5 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Phenotype plasticity rather than repopulation from CD90/CK14+ cancer stem cells leads to cisplatin resistance of urothelial carcinoma cell lines

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    Primer sequences for quantitative real-time-PCR. Sequences of primers (5′-3′) used for quantitative real-time-PCR including length of PCR product and annealing temperature. bp base pair; Fwd Forward; Rev Reverse. (DOC 48 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Phenotype plasticity rather than repopulation from CD90/CK14+ cancer stem cells leads to cisplatin resistance of urothelial carcinoma cell lines

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    Endogenous abundance of subpopulations from differentiation states and subsequent to short-term cisplatin treatment. Original flow cytometry data displaying abundance of CD90, CD44, and CD49f positive cells in 11 UCCs corresponding to the summarized data in Fig. 1d. Unstained cells were used to set gates for positively stained cells. Subsequent to short-term treatment with cisplatin (STT, 72 h) most cell lines displayed increased numbers of CD90+ cells as also illustrated in Fig. 4b; representative results from biological triplicates. STT: Short-term cisplatin treatment. (TIF 4559 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Phenotype plasticity rather than repopulation from CD90/CK14+ cancer stem cells leads to cisplatin resistance of urothelial carcinoma cell lines

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    CD90+ UCCs do not exhibit a distinct stem cell-like phenotype. Original flow cytometry data for abundance of CD90+ cells corresponding to the summarized data in Fig. 3. a) CD90+ fraction in unsorted (top), CD90 magnetically enriched (middle, indicated by arrow) and CD90 depleted (bottom) cell cultures. b) Following reculturing for 7–8 population doublings the number of CD90+ cells was determined again in the respective fractions. (TIF 6628 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Phenotype plasticity rather than repopulation from CD90/CK14+ cancer stem cells leads to cisplatin resistance of urothelial carcinoma cell lines

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    Long-term cisplatin treated UCCs are not enriched for CD90+/CK14+ cells. CD90+, CD44+, and CD49f+ cells in untreated and LTT UCCs as measured by flow cytometry and collectively illustrated in Fig. 5c; representative results from biological triplicates. Unstained cells were used to set gates for positively stained cells. One measurement is shown for each cell line as a representative of biological triplicates. Untr. Ctrl.: Untreated Control; LTT: Long-term cisplatin treatment. (TIF 3017 kb

    DataSheet_1_A comparison of machine learning models for predicting urinary incontinence in men with localized prostate cancer.docx

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    IntroductionUrinary incontinence (UI) is a common side effect of prostate cancer treatment, but in clinical practice, it is difficult to predict. Machine learning (ML) models have shown promising results in predicting outcomes, yet the lack of transparency in complex models known as “black-box” has made clinicians wary of relying on them in sensitive decisions. Therefore, finding a balance between accuracy and explainability is crucial for the implementation of ML models. The aim of this study was to employ three different ML classifiers to predict the probability of experiencing UI in men with localized prostate cancer 1-year and 2-year after treatment and compare their accuracy and explainability. MethodsWe used the ProZIB dataset from the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organization (Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland; IKNL) which contained clinical, demographic, and PROM data of 964 patients from 65 Dutch hospitals. Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms were applied to predict (in)continence after prostate cancer treatment. ResultsAll models have been externally validated according to the TRIPOD Type 3 guidelines and their performance was assessed by accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC. While all three models demonstrated similar performance, LR showed slightly better accuracy than RF and SVM in predicting the risk of UI one year after prostate cancer treatment, achieving an accuracy of 0.75, a sensitivity of 0.82, and an AUC of 0.79. All models for the 2-year outcome performed poorly in the validation set, with an accuracy of 0.6 for LR, 0.65 for RF, and 0.54 for SVM. ConclusionThe outcomes of our study demonstrate the promise of using non-black box models, such as LR, to assist clinicians in recognizing high-risk patients and making informed treatment choices. The coefficients of the LR model show the importance of each feature in predicting results, and the generated nomogram provides an accessible illustration of how each feature impacts the predicted outcome. Additionally, the model’s simplicity and interpretability make it a more appropriate option in scenarios where comprehending the model’s predictions is essential.</p