3,746 research outputs found

    Conditions for collective action: understanding factors supporting and constraining community-based fish culture in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam

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    In 2005, the WorldFish Center embarked on a project to pilot test approaches to community-based fish culture (CBFC) in five countries. A previous study conducted between 1997-2000 demonstrated the potential of the approach in Bangladesh and Vietnam, although a greater understanding was needed regarding the social and institutional factors that would permit the development of CBFC in larger waterbodies to reach a greater number of beneficiaries. The five countries selected for dissemination of CBFC included Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Bangladesh and Mali, each very different in terms of history, politics, social-cultural context, aquaculture experience and development status. They appeared to share environmental characteristics, all having seasonally flooding areas and experience of rice-fish culture. This report presents the findings of this study, based on a detailed evaluation undertaken in 2008-2009 in Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Mali and China were not included in the study, both for reasons of time and cost, and due to the different path that project development had taken in each country. Although the research was conducted as consistently as possible across the three countries, using the same methodology in each location, the results are nonetheless also indicative of the differences encountered at each location. The diversity of reasons why CBFC worked and didnÆt work led to difficulties in drawing conclusions across countries, or in quantifying results, with the exception of Vietnam where the number of communities involved in the study made quantification possible. The findings of the study are therefore primarily qualitative in nature, with figures provided relating to number of responses where available. The issues raised by respondents participating in the study are grouped according to environmental conditions, socio-cultural conditions, livelihood context, institutional context, markets and economic viability, technical issues and implementation and incentives and disincentives for uptake and continuance. The report concludes with a summary of lessons learned.Inland fisheries, Flood plains, Rice field aquaculture, Participatory approach, Cambodia, Vietnam, Bangladesh,

    Contextual analysis in two villages of the Niger River Inner Delta

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    The Community-based Fish Culture in Seasonal Floodplains and Irrigation Systems (CBFC) project is a five year research project supported by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF), with the aim of increasing productivity of seasonally occurring water bodies through aquaculture. The project has been implemented in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Mali and Vietnam, where technical and institutional options for community based aquaculture have been tested. The project began in 2005 and was completed in March 2010. The objective of the study was to improve our knowledge of mare management and the livelihoods of two villages of the Niger Inner Delta, Severi and Komio. We wanted to understand mare access and fishery management and to highlight the different stakeholders involved in mare management as well as the different rules regulating access to the various mare resources. We implemented a series of Focus Group Discussion with the different socio-economic groups of the villages (fisherfolk, farmer-fishers, and herders) and a series of semi-structured interviews with key informants and stakeholders involved in mare management took place in July 2008.Fishing rights, River fisheries, Livelihoods

    Seasonality Effects on Consumers Preferences Over Quality Attributes of Different Beef Products

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    Using discrete choice modelling, the study investigates 946 American consumers willingness-to-pay and preferences for diverse beef products. A novel experiment was used to elicit the number of beef products that each consumer would purchase. The range of products explored in this study included ground, diced, roast, and six cuts of steaks (sirloin, tenderloin, flank, flap, New York and cowboy or rib-eye). The outcome of the study suggests that US consumers vary in their preferences for beef products by season. The presence of a USDA certification logo is by far the most important factor affecting consumers willingness to pay for all beef cuts, which is also heavily dependent on season. In relation to packaging, US consumers have mixed preference for different beef products by season. The results from a scaled adjusted ordered logit model showed that after price, safety-related attributes such as certification logos, types of packaging, and antibiotic free and organic products are a stronger influence on American consumers choice. Furthermore, US consumers on average purchase diced and roast products more often in winter slow cooking season, than in summer, whereas New York strip and flank steak are more popular in the summer grilling season. This study provides valuable insights for businesses as well as policymakers to make inform decisions while considering how consumers relatively value among different labelling and product attributes by season and better address any ethical, safety and aesthetic concerns that consumers might have

    Integrating Routine, Variety Seeking and Compensatory Choice in a Utility Maximizing Framework

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    Given the large number of choices that consumers make each day it seems likely that they will generally adopt decision strategies that minimize cognitive effort, particularly with low price products such as most items found in a supermarket. One such strategy may be to simply choose what has been chosen in the past, i.e. to fall into a pattern of routine choices or decisions. In contrast, there may be preferences for variety in markets for low price, highly differentiated goods. We develop a conceptual and empirical model of routine choice, and the factors that result in transitions to two strategies other than routine selection, to wit, utility maximizing choice among available alternatives and a variety seeking strategy. The empirical approach we employ provides a mechanism for the examination of panel data that avoids the state dependence issues present in most applications to these types of data. We apply this framework to the choice of two food products that illustrate the heterogeneity across types of products in decision strategies and routine choice patterns.Choice modeling, routine behavior, variety‐seeking, panel data, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, D12, D03, C25,

    Hedging Alberta Government's Oil and Gas Revenue: Is Acting Like a Farmer a Viable Strategy?

