1,417 research outputs found

    Differential patterns of PMN-elastase and type III procollagen peptide in knee joint effusions due to acute and chronic sports injuries

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    In 38 traumatic knee joint effusions the proteolytic enzyme PMN-elastase (PMN-E) and the repair marker procollagen III aminoterminal peptide (PIIINP) were determined. According to the period between trauma and first aspiration of the effusion, the patients were divided into 3 groups. Group I (17 patients; period between trauma and first aspiration not longer than 72 hours) showed high concentrations of PMN-E (up to 5400 ng/ml) and low concentrations of PIIINP (<13 U/ml). Group II (11 patients; aspiration within 4 to 14 days) had mean PMN-E and PIIINP concentrations of 125.6 ng/ml and 52.1 U/ ml, respectively. In group III (10 patients, aspiration after 14 days) mean PMN-E concentration was 123.8 ng/ml and mean PIIINP concentration was 63.4 U/ml. Graphic depiction of PMN-E and PIIINP levels in each individual sample as a function of time between trauma and fluid collection revealed highly increasing PMN-E levels during the first 24 posttraumatic hours, followed by rapidly decreasing levels within 72 hours post trauma, and no change after the 4th posttraumatic day. In contrast, PIIINP increased continuously up to the first posttraumatic week and stayed at high levels up to 90 days (end of the observation period). The differential patterns of PMN-E and PIIINP concentration in knee joint effusions may be useful in estimating the period between trauma and first treatment (aspiration of effusion) and should, therefore, be helpful in detecting degenerative lesions, which seem to be characterized by low PMN-E concomitantly with high PIIINP levels

    Mediators of leukocyte yctivation play a role in disseminated intravascular coagulation during orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Leukocytes play an important role in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). In the reperfusion phase of OLT a DIC-like situation has been described and has been held responsible for the high blood loss during this phase. We investigated the role of leukocytes in the pathogenesis of DIC in OLT by measuring the leukocytic mediators released upon activation (cathepsin B, elastase, TNF, neopterin) and the levels of thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes, seen as markers of prothrombin activation. Arterial blood samples were taken at 10 different time points during and after OLT. Samples were also taken of the perfusate released from the liver graft vein during the flushing procedure before the reperfusion phase. Aprotinin was given as a continuous infusion (0.2-0.4 Mill. KlU/hr) and its plasma levels were determined. Significantly elevated levels of neopterin (15-fold; P<0.01), cathepsin B (440-fold; P<0.01) in the perfusate, as compared with the systemic circulation, as well as their significant increases in the early reperfusion phase suggested that they were released by the graft liver. This was paralleled by elevated levels of elastase (1.3-fold, P<0.05), TNF (1.5-fold, P=NS), and TAT complexes (1.4-fold; P<0.1) in the perfusate. Significant correlations could be identified between the parameters of leukocyte activation and TAT complexes, whereas no correlation was observed between any of the parameters investigated and the aprotinin levels. Our results strongly indicate a release of leukocytic mediators from the graft liver during its reperfusion which seems to be related to the parallely increased prothrombin activation. No correlation could be seen between levels of aprotinin and levels of leukocytic mediators

    T-SP1: a novel serine protease-like protein predominantly expressed in testis

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    Here, we describe a novel member in the group of membrane-anchored chymotrypsin (S1)-like serine proteases, namely testis serine protease 1 (T-SP1), as it is principally expressed in testis tissue. The human T-SP1 gene encompasses 28.7 kb on the short arm of chromosome 8 and consists of seven exons. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE) experiments revealed that due to alternative splicing three different variants (T-SP1/1, -2, -3) are detectable in testis tissue displaying pronounced heterogeneity at their 3'-end. T-SP1/1 consists of an 18 amino acid signal peptide and of a 49 amino acid propeptide. The following domain with the catalytic triad of His(108), Asp(156), and Ser(250) shares sequence identities of 42% and 40% with the blood coagulation factor XI and plasma kallikrein, respectively. Only T-SP1/1 contains a hydrophobic part at the C-terminus, which provides the basis for cell membrane anchoring. Using a newly generated polyclonal anti-T-SP1 antibody, expression of the T-SP1 protein was found in the Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis and in the epithelial cells of the ductuli efferentes. Notably, T-SP1 protein was also detectable in prostate cancer and in some ovarian cancer tissues, indicating tumor-related synthesis of T-SP1 beyond testis tissue

    Different aprotinin applications influencing hemostatic chances in orthotopic liver transplantation

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    The effect of different aprotinin applications on hemmtatic changes and blood product requirements in orthotopic liver transplantation was investigated in a prospective, open, and randomized study. From November 1989 to June 1990, 13 patients received aprotinin as a bolus of 0.5 Mill, kallikrein inac-tivator units (KIU) on three occasions in the course of an OLT, whereas 10 other patients were treated with continuous aprotinin infusion of 0.1-0.4 Mill. KIU/hr. Before and after reperfusion of the graft liver, signs of hyperfibrinolysis, measured by thrombelastography, were significantly lower in the infusion group. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity increased during the anhepatic phase but to a significantly lesser extent in the infusion group. Blood product requirements during OLT were tendentiously higher in the bolus group but not significantly so. However, the use of packed red blood cells was significantly lower in the postoperative period, whereas there was no significant difference in fresh frozen plasma requirements between the two groups. All 23 patients have survived, and only one woman of each group required retransplantation due to severe host-versus-graft reactions. Furthermore, we investigated the perfusate of the graft liver in both groups and detected signs of a decreased t-PA release in the infusion group. Our results demonstrate an advantage of aprotinin given as continuous infusion over bolus application in OLT
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