1,527 research outputs found

    Reflection-Free One-Way Edge Modes in a Gyromagnetic Photonic Crystal

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    We point out that electromagnetic one-way edge modes analogous to quantum Hall edge states, originally predicted by Raghu and Haldane in 2D gyroelectric photonic crystals possessing Dirac point-derived bandgaps, can appear in more general settings. In particular, we show that the TM modes in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal can be formally mapped to electronic wavefunctions in a periodic electromagnetic field, so that the only requirement for the existence of one-way edge modes is that the Chern number for all bands below a gap is non-zero. In a square-lattice gyromagnetic Yttrium-Iron-Garnet photonic crystal operating at microwave frequencies, which lacks Dirac points, time-reversal breaking is strong enough that the effect should be easily observable. For realistic material parameters, the edge modes occupy a 10% band gap. Numerical simulations of a one-way waveguide incorporating this crystal show 100% transmission across strong defects, such as perfect conductors several lattice constants wide, larger than the width of the waveguide.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (Figs. 1 and 2 revised.

    Gigantic Enhancement of Magneto-Chiral Effect in Photonic Crystals

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    We theoretically propose a method to enhance dramatically a magneto-chiral(MC) effect by using the photonic crystals composed of a multiferroic material. The MC effect, the directional birefringence even for unpolarized light, is so small that it has been difficult to observe experimentally. Two kinds of periodic structures are investigated; (a) a multilayer and (b) a stripe composed of a magneto-chiral material and air. In both cases, the difference in reflectivity between different magnetization directions is enhanced by a factor of hundreds compared with a bulk material.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Delay-bandwidth and delay-loss limitations for cloaking of large objects

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    Based on a simple model of ground-plane cloaking, we argue that the diffculty of cloaking is fundamentally limited by delay-loss and delaylbandwidth/size limitations that worsen as the size of the object to be cloaked increases relative to the wavelength. These considerations must be taken into account when scaling experimental cloaking demonstrations from wavelength-scale objects towards larger sizes, and suggest quantitative material/loss challenges in cloaking human-scale objects.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Antisymmetric PT-photonic structures with balanced positive and negative index materials

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    We propose a new class of synthetic optical materials in which the refractive index satisfies n(-\bx)=-n^*(\bx). We term such systems antisymmetric parity-time (APT) structures. Unlike PT-symmetric systems which require balanced gain and loss, i.e. n(-\bx)=n^*(\bx), APT systems consist of balanced positive and negative index materials. Despite the seemingly PT-symmetric optical potential V(\bx)\equiv n(\bx)^2\omega^2/c^2, APT systems are not invariant under combined PT operations due to the discontinuity of the spatial derivative of the wavefunction. We show that APT systems can display intriguing properties such as spontaneous phase transition of the scattering matrix, bidirectional invisibility, and a continuous lasing spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Semiconductor Surface Studies

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    Contains research summary and reports on three research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-83-K-0003

    Weyl points and line nodes in gapless gyroid photonic crystals

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    Weyl points and line nodes are three-dimensional linear point- and line-degeneracies between two bands. In contrast to Dirac points, which are their two-dimensional analogues, Weyl points are stable in the momentum space and the associated surface states are predicted to be topologically non-trivial. However, Weyl points are yet to be discovered in nature. Here, we report photonic crystals, based on the double-gyroid structures, exhibiting frequency-isolated Weyl points with intricate phase diagrams. The surface states associated with the non-zero Chern numbers are demonstrated. Line nodes are also found in similar geometries; the associated surface states are shown to be flat bands. Our results are readily experimentally realizable at both microwave and optical frequencies.Comment: 6 figures and 8 pages including the supplementary informatio

    Non-Abelian Generalizations of the Hofstadter model: Spin-orbit-coupled Butterfly Pairs

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    The Hofstadter model, well-known for its fractal butterfly spectrum, describes two-dimensional electrons under a perpendicular magnetic field, which gives rise to the integer quantum hall effect. Inspired by the real-space building blocks of non-Abelian gauge fields from a recent experiment [Science, 365, 1021 (2019)], we introduce and theoretically study two non-Abelian generalizations of the Hofstadter model. Each model describes two pairs of Hofstadter butterflies that are spin-orbit coupled. In contrast to the original Hofstadter model that can be equivalently studied in the Landau and symmetric gauges, the corresponding non-Abelian generalizations exhibit distinct spectra due to the non-commutativity of the gauge fields. We derive the genuine (necessary and sufficient) non-Abelian condition for the two models from the commutativity of their arbitrary loop operators. At zero energy, the models are gapless and host Weyl and Dirac points protected by internal and crystalline symmetries. Double (8-fold), triple (12-fold), and quadrupole (16-fold) Dirac points also emerge, especially under equal hopping phases of the non-Abelian potentials. At other fillings, the gapped phases of the models give rise to Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological insulators. We conclude by discussing possible schemes for the experimental realizations of the models in photonic platforms

    Surface-mode microcavity

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    Optical microcavities based on zero-group-velocity surface modes in photonic crystal slabs are studied. It is shown that high quality factors can be easily obtained for such microcavities in photonic crystal slabs. With increasing of the cavity length, the quality factor is gradually enhanced and the resonant frequency converges to that of the zero-group-velocity surface mode in the photonic crystal. The number of the resonant modes with high quality factors is mainly determined by the number of surface modes with zero-group velocity.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Frequency-selective near-field enhancement of radiative heat transfer via photonic-crystal slabs: a general computational approach for arbitrary geometries and materials

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    We demonstrate the possibility of achieving enhanced frequency-selective near-field radiative heat transfer between patterned (photonic crystal) slabs at designable frequencies and separations, exploiting a general numerical approach for computing heat transfer in arbitrary geometries and materials based on the finite-difference time-domain method. Our simulations reveal a tradeoff between selectivity and near-field enhancement as the slab--slab separation decreases, with the patterned heat transfer eventually reducing to the unpatterned result multiplied by a fill factor (described by a standard proximity approximation). We also find that heat transfer can be further enhanced at selective frequencies when the slabs are brought into a glide-symmetric configuration, a consequence of the degeneracies associated with the non-symmorphic symmetry group
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