22 research outputs found

    Circulating Small Extracellular Vesicles May Contribute to Vaso-Occlusive Crises in Sickle Cell Disease

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    We previously found that the plasma of patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) contains large numbers of small extracellular vesicles (EVs) and that the EVs disrupt the integrity of endothelial cell monolayers (especially if obtained during episodes of acute chest syndrome, ACS). The present study was designed to test the generality of this finding to other complications of SCD, specifically to evaluate the possibility that circulating EVs isolated during a vaso-occlusive crises (VOC) also cause damage to the intercellular connections between endothelial cells. Plasma was obtained from nine pediatric subjects at baseline and during VOC episodes. EVs isolated from these samples were added to cultures of microvascular endothelial cells. Immunofluorescence microscopy was employed to assess monolayer integrity and to localize two intercellular junction proteins (VE-cadherin and connexin43). The EVs isolated during VOC caused significantly greater monolayer disruption than those isolated at baseline. The extent of disruption varied between different episodes of VOC or ACS in the same patient. The VOC EVs disrupted the integrity of both junction proteins at appositional membranes. These results suggest that circulating EVs may be involved in modulating endothelial integrity contributing to the pathogenesis of different complications of SCD

    Light Regulation of Leaf Mitochondrial Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex

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    Connecting Exosomes and Connexins

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    Intercellular communication is accomplished by passage of ions and small molecules through gap junction channels in directly contacting cells or by secretion and response to transmitters, hormones and extracellular vesicles in cells that are distant from each other. Recent studies have suggested that there may be overlap of these processes; specifically, small extracellular vesicles may contain subunit gap junction proteins, connexins. We isolated and analyzed extracellular vesicles secreted by cultured microvascular endothelial cells. These vesicles had a diameter of ~120 nm. They contained four exosomal proteins (flotillin-1, CD63, CD81 and Alix) and the gap junction protein, connexin43. They did not contain an endoplasmic reticulum protein (Grp94) or an adherens junction protein (VE-cadherin). Secretion of vesicles was increased by treatment of the cells with staurosporine. Our data confirm that the gap junction protein, connexin43, can be secreted in vesicles with the properties of exosomes. Although the role of vesicular connexin is not clearly known, we speculate that it might participate in docking/fusion of the exosomes with the recipient cell, transmission of vesicular contents, or cellular signaling

    Circulating Small Extracellular Vesicles May Contribute to Vaso-Occlusive Crises in Sickle Cell Disease

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    We previously found that the plasma of patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) contains large numbers of small extracellular vesicles (EVs) and that the EVs disrupt the integrity of endothelial cell monolayers (especially if obtained during episodes of acute chest syndrome, ACS). The present study was designed to test the generality of this finding to other complications of SCD, specifically to evaluate the possibility that circulating EVs isolated during a vaso-occlusive crises (VOC) also cause damage to the intercellular connections between endothelial cells. Plasma was obtained from nine pediatric subjects at baseline and during VOC episodes. EVs isolated from these samples were added to cultures of microvascular endothelial cells. Immunofluorescence microscopy was employed to assess monolayer integrity and to localize two intercellular junction proteins (VE-cadherin and connexin43). The EVs isolated during VOC caused significantly greater monolayer disruption than those isolated at baseline. The extent of disruption varied between different episodes of VOC or ACS in the same patient. The VOC EVs disrupted the integrity of both junction proteins at appositional membranes. These results suggest that circulating EVs may be involved in modulating endothelial integrity contributing to the pathogenesis of different complications of SCD

    Atomic Force Microscopy of Connexin40 Gap Junction Hemichannels Reveals Calcium-dependent Three-dimensional Molecular Topography and Open-Closed Conformations of Both the Extracellular and Cytoplasmic Faces*

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    Atomic force microscopy was used to study the three-dimensional molecular topography and calcium-sensitive conformational changes of Connexin40 hemichannels (connexons) reconstituted in 1,2-dioeloyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers. Two classes of objects were observed that differed in their protrusion heights above the bilayer (2.6 versus 4.2 nm). Comparison to reconstituted connexons containing Connexin40 truncated to eliminate most of its C-terminal cytoplasmic domain showed that the two height classes corresponded to the shorter extracellular and taller cytoplasmic aspects of the hemichannels and that the C-terminal tail of Connexin40 contributes ∼1.6 nm in thickness. Hemichannels imaged in solutions containing < 10 μm Ca2+ showed 3.1–3.2 nm depressions (openings) in 30% of the cytoplasmic faces and 65% of the extracellular faces, and high-resolution three-dimensional topography of extracellular or cytoplasmic aspects of some connexons was observed. After addition of 3.6 mm Ca2+, > 75% of the connexons in either orientation adopted closed conformations. In contrast, hemichannels imaged in the presence of 0.1 mm EDTA showed large (5.6- to 5.8-nm diameter) openings in nearly all hemichannels regardless of orientation, and detailed topography was visible in many connexons. Real-time imaging following the addition of 3.6 mm Ca2+ showed transitions of both extracellular and cytoplasmic orientations from “open” into “closed” conformations within several minutes. These studies provide the first high-resolution topographic information regarding a connexin with a large cytoplasmic domain and suggest that the extramembranous portions of Connexin40 contribute to a channel entrance that is relaxed by chelation of residual divalent cations

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Intermittent hypoxia causes NOX2-dependent remodeling of atrial connexins

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    Extracellular space is similar in micrographs of ventricular sections prepared from wild type C57BL/6J mice treated with RA or IH. Representative fluorescence photomicrographs are shown for sections of ventricle from RA (left) and IH (right) treated mice. Glycoconjugates within the extracellular spaces (and at plasma membranes) were localized by reaction of sections with WGA-Texas Red-X. Immunofluorescence images were analyzed using Image J as described in Material and Methods. The abundance and distribution of fluorescent staining appeared similar in both samples; moreover, it did not differ quantitatively (as presented in Results). Bar, 40 Îźm. (PDF 130 kb