15 research outputs found
β-galactosidases from cowpea stems: properties and gene expression under conditions of salt stress
The aim of this work was to evaluate the properties and gene expression of isoforms of β-galactosidase, isolated from the stems of seedlings of the cowpea cv. Pitiuba, at different stages of development and sown in the absence and presence of NaCl. Seeds were sown onto sheets of filter paper soaked in distilled water (control) and a 100 mM NaCl solution. The plants were collected at the III (ED III) and VIII (ED VIII) stages of development. Isoforms of the enzyme β-gal I, II and III presented molecular weights of 89, 146 and 124 kDa respectively, and the same pH (4.0) and optimum test temperature (55 °C) under all the conditions studied. The three isoforms were stable up to 50 °C. The thermal inactivation curves of the enzymes as a function of time were biphasic at a temperature of 60 °C. Analysis of the gene expression of β-galactosidase was carried out using degenerate primers and total RNA from the stems of seedlings at ED III and ED VIII, sown both as control and under saline treatments. The results showed higher transcript levels at ED VIII, with reduced levels of β-galactosidase transcripts under saline treatment, and that β-gal I, II and III do not undergo changes during the early stages of development. There are a few differences in the properties of the three isoforms. Salinity affected the gene expression of enzymes. The enzymes were expressed differently for ED III and ED VIII
Trocas gasosas em folhas de sol e sombreadas de cajueiro anão em diferentes regimes hídricos Gas exchange in leaves of sun and shade of cashew in different water regimes
Foram analisadas as variações sazonais nas taxas de trocas gasosas em lâminas foliares, sombreadas e a pleno sol, de cajueiro anão precoce (Anacardium occidentale L.), quando submetidas aos regimes de irrigação e de sequeiro. Os clones CCP 76 e BRS 189 foram mensalmente avaliados quanto ao seu desempenho fisiológico em relação à condutância estomática (g s), às taxas transpiratórias (E) e fotossintéticas (A), à temperatura foliar e à relação entre as concentrações interna e externa de CO2 (Ci/Ce). O experimento foi conduzido entre setembro de 2006 e agosto de 2007, na estação experimental da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, localizada no município de Paraipaba, Ceará. As variáveis A, g s, E e Ci/Ce foram afetadas apenas em função da época do ano e dos tipos de folhas. A maior influência nos fatores fisiológicos analisados ocorreu devido às condições em que as folhas estavam submetidas (sol ou sombra) e aos fatores meteorológicos e não à supressão da irrigação. Isto, possivelmente porque os resultados aqui obtido estejam mais bem relacionados com as fases fenológicas da cultura do que com os tratamentos, demonstrando assim o conspícuo efeito fisiológico da força dos drenos e da irradiância nessas plantas.<br>In this experiment we analyzed the seasonal variations in gas exchange rates of dwarf cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) when exposed to irrigated and rainfed conditions. Full sun and shaded of clones CCP 76 and BRS 189 were monthly assessed for determination of stomatal conductance (g s), transpiration rate (E) and photosynthesis (A), internal and external CO2 (Ci/Ce) and leaf temperature. The experiment was carried out between September 2006 and August 2007, at the experimental station of Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, located at Paraipaba County, state of Ceará, Brazil. In general, the variables A, g s, E and Ci/Ce were affected only in terms of time of year and types of leaves. Light influenced the physiological factors rather than suppression of water. Possibly because the results obtained here are better related to the phenological stages than with the treatments, demonstrating a conspicuous physiological effect of the strength of the drains and the irradiance in these plants
Comportamento respiratório e qualidade pós-colheita de graviola (Annona muricata L.) 'morada' sob temperatura ambiente
Objetivou-se avaliar alterações físicas e físico-químicas, relacionando-as às taxas respiratória e de liberação de etileno, durante a maturação da graviola-'Morada'. Frutos colhidos na maturidade fisiológica foram armazenados (23,4 ± 1,1ºC e 81,8 ± 10,6% UR) e avaliados aos 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 e 6 dias, quanto a: atividade respiratória (RS), liberação de etileno (ET), perda de matéria fresca, cor da casca e da polpa, firmeza, pH, acidez total titulável (ATT), sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e açúcares solúveis totais (AST). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Aos dois dias, iniciou-se rápido aumento na RS, resultando no primeiro pico (197,60mg CO2·kg-1·h-1), que foi seguido por queda e uma fase lag. Ao término desta, iniciou-se o aumento climatérico (pico = 298,82mg CO2·kg-1·h-1). ET só foi detectada por ocasião do primeiro pico respiratório, atingindo o máximo aos quatro dias. A cor da casca tornou-se mais clara, enquanto na polpa se observou apenas redução da luminosidade. Houve coincidência entre o primeiro aumento na RS, o pico de ET e as mudanças mais significativas na firmeza, na ATT e nos teores de SST e AST. Durante o período, a firmeza diminuiu de 60 para 0,9N, e a ATT aumentou de 0,18 para 0,88% de ácido cítrico
