23 research outputs found

    Adiponectin in gingival tissues and cultured oral epithelial cells.

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    <p>(A) Representative gingival tissue section from one out of 6 patients exhibiting adiponectin distribution assessed by immunohistochemistry with DAB-staining (brown color). (B) Higher magnification of the rectangular area shown in (A). (C) Immunofluorescence staining of adiponectin in cultured oral epithelial cells from one out of 6 patients. (D) Higher magnification of the rectangular area shown in (C). (E) Gene expression of adiponectin and its receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 from oral epithelial cells of 2 patients (P1 and P2), as demonstrated by gel electrophoresis. (F) Gene expression of adiponectin and its receptors AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 from oral epithelial cells from 6 patients, as demonstrated by real-time PCR.</p

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide and adiponectin on involucrin and growth factors.

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    <p>Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 2 µg/ml) and/or adiponectin (Adipo; 1 µg/ml) on the mRNA expression of involucrin, TGFβ1, and KGF at 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h expressed as fold of control. Mean ± SEM; n = 6;</p>*<p>p<0.05 different from control,</p>†<p>different from LPS-treated cells,</p>#<p>different from adiponectin-treated cells.</p

    Effect of lipopolysaccharide and/or adiponectin on NFκB signaling.

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    <p>Effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 2 µg/ml) and/or adiponectin (Adipo; 1 µg/ml) on the nuclear translocation of NFκB at 2 h. NFκB visualized by immunofluorescence (A). Quantitative analysis of immunofluorescence samples; evaluation as % NFκB positive nuclei (B).</p

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide and adiponectin on pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators.

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    <p>Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 2 µg/ml) and/or adiponectin (Adipo; 1 µg/ml) on the mRNA expression of IL1β (A), IL6 (C), IL8 (D), and IL10 (F) at 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h and on the protein level of IL1β (B) and IL8 (E) in supernatants at 24 h and 72 h. Mean ± SEM; n = 6; * p<0.05 difference between groups.</p

    Effects of adiponectin on pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators.

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    <p>Effects of adiponectin (1 µg/ml) on IL1β, IL6 and IL8 (A) as well as IL10 and HMOX1 (B) in oral epithelial cells at 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h. Mean ± SEM; n = 6; * p<0.05 difference between adiponectin-treated and control cells.</p

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide and adiponectin on matrix metalloproteinases.

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    <p>Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 2 µg/ml) and/or adiponectin (Adipo; 1 µg/ml) on the mRNA expression of MMP1 (A) and MMP3 (C) at 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h and on the protein level of MMP1 (B) in supernatants at 24 h and 72 h. Mean ± SEM; n = 6; * p<0.05 difference between groups.</p

    Interactions of lipopolysaccharide and adiponectin on cell viability.

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    <p>Effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 2 µg/ml) and/or adiponectin (Adipo; 1 µg/ml) on the cell viability, as assessed by trypan blue exclusion test, at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. Mean ± SEM; n = 6;</p>*<p>p<0.05 different from control,</p>†<p>different from LPS-treated cells,</p>#<p>different from adiponectin-treated cells.</p

    Staurosporine and Extracellular Matrix Proteins Mediate the Conversion of Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells into a Neuron-Like Phenotype

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    <div><p>Small cell lung carcinomas (SCLCs) represent highly aggressive tumors with an overall five-year survival rate in the range of 5 to 10%. Here, we show that four out of five SCLC cell lines reversibly develop a neuron-like phenotype on extracellular matrix constituents such as fibronectin, laminin or thrombospondin upon staurosporine treatment in an RGD/integrin-mediated manner. Neurite-like processes extend rapidly with an average speed of 10 µm per hour. Depending on the cell line, staurosporine treatment affects either cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase or induction of polyploidy. Neuron-like conversion, although not accompanied by alterations in the expression pattern of a panel of neuroendocrine genes, leads to changes in protein expression as determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. It is likely that SCLC cells already harbour the complete molecular repertoire to convert into a neuron-like phenotype. More extensive studies are needed to evaluate whether the conversion potential of SCLC cells is suitable for therapeutic interventions.</p></div

    Growth-inhibitory and cytotoxic effects of SSP on SCLC cells as determined by LDH assay.

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    <p>Cells were cultivated for 24 or 48(rate of cytoxicity) or in cell lysates including culture supernatants (rate of cell growth) are shown. The data are means + SD from three to five experiments. One-way ANOVA and the post-hoc Tukey's multiple comparison test were applied using a statistical software program (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). Statistically significant differences (*: p<0.05) in comparison to untreated cells are marked with individual asterisks, and between groups treated with 20 or 50 nM SSP with additional bars.</p