8 research outputs found

    Habenula as a possible target for treatment-resistant depression phenotype in Wistar Kyoto rats

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    The mechanisms of treatment-resistant depression (TRD) are not clear and are difficult to study. An animal model resembling human TRD is the Wistar Kyoto rat strain. In the present study, we focused on selecting miRNAs that differentiate rats of the WKY strain from Wistar Han (WIS) rats in two divisions of the habenula, the lateral and medial (LHb and MHb, respectively). Based on our preliminary study and literature survey, we identified 32 miRNAs that could be potentially regulated in the habenula. Six miRNAs significantly differentiated WKY rats from WIS rats within the MHb, and three significantly differentiated WKY from WIS rats within the LHb. Then, we selected relevant transcripts regulated by those miRNAs, and their expression in the habenular nuclei was investigated. For mRNAs that differentiated WKY rats from WIS rats in the MHb (Cdkn1c, Htr7, Kcnj9, and Slc12a5), their lower expression correlated with a higher level of relevant miRNAs. In the LHb, eight mRNAs significantly differentiated WKY from WIS rats (upregulated Htr4, Drd2, Kcnj5, and Sstr4 and downregulated Htr2a, Htr7, Elk4, and Slc12a5). These data indicate that several important miRNAs are expressed in the habenula, which differentiates WKY rats from WIS rats and in turn correlates with alterations in the expression of target transcripts. Of particular note are two genes whose expression is altered in WKY rats in both LHb and MHb: Slc12a5 and Htr7. Regulation of KCC2 via the 5-HT7 receptor may be a potential target for the treatment of TRD

    E-services as a tool to improve management in the Brzesko City Office

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    Celem pracy było ukazanie wartości e-usług, jako czynnika wspomagającego i usprawniającego zarządzanie w Urzędzie Miasta Brzesko, gdzie przedmiotem badania były elektroniczne usługi. Głównym problemem badawczym niniejszej pracy było określenie czy e-usługi są narzędziem usprawniającym zarządzanie i działanie administracji publicznej. Niniejsza Praca ma charakter teoretyczno – empiryczny, bowiem wykorzystano w niej literaturę przedmiotu i badania empiryczne. Część teoretyczna pracy zawiera specyfikę organizacji publicznej, istotę, cel oraz podział usług publicznych w gminie. Podjęto także tematykę elektronicznych form świadczenia usług publicznych. Do przeprowadzenia badania wykorzystano anonimową ankietę, która pozwoliła uzyskać informacje o korzystaniu z elektronicznych usług przez obywateli i jakości tych usług. Oceniony został również poziom świadczonych e-usług w Urzędzie Miejskim oraz zawarta została rekomendacja dla badanego urzędu.The aim of this study was to demonstrate the value of e-services, as an adjuvant and expedite management in the Brzesko City Office. The object of the study was e-services. The main research problem of this study was to determine whether the e-services are a tool for more efficient management and operation of public administration. This work is a theoretical - empirical, as used in the literature and empirical studies. The theoretical part of the work contains specific public organization, the essence, purpose, and distribution of public services in the community. Efforts have also been subject of electronic forms of public service. To carry out the study used an anonymous questionnaire that allowed for information on the use of electronic services by citizens and the quality of those services. Has been assessed and the level of e-services provided in the Brzesko City Office and concluded a recommendation to the Office