektirane literature i vlastitih razmišljanja

    Simulation model of land cover changes in a post-socialist peripheral rural area: Požega-Slavonia County, Croatia

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    Simulacijsko modeliranje korisna je metoda za objašnjavanje i projekciju promjena načina korištenja zemljišta i zemljišnog pokrova, koje su u osnovi povezane sa širim društvenim i prirodnim elementima. Značajne promjene zemljišnog pokrova, pretežito napuštanje zemljišta, dogodile su se u perifernim ruralnim područjima diljem Središnje i Istočne Europe nakon raspada socijalizma. Jedno je takvo područje Požeško-slavonska županija u Hrvatskoj, za koju su modelirane promjene zemljišnog pokrova od 1985. do 2027. godine. Prevladavajuća promjena od 1985. do 2013. bila je sekundarna sukcesija. Simulacijski model budućih promjena zemljišnog pokrova temeljen je na ćelijskim automatima i umjetnim neuronskim mrežama i realiziran u dodatku MOLUSCE za QGIS. Validacija testnih modela pokazala je da su oni točnije predviđali kvantitetu (bolje od lokacija) promjena te da je naknadna kombinacija individualnih rezultata simulacija nešto poboljšala njihovo podudaranje s referentnim podatcima. Konačni je model predvidio da bi šume mogle pokrivati više od 60 % cijelog područja do 2027. ako se trenutni negativni demografski i ekonomski trendovi nastave u budućnosti.Simulation modelling is a useful method for the explanation and prediction of land use and land cover changes, which are fundamentally interconnected with broader social and natural elements. Significant land cover changes, predominantly land abandonment, occurred in peripheral rural areas across Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of socialism. One such area is Požega-Slavonia County in Croatia, for which we modelled land cover changes from 1985 to 2027. The prevailing change from 1985 to 2013 was secondary succession. The simulation model of future land cover changes was based on cellular automata and artificial neural networks, and was implemented in the MOLUSCE plugin for QGIS. Validation of the test models showed that they more successfully predicted the quantity (rather than the location) of the changes, and the post-simulation combination of individual results slightly improved their agreement with reference data. The final model predicted that forests would cover over 60% of the whole area by 2027 if the current negative demographic and economic trends continue into the future

    Generalizacija geoinformacija sažimanjem

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    Geoinformation generalization can be divided into model generalization and cartographic generalization. Model generalization is the supervised reduction of data in a model, while cartographic generalization is the reduction of the complexity of map content adapted to the map scale, and/or use by various generalization operators (procedures). The topic of this paper is the aggregation of geoinformation. Generally, aggregation is the joining of nearby, congenial objects, when the distance between them is smaller than the minimum sizes. Most researchers in geoinformation generalization have focused on line features. However, the appearance of web-maps with point features and choropleth maps has led to the development of concepts and algorithms for the generalization of point and polygonal features. This paper considers some previous theoretical premises and actual examples of aggregation for point, line and polygonal features. The algorithms for aggregation implemented in commercial and free GIS software were tested. In the conclusion, unresolved challenges that occur in dynamic cartographic visualizations and cases of unusual geometrical features are highlighted.Generalizacija geoinformacija može se podijeliti na generalizaciju modela i kartografsku generalizaciju. Generalizacija modela je nadzirano reduciranje podataka u modelu, a kartografska generalizacija je umanjivanje složenosti sadržaja karte prilagođeno mjerilu i/ili svrsi karte s pomoću različitih postupaka generalizacije. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je generalizacija geoinformacija sažimanjem. Općenito, sažimanje je spajanje susjednih istovrsnih objekata, kad je razmak između njih manji od minimalnih veličina. Većina istraživača u generalizaciji geoinformacija usmjerena je na linijske objekte. Međutim, pojava web-karata s točkastim objektima, te površinski kartogrami potaknuli su razvoj koncepata i algoritama za generalizaciju točkastih i površinskih objekata. Rad razmatra neke dosadašnje teorijske spoznaje i primjere uporabe sažimanja tockastih, linijskih i površinskih objekata. Testirani su algoritmi za sažimanje u komercijalnim i slobodnim GIS softverima. U zaključku su istaknuti neriješeni izazovi koji se javljaju u dinamičnim kartografskim prikazima i u slučaju neuobičajenih geometrijskih objekata

    Land cover changes in northern Croatia from 1981 to 2011

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    Promjene zemljišnog pokrova vidljiv su odraz promjena u društvu, a važno ih je proučavati zbog njihovih potencijalno negativnih posljedica na okoliš i stanovništvo. Predmet su ovoga istraživanja promjene zemljišnog pokrova na području sjeverne Hrvatske (Međimurska, Varaždinska i Koprivničko-križevačka županija) u razdoblju između 1981. i 2011. godine, tijekom kojega je došlo do velike promjene u društvenogospodarskom sustavu. Metode daljinskih istraživanja temeljene na digitalnim snimkama satelitskog sustava Landsat omogućile su nadziranu klasifikaciju zemljišnog pokrova u četiri klase: izgrađeno, poljoprivredno zemljište, prirodna vegetacija i voda. Najvažnijim procesima promjena pokazali su se porast udjela prirodne vegetacije i izgrađenog zemljišta te smanjenje udjela poljoprivrednih površina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se intenzitet promjena zemljišnog pokrova mijenjao ovisno o reljefnim obilježjima područja. Porast prirodne vegetacije bio je najintenzivniji u brežuljkastim područjima blagog i srednjeg nagiba te u polojima rijeka Drave i Mure. U gusto naseljenim ravničarskim područjima najčešći je bio porast izgrađenog zemljišta zbog utjecaja (sub)urbanizacije.Changes in land cover are a distinct reflection of alterations within society, and the importance of research on land cover changes can be seen in the potentially negative consequences they have on the environment and population. The subject matter of this particular study consists of the land cover changes in the territory of northern Croatia (Međimurje, Varaždin, and Koprivnica-Križevci Counties) between 1981 and 2011; during which time a significant transformation of the socio-economic system occurred. Methods of remote sensing based on digital images from the Landsat satellite system enabled a supervised classification of land cover into four classes: built-up; agricultural; natural vegetation; and water. The most significant processes of change were an increase in the share of natural vegetation and built-up land, and a decrease in the share of agricultural land. According to the results of the study, the intensity of land cover changes depended on the relief characteristics of the area. The increase in natural vegetation was most intense in hilly areas with mild and medium slopes, and in the flood plains of the rivers Drava and Mura. In densely populated plain areas, the most significant process was the increase in built-up land due to (sub)urbanisation

    1-Methyl-1-azonia-3,5-diaza-7-phosphatricyclo­[,7]decane tetra­fluoro­borate

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    The title compound, C7H15N3P+·BF4 − or [PTA-Me][BF4], is the N-methyl­ated derivative of the well known water-soluble amino­phosphine 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA). The asymmetric unit consists of a cage-like cation [PTA-Me]+ and a disordered tetra­fluoro­borate anion; two F atoms are disordered equally over two sites. A network of weak inter­molecular C—H⋯F hydrogen bonds results in a three-dimensional supra­molecular assembly