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    The provincial government of Alberta in Canada experiences significant annual revenue variability arising from changes in crude oil and natural gas prices. This research evaluated whether Alberta’s non-renewable revenue risk could be managed using a derivatives hedging program. Results from a historical hedging simulation approach suggested that such a program would not have been the most effective method of managing revenue risk over the period of 1995-96 to 2003-04. Total impacts of hedging would have varied from Can-8BilliontoCan8 Billion to Can 6 Billion over this time period. These results suggest the Alberta government explore alternative methods to manage non-renewable resource revenue risk.Government Hedging, Risk Hedging, Public Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty, Q480, G11,

    Travel mode substitution in Sao Paulo : estimates and implications for air pollution control

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    How would travel demand in Sao Paulo respond to demand management instruments? Could higher gasoline prices or lower metro fares (or changes in travel time) help reduce congestion or pollution? The authors use cross-sectional variation from an urban travel survey to study the substitutability in demand between travel modes. The method assumes that the set of trips is given (that is, origin-destination pairs do not change). Choice of mode was found to be quite insensitive to changes; all elasticities were lower than 0.5 in absolute value, and most were close to zero. While the sensitivity of mode choice to relative travel times (that is, speeds) was somewhat greater than that to costs, the general finding is that mode choice is quite inflexible. So, subsidies to less polluting (less congesting) travel modes would not help much in attracting travelers from more polluting (more congesting) modes. (The same holds for subsidized means of making them run faster.) But there are important limitations in the scope of the study. First, the study does not discuss optimal pricing. It merely examines the likely sign and magnitude of the links between pollution and policy parameters such as prices and travel speeds. Second, aggregate demand by mode could also depend on the city's shape and its travel intensity (the number, direction, and length of trips). For example, if a"city"stretches along a constructed metro line, the study would not capture such a phenomenon, since sensitive trip generation is excluded. These issues are not examined in the study.Roads&Highways,Consumption,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Roads&Highways,Economic Theory&Research,Urban Transport,Environmental Economics&Policies,Transport and Environment

    Pulse shaping with birefringent crystals: a tool for quantum metrology

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    A method for time differentiation based on a Babinet-Soleil-Bravais compensator is introduced. The complex transfer function of the device is measured using polarization spectral interferometry. Time differentiation of both the pulse field and pulse envelope are demonstrated over a spectral width of about 100 THz with a measured overlap with the objective mode greater than 99.8%. This pulse shaping technique is shown to be perfectly suited to time metrology at the quantum limit

    Preserve or retreat? Willingness-to-pay for Coastline Protection in New South Wales

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    Coastal erosion is a global and pervasive phenomenon that predicates a need for a strategic approach to the future management of coastal values and assets (both built and natural), should we invest in protective structures like seawalls that aim to preserve specific coastal features, or allow natural coastline retreat to preserve sandy beaches and other coastal ecosystems. Determining the most suitable management approach in a specific context requires a better understanding of the full suite of economic values the populations holds for coastal assets, including non-market values. In this study, we characterise New South Wales residents willingness to pay to maintain sandy beaches (width and length). We use an innovative application of a Latent Class Binary Logit model to deal with Yea-sayers and Nay-sayers, as well as revealing the latent heterogeneity among sample members. We find that 65% of the population would be willing to pay some amount of levy, dependent on the policy setting. In most cases, there is no effect of degree of beach deterioration characterised as loss of width and length of sandy beaches of between 5% and 100% on respondents willingness to pay for a management levy. This suggests that respondents who agreed to pay a management levy were motivated to preserve sandy beaches in their current state irrespective of the severity of sand loss likely to occur as a result of coastal erosion. Willingness to pay also varies according to beach type (amongst Iconic, Main, Bay and Surf beaches) a finding that can assist with spatial prioritisation of coastal management. Not recognizing the presence of nay-sayers in the data or recognizing them but eliminating them from the estimation will result in biased WTP results and, consequently, biased policy propositions by coastal managers.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1902.0241

    Identifying the Characteristics of an Ideal Reading Intervention Program for Teen Mothers

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    Research suggests that teen mothers tend to provide fewer literacy opportunities for their children than older mothers do. This is problematic, since low literacy has been linked to poor academic achievement. As a result, teen mothers and their children tend to be drawn into cycles of poverty. The goal of this project was to interview teen mothers in the Grand Rapids community in order to better understand their perceptions of reading and discover the kinds of books that interest them. Based on their responses, we have recommended a reading intervention program that targets the unique interests and needs of this population. The purpose of such a program is to encourage teen mothers to read more often, as well as make literacy a larger part of their children’s lives