22 research outputs found

    Software Engineering for Millennials, by Millennials

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    Software engineers need to manage both technical and professional skills in order to be successful. Our university offers a 5.5 year program that mixes computer science, software and computer engineering, where the first two years are mostly math and physics courses. As such, our students' first real teamwork experience is during the introductory SE course, where they modify open source projects in groups of 6-8. However, students have problems working in such large teams, and feel that the course material and project are "disconnected". We decided to redesign this course in 2017, trying to achieve a balance between theory and practice, and technical and professional skills, with a maximum course workload of 150 hrs per semester. We share our experience in this paper, discussing the strategies we used to improve teamwork and help students learn new technologies in a more autonomous manner. We also discuss what we learned from the two times we taught the new course.Comment: 8 pages, 9 tables, 4 figures, Second International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for Millennial

    Optimizing Computation of Recovery Plans for BPEL Applications

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    Web service applications are distributed processes that are composed of dynamically bounded services. In our previous work [15], we have described a framework for performing runtime monitoring of web service against behavioural correctness properties (described using property patterns and converted into finite state automata). These specify forbidden behavior (safety properties) and desired behavior (bounded liveness properties). Finite execution traces of web services described in BPEL are checked for conformance at runtime. When violations are discovered, our framework automatically proposes and ranks recovery plans which users can then select for execution. Such plans for safety violations essentially involve "going back" - compensating the executed actions until an alternative behaviour of the application is possible. For bounded liveness violations, recovery plans include both "going back" and "re-planning" - guiding the application towards a desired behaviour. Our experience, reported in [16], identified a drawback in this approach: we compute too many plans due to (a) overapproximating the number of program points where an alternative behaviour is possible and (b) generating recovery plans for bounded liveness properties which can potentially violate safety properties. In this paper, we describe improvements to our framework that remedy these problems and describe their effectiveness on a case study.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    Exploiting Resolution Proofs to Speed Up LTL Vacuity Detection for BMC

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    Runtime Monitoring of Web Service Conversations

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    Dynamic Analysis of Web Services

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    Orchestrated web service applications are highly distributed applications that accomplish business goals by executing services offered by partners. This dependance on partner services allows the development of more flexible, modular applications. For a classical distributed system, correctness can be ensured by statically checking the composition of the components that make up the system against properties of interest. However, in the case of web service applications, there are various conditions that make this type of analysis insufficient. For example, partners can be dynamically discovered, which means that we cannot create a definitive model of the system to analyze. Web service applications can also display new behaviour at execution time, so statically checked properties of the system may not hold throughout the system’s lifetime. Due to these limitations of static analysis, this thesis concentrates on the dynamic analysis of web service applications, specifically, by monitoring runtime events. The goal of runtime monitoring is to check whether an application violates a given specification of its behaviour during its execution. The behaviour of the system can be specified i

    Description Logics for Consistency Checking of Architectural Features in UML 2.0 Models

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    Abstract. UML has become the de facto standard language for software modeling. Although it was first created as a language for documenting detailed object-oriented designs, its newest version-UML 2.0- introduced new features for documenting software architectures as part of the standard. Models in UML include a series of diagrams that describe different views of the system, and even though the standard does not enforce consistency, good software engineering practices do. MCC is a tool based on description logics for UML model checking. In this paper we present how MCC can be used for reasoning about the consistency of UML models and how it can be extended so that it can also deal with UML 2.0 new architectural features following the same strategy.

    Property Patterns for Runtime Monitoring of Web Service Conversations

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    Abstract. For a system of distributed processes, correctness can be ensured by statically checking whether their composition satisfies the properties of interest. However, web services are distributed processes that dynamically discover properties of other web services. Since the overall system may not be available statically and since each business process is supposed to be relatively simple, we propose to use runtime monitoring of conversations between partners as a means of checking behavioral correctness of the entire web service system. Specifically, we identify a subset of UML 2.0 Sequence Diagrams (SD) as a property specification language. We show how our language can be used to specify the Specification Property System (SPS) [1]. By formalizing this subset using automata, we can check finite execution traces of web services against various complex properties. Finally, we discuss our experience using our language for runtime monitoring of an existing application, and conclude with a description of existing tool support.