3 research outputs found

    Generic Ontology of Energy Consumption Households

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    The smart concept has changed both household electrical systems (smart home) and the whole electric power system (smart grid). It has facilitated much more efficient electrical energy management. Therefore, there is a need to develop a detailed model and knowledge base at the micro-system level, which can respond to changes in the electric power system. Extensive knowledge (know-how), large financial outlays, and access to modern technologies are necessary in order to design and build a functional smart grid. The first installations were made in highly developed countries. Currently, a significant proportion of newly built power installations in Europe have the features of a smart grid type. Developing countries, such as Poland, should benefit from the experience of other countries in the process of building modern installations. The article addresses the energy performance of a household and the ontology of a household micro-system, while taking into account the possibility of it being controlled via energy management systems (EMS)

    On the noble table - dishes, drinks, tableware and customs in the light of "Opis obyczaj贸w za panowania Augusta III" by J臋drzej Kitowicz

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    Zagadnienie konsumpcji szlacheckiej od lat budzi zaciekawienie badaczy historii. Niejednokrotnie podejmowano trud zbadania tego zagadnienia. Celem poni偶szej pracy sk艂adaj膮cej si臋 z czterech rozdzia艂贸w jest pr贸ba analizy zagadnienia konsumpcji i jej przeobra偶e艅 w latach panowania Augusta III (1733-1768). W g艂贸wnej cz臋艣ci pracy zosta艂a tak偶e podj臋ta pr贸ba analizy zastawy sto艂owej, jej przemian a tak偶e obyczaje za sto艂em szlacheckim w latach panowania Augusta III na podstawie fragmentu Opisu obyczaj贸w i zwyczaj贸w za panowania Augusta III autorstwa J臋drzeja Kitowicza. Jeden z rozdzia艂贸w pracy zosta艂 tak偶e po艣wi臋cony autorowi J臋drzejowi Kitowiczowi, w kt贸rym po kr贸tce opisa艂am jego 偶ycie i tw贸rczo艣膰.The issue of noble consumption has been of interest to history researchers for years. Many attempts have been made to investigate this issue. The aim of the following BA thesis, consisting of four chapters, is an attempt to analyze the issue of consumption and its transformations during the reign of August III (1733-1768). In the main part of the work, an attempt was also made to analyze the tableware, its changes and customs at the noble table during the reign of August III based on a part of the text of Opisu obyczaj贸w i zwyczaj贸w za panowania Augusta III J臋drzeja Kitowicza. One chapter of the work is also devoted to the author J臋drzej Kitowicz, in which his life and work are briefly described

    How Much Polish Consumers Know about Alternative Fuel Vehicles? Impact of Knowledge on the Willingness to Buy

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    Limited consumer knowledge reduces the chances of the spread of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), and hence slows down AFV market spread. In our empirical survey conducted in the first quarter of 2020 among 1002 Poles planning to buy a car in the next 12 months or who have just bought one, we examine what socio-economic and attitudinal factors influence their willingness to buy an AFV. In particular, we are interested in exploring how AFV knowledge related to understanding of the differences between hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs), as well as brand recognition associate with the willingness to buy. To the best our knowledge, this is a unique study among consumers in Central and Eastern Europe, characterized by lower exposure to AFVs and lower purchasing power. Our results indicate that males with pro-environmental beliefs and behaviors who are interested in modern automotive technologies and have good AFV brand recognition are predominated to be willing to buy an AFV in the near future