Ação do ácido ascórbico exógeno na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de feijão de corda envelhecidas artificialmente
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pre-treatment and post-treatment with ascorbic acid in reducing the damage caused by aging in cowpea seeds, which were aged in artificial accelerated aging chamber (45°C, 99% relative humidity in the dark) for 72 h and it were subjected to four treatments: T1 – non-aged seeds were not treated with ascorbic acid (AsA); T2 – non-aged seeds treated with AsA; T3 – seeds before aging were subjected to a treatment with AsA to 0.85 mM; T4 – seeds after aging were subjected to a treatment with a 0.85 mM AsA. The aging of seeds for 72 h (T2) caused significant damage in the cell membranes of cowpea seeds, as evidenced by a increase in electrolyte leakage, higher level of lipid peroxidation and a lower germination percentage, when compared with the control (T1). T4 results were like the control treatment, with a lower electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation, well as a higher germination percentage, when compared with T2. The exogenous application of 0.85 mM ascorbic acid in cowpea seeds after artificial aging can mitigate its detrimental effects on the membranes integrity and seed physiological quality.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do pré e pós-tratamento com ácido ascórbico na redução dos danos ocasionados pelo envelhecimento em sementes de feijão de corda, as quais foram envelhecidas em câmara de envelhecimento artificial (45 ºC, 99% U.R., no escuro) por 72 h, sendo submetidas a quatro tratamentos: T1 – sementes não envelhecidas e não tratadas com ácido ascórbico (AsA); T2 – sementes envelhecidas e não tratadas com AsA; T3 – sementes que antes do envelhecimento foram submetidas a um tratamento com AsA a 0,85 mM; T4 – sementes que após o envelhecimento foram submetidas a um tratamento com AsA a 0,85 mM. O envelhecimento das sementes por 72 h (T2) provocou danos significativos nas membranas celulares das sementes de feijão de corda, como foi evidenciado pelo aumento no vazamento de eletrólitos, maior nível de peroxidação de lipídios e menor porcentagem de germinação quando comparado com o controle (T1). O T4 conseguiu igualar aos resultados apresentados pelo controle, apresentando um menor vazamento de eletrólitos e peroxidação de lipídios, bem como maior germinação, quando comparado com o T2. A aplicação exógena de ácido ascórbico a 0,85 mM nas sementes de feijão de corda após o envelhecimento artificial pode atenuar efeitos deletérios na integridade de membranas e favorecer a qualidade fisiológica das sementes
Effect of a galactomannan coating on mango postharvest physicochemical quality parameters and physiology
Introduction. Films act as semi-permeable gaseous barriers capable of maintaining fruit postharvest quality; thus coatings consisting of non-traditional sources may represent an alternative tool for producers. The objective of our work was to investigate the effect of a galactomannan coating on postharvest quality and physiology of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes. Materials and methods. Physiologically mature mangoes were divided into four lots and stored for 16 d. Control uncoated fruits (lot 1) were stored at ambient temperature (25 °C), the second lot was uncoated and refrigerated (14 °C), the third lot was coated and stored at ambient temperature, and the fourth lot was coated and refrigerated. Fruit were analyzed for physicochemical quality parameters, antioxidant enzymatic activity and lipid peroxidation. Results and discussion. Control fruit (lot 1) lost almost twice the weight of uncoated refrigerated (lot 2) and coated mangoes at both temperatures (lots 3 and 4); the fruit of lot 1 softened faster. Regarding the antioxidant enzymes, the activity of superoxide dismutase decreased throughout storage without statistical differences between treatments and catalasic activity was significantly inhibited under refrigeration. At ambient temperature, coating delayed the catalasic activity peak to day 12, which was coincident with the lowest lipid peroxidation degree, evidencing the association of free radical production and scavenging mechanisms. The galactomannan coating was efficient in reducing weight loss and delaying softening; thus, it maintained quality of ‘Tommy Atkins’ mangoes for a longer period of time than the control treatment during storage at ambient temperature. Refrigeration (14 °C) enhanced the performance of the galactomannan coating; it was effective in slowing down the metabolism and delaying softening to day 12
