115 research outputs found

    The Environmental Responsibility of the Regionalizing Electric Utility Industry

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    In this Article, I will address environmental issues in the context of our rapidly evolving understanding of restructuring. The market for electricity is fast becoming a series of regional marketplaces for wholesale transactions, operating on bid-based systems that move power at the lowest cost. There are plenty of states where power is still delivered as it has been for decades: by bundled service provided by vertically integrated utilities. However, the trend is toward regionalization, where independent entities control the transmission grid and play a major role in determining how power is delivered. These market participants, confusingly, have been known by a number of names and acronyms, though the most recent one is regional transmission organizations ( RTOs ). The trend toward regiona

    Stigmatized Sites and Urban Brownfield Redevelopment

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    This chapter addresses the stigmatized sites located in urban areas in the United States and Europe and the brownfields redevelopment programs aimed at removing the stigma and promoting remediation and reuse of these sites. Although the European Union has put regulatory frameworks in place, the United States has led the global effort to address brown fields redevelopment, and the discussion in this chapter will focus on American models for brown fields remediation and reuse

    Rapanos, Carabell, and the Isolated Man

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    We gather yet again this year at the University of Richmond to discuss the deplorable state of the Chesapeake Bay and the concerted effort needed to bring it back from the brink of death. The state of the Bay seems not much better than it did eleven years ago, when a group of wise souls who cared deeply about the Bay assembled at this law school to revisit the Kepone incident and call for more action to stem pollution in the Bay. To no one\u27s surprise, unfortunately, that august group assembled in our Moot Court Room did not solve the Bay\u27s problems

    Smart Regulation and Federalism For the Smart Grid

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    This Article examines the “Smart Grid,” a set of concepts, technologies, and operating practices that may transform America’s electric grid as much as the Internet has done, redefining every aspect of electricity generation, distribution, and use. While the Smart Grid’s promise is great, this Article examines numerous key barriers to its development, including early stage resistance, a lack of incentives for consumers, and the adverse impacts of the federal-state tension in energy regulation. Overcoming these barriers requires both new technologies and transformative regulatory change, beginning with the development of a foundation of interoperability standards (rules of the road governing interactions on the Smart Grid) that will influence development for many years. This Article describes the federally coordinated standard-setting process started in the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, leading to a collaborative dialogue among hundreds of participants, with leadership from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”). After setting forth the need for interoperability standards and elaborating on the standard-setting process, the Article focuses on a 2011 order by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) that declined to adopt an initial group of standards. While this may appear a step backward, the Article argues to the contrary, finding that FERC’s order supports the flexibility of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, the NIST-led process that will produce interoperability standards critical to a wide range of energy saving technologies. FERC’s order allows this process, not a regulator’s imprimatur, to give standards credibility. By holding off on forcing adoption of the standards, but preserving the potential for more significant federal intervention later, it may lead to state adoption of the resulting standards. In this adaptive approach to energy law federalism, neither top-down federal regulation nor private sector standard setting is the exclusive means of overseeing Smart Grid development. FERC’s approach may promote a more positive federal-state relationship in the development of the Smart Grid, and may even portend a more collaborative relationship in energy law federalism generally, avoiding the disruptive jurisdictional clashes that have marked recent attempts to innovate in the electric grid

    China\u27s Renewable Energy Law: A Platform for Green Leadership?

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    This article describes programs and initiatives in China promoting growth of renewable energy capacity, and analyzes obstacles to future growth

    Are We Ready For Mediation in Cyberspace?

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    In Part I, I provide a brief model of a hypothetical multiparty environmental mediation proceeding. I describe limits on environmental mediation common to both the online and offline settings, and provide a model for analysis of the hypothetical proceeding. In Parts II and III, I consider limits on online mediation\u27s potential that derive from the electronic character of the proceeding. In Part II, I discuss challenges for online mediation and conclude that such mediation, particularly complex proceedings such as environmental disputes, should be deferred for the time being. In Part III, I discuss additional concerns about the flow of communication in online mediation suggested by an analogy to the dynamics of online communities

    Brownfields Redevelopment

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    Critiquing how brownfields programs expanded without much attention to developments in the international environmental arena will illustrate some ways to alter them to comport with Agenda 21 and other prerequisites for sustainable development. Another interesting aspect of this analysis for the Rio+ 10 review is its timing. The state and federal programs have mushroomed since 1992; for example, while a small of states had voluntary cleanup programs 10 years ago, virtually every state has one now, and there is considerable increasing experience with them. If adjustments to these programs should be developed to comport with the prescriptions of Agenda 21 this be an excellent time to consider making them. A caveat is in order at the outset: discussion offers only a briefintroduction to this rapidly expanding field. Much has been written about it, including two treatises and numerous law review articles, and more is forthcoming at a rapid pace. For now, it is this Chapter\u27s aim to describe some ways in which existing state and federal programs could be enhanced to achieve Agenda 21 \u27s objectives

    The Blackout of 2003: What Is Next?

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    The blackout of August 2003 was a massive dislocation of American life, with millions of people in eight states and Canada losing power and a cost estimated in billions of dollars. As many as fifty million people were affected by the blackout. While the ultimate cause of the blackout is still being investigated, the implications for national policy may not be fully known for decades. The blackout was a wake up call and a watershed event that calls for reevaluation of just about every facet of the electric utility industry. We tend to think of a wakeup call as something that awakens us from a moribund state, but this event was different. For the past decade and longer, the electric power industry has already been grappling with fundamental changes. Restructuring, the introduction of competition at the retail and wholesale levels, the costly and protracted debates about the intersection of the federal Clean Air Act with the industry, all of this activity was taking place and already redefining the industry at the time the blackout happened

    Demand Response in Wholesale Markets

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    Demand response participation in wholesale markets is an important building block in a profound transformation of electricity systems in the United States and Europe. Technical and economic innovations, supported by governmental policies, are moving electricity systems toward smart grids that integrate generation, transmission and distribution in a more networked, environmentally responsible and efficient manner, incorporating distributed energy resources and delivering benefits for utilities and consumers. As one component of smart grids, consumers, utilities and regional grid operators may benefit from more use of demand response programmes that reduce peak power consumption and market price spikes, balance intermittency of renewables and achieve greater grid efficiency and reliability

    Brownfields of Dreams? : Challenges and Limits of Voluntary Cleanup Programs and Incentives

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    As one of the most important current topics in environmental law, the redevelopment of abandoned or underutilized urban properties, better known as brownfields, continues to generate much discussion and debate. Because most agree that abandoned sites located in aging areas and the accompanying exodus of industry to the suburbs are undesirable, the federal government and many state governments have created programs to encourage the redevelopment of these industrial properties. But often overlooked by the advocates of such programs are the difficult political, scientific, and moral questions associated with redevelopment. In this insightful article, Professor Eisen provides the most comprehensive discussion to date of brownfield programs that often exchange increased health risks to the surrounding community for additional jobs and higher tax revenue. He then draws an analogy between brownfield redevelopment programs and negotiated compensation statutes, which were created to facilitate the siting of hazardous and solid waste disposal facilities but have experienced only limited success. Finally, after exposing the shortcomings of the current brownfield programs through this analogy, Professor Eisen concludes that adequate community input and a revision of CERCLA are but two of the many changes that must be made in order to increase the public legitimacy of brownfield redevelopment programs
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