37 research outputs found

    Znaczenie cyklooksygenaz w neurotoksyczności peptydów amyloidu β w chorobie Alzheimera

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    Przewlekłe procesy zapalne odgrywają istotną rolę w przebiegu choroby Alzheimera (ChA). Dotychczas uważano, że rozwijają się one w odpowiedzi na zewnątrzkomórkowe agregaty peptydów amyloidu β (Aβ) odkładające się w mózgu chorych na ChA. Badania epidemiologiczne wykazały, że długotrwałe stosowanie niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych (NLPZ) zmniejsza ryzyko zachorowania na ChA. Leki te są inhibitorami cyklooksygenaz (COX), enzymów syntetyzujących eikozanoidy, główny składnik odpowiedzi zapalnej w organizmie. Najnowsze badania przyniosły dwa zaskakujące odkrycia: 1) toksyczną formą Aβ nie są agregaty, lecz raczej oligomery Aβ, występujące zarówno wewnątrzkomórkowe, jak i zewnątrzkomórkowo; 2) aktywacja COX-2 zachodzi na wczesnych etapach rozwoju ChA i poprzedza powstawanie blaszek starczych oraz aktywację mikrogleju. Odkrycia te wskazują na możliwy udział COX w toksyczności peptydów Aβ w komórkach nerwowych w I fazie ChA, a nie tylko w rozwoju odpowiedzi zapalnej w komórkach glejowych w zaawansowanym stadium choroby. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na konieczność dalszych badań nad rolą COX w patogenezie/patomechanizmie ChA

    Insights into mitochondrial dysfunction: aging, amyloid-β, and tau-A deleterious trio

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    Significance: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related progressive neurodegenerative disorder mainly affecting elderly individuals. The pathology of AD is characterized by amyloid plaques (aggregates of amyloid-β [Aβ]) and neurofibrillary tangles (aggregates of tau), but the mechanisms underlying this dysfunction are still partially unclear. Recent Advances: A growing body of evidence supports mitochondrial dysfunction as a prominent and early, chronic oxidative stress-associated event that contributes to synaptic abnormalities and, ultimately, selective neuronal degeneration in AD. Critical Issues: In this review, we discuss on the one hand whether mitochondrial decline observed in brain aging is a determinant event in the onset of AD and on the other hand the close interrelationship of this organelle with Aβ and tau in the pathogenic process underlying AD. Moreover, we summarize evidence from aging and Alzheimer models showing that the harmful trio "aging, Aβ, and tau protein" triggers mitochondrial dysfunction through a number of pathways, such as impairment of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), elevation of reactive oxygen species production, and interaction with mitochondrial proteins, contributing to the development and progression of the disease. Future Directions: The aging process may weaken the mitochondrial OXPHOS system in a more general way over many years providing a basis for the specific and destructive effects of Aβ and tau. Establishing strategies involving efforts to protect cells at the mitochondrial level by stabilizing or restoring mitochondrial function and energy homeostasis appears to be challenging, but very promising route on the horizon

    Lipoxygenases and Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase in Amyloid Beta Cytotoxicity

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    The 12/15-lipoxygenase(s) (LOX), poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1) activity and mitochondrial apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) protein in the amyloid β (Aβ) toxicity were investigated in PC12 cells that express either wild-type (APPwt) or double Swedish mutation (APPsw) forms of human Aβ precursor protein. Different levels of Aβ secretion and free radicals formation characterize these cells. The results demonstrated a relationship between the Aβ levels and LOX protein expression and activity. High Aβ concentration in APPsw cells correlated with a significant increase in free radicals and LOX activation, which leads to translocation of p65/NF-κB into the nucleus. An increase in AIF expression in mitochondria was observed concurrently with inhibition of PARP-1 activity in the nuclear fraction of APPsw cells. We suggested that AIF accumulation in mitochondria may be involved in adaptive/protective processes. However, inhibition of PARP-1 may be responsible for the disturbances in transcription and DNA repair as well as the degeneration of APP cells. Under conditions of increased nitrosative stress, evoked by the nitric oxide donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 0.5 mM), 70–80% of all cells types died after 24 h, significantly more in APPsw cells. There was no further significant change in mitochondrial AIF level and PARP-1 activity compared to corresponding non-treated cells. Only one exception was observed in PC12 control, where SNP significantly inhibits PARP-1 activity. Moreover, SNP significantly activated gene expression for 12/15-LOX in all types of investigated cells. Inhibitors of all LOX isoforms and specific inhibitor of 12-LOX enhanced the survival of cells that were subjected to SNP. We conclude that the LOX pathways may play a role in Aβ toxicity and in nitrosative-stress-induced cell death and that inhibition of these pathways offers novel protective strategies

