4 research outputs found

    Discrimination measures (AUC) and calibration measures (Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration statistics) for comorbidity count with regards to outcomes of exacerbations, MMRC, and 6MWD, in the SPIROMICS participants.

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    <p>Above models also include terms for age, gender, race, baseline FEV1, pack-years smoked and current smoking status. Every score above added to “empty” model, with addition of score improving AUC significantly (p<0·001 for all comparisons). The AUCs for the empty models are as follows: SGRQ 0.7741, Exacerbations 0.7223, MMRC 0.7499, 6MWD 0.6970. For associations with outcome, OR for exacerbations represents risk for exacerbation conferred by one point increase in comorbidity score, OR for MMRC represents risk for worse dyspnea score conferred by one point increase in comorbidity score, and β's for SGRQ and 6MWD represent decrement in health status and exercise capacity conferred by one point increase in comorbidity score. All ROCs estimated using logistic regression with outcomes of SGRQ (group mean 35.4, SD 18.9), MMRC (group mean 1.18, SD 0.99) and 6MWD (group mean 395.5, SD 112.5) dichotomized at group mean.</p><p>Discrimination measures (AUC) and calibration measures (Hosmer-Lemeshow calibration statistics) for comorbidity count with regards to outcomes of exacerbations, MMRC, and 6MWD, in the SPIROMICS participants.</p

    Mean, SD and adjusted associations of comorbidity scores and SGRQ value using COPDGene.

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    <p>Coefficients adjusted for age, race, FEV1, pack-years smoked, current smoking status and gender.</p><p>Equation for weighted comorbidity score: (4·93*coronary heart disease) + (4·69*diabetes) + (6·53*congestive heart failure) + (5·96*stroke) + (5·13*osteoarthritis) + (4·31*osteoporosis) + (3·24*hypertension) + (2·14*high cholesterol) + (6·45*GERD) + (4·94*stomach ulcers) + (5*obesity) + (8·83*sleep apnea) + (2·75*hay fever) + (3·71*peripheral vascular disease).</p><p>Equation for weighted score based on backwards selection: (2·16*coronary heart disease) + (1·39*diabetes) + (2·37*congestive heart failure) + (4·71*stroke) + (2·35*osteoarthritis) + (3·29*osteoporosis) + (0·89*hypertension) + (4·13*GERD) + (2·48*stomach ulcers) + (2·69*obesity) + (6·49*sleep apnea) + (1·20*hay fever).</p><p>Mean, SD and adjusted associations of comorbidity scores and SGRQ value using COPDGene.</p