11 research outputs found

    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen entwicklungspolitischer Dreieckskooperationen mit Ankerländern

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    Die vorliegende Studie erörtert die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen entwicklungspolitischer Dreieckskooperationen mit Ankerländern. Ankerländer sind aufstrebende wirtschaftliche und politische Mächte, ohne deren Engagement die Lösung aktueller und zukünftiger Weltprobleme kaum möglich scheint. Kapitel zwei diskutiert zunächst die Ziele der an Dreieckskooperationen beteiligten Ländergruppen. Hier wird deutlich, dass jede der drei Gruppen komplexe, teilweise widerstreitende Zielsetzungen verfolgt, so dass es wichtig ist, gleichgerichtete und konfligierende Interessen zu identifizieren. Projektbezogene Kooperation ist nur sinnvoll, wenn Interessenlagen weitgehend gleichgerichtet sind. Bei deutlich abweichenden Positionen der Neuen Geber kommen gemeinschaftliche Projekte in Drittländern zwar nicht in Betracht, aber es ist gerade dann wichtig, im Dialog zu bleiben und sich um eine Harmonisierung der Interessen zu bemühen. Im Falle praktischer Projektkooperation sollte die deutsche Seite bestimmte Mindestanforderungen stellen, etwa in Bezug auf ownership des Drittlandes, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Kofinanzierung. Diese werden in Kapitel drei erörtert, ebenso wie die Fragen, auf wessen Quote Dreieckskooperationen anzurechnen sind - diejenige des Kooperations- oder diejenige des Drittlandes - und in welche EZ-Schwerpunkte diese Kooperationen einzubetten sind. Kapitel vier widmet sich dann der Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen Deutschland sich selbst als bilateraler Partner in entwicklungspolitischen Dreieckskooperationen engagieren sollte bzw. wann es möglicherweise sinnvoller ist, Dreieckskooperationen der EU und multilateraler Geber zu unterstützen. Im Kapitel fünf schließlich werden die Neuen Geber aus dem Kreis der Anker- und Schwellenländer vorgestellt, die ihr Interesse an Dreieckskooperation mit der deutschen EZ geäußert haben und Potenziale sowie Risiken der Zusammenarbeit diskutiert. (ICD2

    Strengthening participation through decentralisation: findings on local economic development in Kyrgyzstan

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    "Decentralisation and local government reform are important elements of many developing countries' efforts to improve state governance. Nonetheless, local governments often appear to be very limited in their ability to meet the high expectations associated with decentralisation and the introduction of local self-government. Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia is a typical example of a country where decentralisation efforts have been on the political agenda for more than a decade but actual results are less than satisfactory. While there is widespread agreement among experts about the diagnosis as such, so far little research has been done on the exact reasons for this situation and their effects on the Kyrgyz Republic's development potential. To address this question, this study analyses one particular aspect of decentralisation in the Kyrgyz Republic, namely its impact on popular participation in the design and implementation of local economic development policies. Proceeding from this analysis, the study derives conclusions and recommendations for the Kyrgyz government and other official bodies, local NGOs and international donors." (author's abstract

    results of a randomized controlled trial

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    Bile acids (BAs) are increasingly recognised as metabolic regulators, potentially improving insulin sensitivity following bariatric surgery. However, physiological relevance of such observations remains unknown. Hence, we analysed serum BA composition and associated gut-derived hormone levels following lifestyle-induced weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS). 74 non-smoking men (45–55 yr) with MetS were randomised to a lifestyle-induced weight loss program (supervision via telemonitoring) or to a control arm. Before and after a 6 months intervention period clinical and laboratory parameters, body composition, serum BA profile, FGF-19, and GLP-1 concentrations were determined in fasting blood samples. 30 participants in the control and 33 participants in the treatment arm completed the study and were included in the data analysis. In participants of the treatment arm lifestyle-induced weight loss resulted in markedly improved insulin sensitivity. Serum levels of BA species and total GLP-1 decreased, while FGF-19 remained stable. Serum BA composition changed towards an increased 12α- hydroxylated/non-12α-hydroxylated ratio. None of these parameters changed in participants of the control arm. Our results demonstrate that improved metabolic control by lifestyle modifications lowers serum levels of BAs and GLP-1 and changes serum BA composition towards an increased 12α/non-12α ratio (ICTRP Trial Number: U1111-1158-3672)

    A Randomized Phase IIa Trial with Temsirolimus versus Sunitinib in Advanced Non-Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: An Intergroup Study of the CESAR Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research-EWIV and the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Renal Cell Cancer (IAGN) of the German Cancer Society

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    Background:Non-clear cell renal cell cancers (nccRCC) are rare entities, and the optimal therapy in metastatic disease has still to be defined. Methods:In this small prospectively randomized phase IIa multicenter trial, we investigated temsirolimus (TEM) versus sunitinib (SUN) as first-line therapy in patients with metastatic nccRCC. The patients were randomized 1:1 to either TEM in a dose of 25 mg i.v. once a week or SUN with 50 mg p.o. daily for 4 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). In total, 22 patients were included with predominantly papillary RCC (16/22) followed by chromophobe RCC and others. Results:The male to female ratio was 16:6. The tumor control rate (CR + PR + SD) was 58% for TEM and 90% for SUN-treated patients. There was also a trend for improved PFS with 9.3 versus 13.2 months (HR 1.64; 95% CI 0.65-4.18) in favor of SUN. There was no trend for overall survival. Conclusions:Despite this trial had to be terminated earlier due to low recruitment, the results match the other studies published so far with the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and SUN, which show a trend in favor of SUN for ORR and PFS

    China's Labor Question

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    Die gedruckte Ausg. ist im Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, Mering (www.Hampp-Verlag.de) erschienen

    Correction to: Incidence of severe sepsis and septic shock in German intensive care units: the prospective, multicentre INSEP study

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