Caracterização física de pedúnculos de clones de cajueiro anão precoce em diferentes estádios de maturação Physical characterization of peduncles of early dwarf cashew clones at different stages of maturation
Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar os atributos de pedúnculos de clones de cajueiro anão precoce CCP 76, CCP 09, BRS 189 e BRS 265 em sete diferentes estádios de maturação, oriundos do Campo Experimental da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical localizado no município de Pacajus (CE). As variáveis avaliadas foram: diâmetro basal e apical, comprimento dos pedúnculos, massa total dos cajus (massa da castanha + pedúnculo), massa dos pedúnculos e das castanhas e firmeza dos pedúnculos. Considerando a homogeneidade ou não das variâncias, confirmadas pelo teste F de Fisher, as médias foram comparadas por meio do Teste t de Student ao nível de 5%. O clone CCP 76 destacou-se por possuir os melhores parâmetros físicos, a exceção da firmeza dos pedúnculos, sendo o mesmo indicado para o consumo e comercialização in natura.<br>This study was carried out in order to evaluate the attributes of peduncles of early dwarf cashew tree clones CCP 76, CCP 09, BRS 189 and BRS 265 in seven different stages of maturation, from the Experimental Farm of Pacajus located in the city of Pacajus (CE). The data that was analyzed: basal and apical diameters, length of peduncles, cashew's total mass (cashew nut mass + peduncles mass), mass of peduncles and nuts, and peduncle's firmness. Considering the homogeneity of variances, confirmed by Fisher's F test, means were compared using the Student's t test at 5%. Clone CCP 76 stood out compared to the other for having the best physical parameters, except for the firmness of the peduncles, is suitable for marketing and fresh consumption
O estresse salino retarda o desenvolvimento morfofisiológico e a ativação de galactosidases de parede celular em caules de Vigna unguiculata Salt stress delays morphophysiological development and activation of cell wall galactosidases in Vigna unguiculata stems
Com o objetivo de examinar o envolvimento das α- e β-galactosidases na expansão celular de caules de plântulas de feijão-de-corda submetidas a estresse salino durante o estabelecimento da plântula, e de analisar os efeitos do estresse salino no desenvolvimento das plântulas e nas atividades enzimáticas, sementes de feijão-de-corda Pitiúba foram semeadas em água destilada e em solução de NaCl 100 mM. Foram coletados caules em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento e com diferentes tempos após a semeadura. Avaliou-se o crescimento através das medidas de comprimento e das matérias fresca e seca dos caules. A salinidade tanto inibiu como retardou o crescimento dos caules. Os efeitos do NaCl nas atividades galactosidásicas de parede celular foram estudados in vivo e in vitro. A inibição e o retardamento do crescimento dos caules correlacionaram-se com as variações em atividades galactosidásicas. As galactosidases de parede celular de caules de plântulas tiveram suas atividades inibidas com o aumento da concentração de sal no meio de reação. A partir de 250 mM de NaCl as β-galactosidases foram mais sensíveis ao sal que α-galactosidases.<br>In order to examine the participation of α- and β-galactosidases in the cell expansion of stems from cowpea seedlings submitted to salt stress during plant establishment as well as to analyze the effect of salt stress on the development of seedlings and enzymatic activities, Pitiúba cowpea seeds were sown in distilled water and in 100 mM NaCl. Throughout seed germination and seedling development, stems were harvested from seedlings at different stages of development and at different times after planting. Growth was evaluated by measuring stem length and fresh and dry mass of stems. Salinity both inhibited and delayed the growth of seedling stems. The effects of NaCl on galactosidase activities of the cell wall were studied, both in vivo and in vitro. Galactosidase activities in vivo were related to effects of NaCl inhibition and delay of stem development. The increase in salt concentration inhibited isolated galactosidase activity of cell wall from stems of seedlings. Starting at 250 mM NaCl, β-galactosidases were more sensitive to salt than α-galactosidases