    The Lipoxygenases: Their Regulation and Implication in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    The role of synthetic ligand of PPARα in regulation of transcription of genes related to mitochondria biogenesis and dynamic in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors α (PPARα) are members of the nuclear receptors family and a very potent transcription factor engaged in the regulation of lipid and energy metabolism. Recent data suggest that PPARα could play an important role in the pathomechanism of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other neuropsychiatric disorders. This study focused on the effect of a synthetic ligand of PPARα, GW7647 on the transcription of genes encoding proteins of mitochondria biogenesis and dynamics in the brain of AD mice. The experiments were carried out using 12-month-old female FVB-Tg mice with the V717I mutation of amyloid precursor protein (APP + ) and mice without the transgene (APP – ). Moreover, APP + and APP – mice were treated for 14 days with GW7647 administered subcutaneously with a dose 5 mg/kg b.w. Brain cortex was used and qRT-PCR was performed. Our data indicated that GW7647 upregulated the expression of genes encoding proteins of mitochondria biogenesis in ADTg mice. GW7647 enhanced the level of mRNA of Ppargc1, Nrf2 and Tfam in APP + as compared to APP – mice treated with GW7647. Moreover, our studies demonstrated that GW7647 had no effect on genes that regulate mitochondria fission and fusion of ADTg mice as correlated to mice without the transgene. Our results indicate that the ligand of PPARα, GW7647 may exert a promising neuroprotective effect through the regulation of transcription of genes coding proteins of mitochondria biogenesis. These data suggest that activation of PPARα at an early stage of AD could be a helpful strategy for slowing the progression of neurodegeneration

    alpha-Synuclein enhances secretion and toxicity of amyloid beta peptides in PC12 cells

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    alpha-Synuclein is the fundamental component of Lewy bodies which occur in the brain of 60% of sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease patients. Moreover, a proteolytic fragment of alpha-synuclein, the so-called non-amyloid component of Alzheimer's disease amyloid, was found to be an integral part of Alzheimer's dementia related plaques. However, the role of alpha-synuclein in pathomechanism of Alzheimer's disease remains elusive. In particular, the relationship between alpha-synuclein and amyloid beta is unknown. In the present study we showed the involvement of alpha-synuclein in amyloid beta secretion and in the mechanism of amyloid beta evoked mitochondria dysfunction and cell death. Rat pheochromocytoma PC 12 cells transfected with amyloid beta precursor protein bearing Swedish double Mutation (APPsw) and control PC12 cells transfected with empty vector were used in this study. alpha-Synuclein (10 mu M) was found to increase by twofold amyloid beta secretion from control and APPsw PC12 cells. Moreover, alpha-synuclein decreased the viability of PC12 cells by about 50% and potentiated amyloid beta toxicity leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase-dependent programmed cell death. Inhibitor of caspase-3 (Z-DEVD-FMK, 100 mu M), and a mitochondrial permeability transition pore blocker, cyclosporine A (2 mu M) protected PC12 cells against alpha-synuclein or amyloid beta evoked cell death. In contrast Z-DEVD-FMK and cyclosporine A were ineffective ill APPsw cells containing elevated amount of amyloid beta treated with alpha-synuclein. It was found that the inhibition of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase reversed the toxic effect of alpha-synuclein in control but not in APPsw cells. Our results indicate that alpha-synuclein enhances the release and toxicity of amyloid beta leading to nitric oxide mediated irreversible mitochondria dysfunction and caspase-dependent programmed cell death. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved