4 research outputs found

    Les diplomates portugais devant la Révolution

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    This article studies the dispatches sent to the Foreign Secretary in Lisbon throughout the year 1789 ; through these reports we can analyse the reactions of Portuguese diplomats in European courts to the events of that year in France, Geneva and the Austrian Low Countries. We can see not only the unfolding of the revolutionary events, but also the way in which they were interpreted, and how they affected the outlook of these eye-witnesses. Thus we can follow the emergence of an awareness of the French Revolution as the foundation of a new political and social order.Collor Jobim Leopoldo, Lisboa Joâo-Luis. Les diplomates portugais devant la Révolution. In: Dix-huitième Siècle, n°20, 1988. L'année 1789. pp. 277-288

    Conciliar o útil ao agradável e fazer ciência: Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro - 1808 a 1860 Joining pleasure and work in the making science: the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro - 1808 to 1860

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    Embora esteja às vésperas de completar duzentos anos, a trajetória do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro ainda carece de estudo sistematizado. O artigo busca compreender as questões que ocasionaram o desinteresse por esse estabelecimento científico nas pesquisas da história das ciências e das instituições, acarretando a permanência do que consta em memória elaborada pelo seu diretor João Barbosa Rodrigues, por ocasião do centenário da instituição. Analisa as principais questões relacionadas à sua história desde a criação em 1808, até sua incorporação pelo Imperial Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura, em 1861, com o objetivo de colaborar para as discussões acerca da história das instituições e das ciências naturais, no período em foco.<br>Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro played an important role in the first half of the nineteenth century. Although the park will soon celebrate its two-hundredth anniversary, no systematized study of it has ever been undertaken. With the intent of contributing to discussions on the history of institutions and the natural sciences during the period in question, the article seeks to uncover what has lain behind this disinterest in the Garden on the part of researchers from the history of the sciences and history of institutions. The article also analyzes major issues in the history of the Garden from its creation in 1808 until becoming part of the Imperial Instituto Fluminense de Agricultura in 1861

    Cólera e medicina ambiental no manuscrito 'Cholera-morbus' (1832), de Antonio Correa de Lacerda (1777-1852)

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    A comida dos baianos no sabor amargo de Vilhena

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