6 research outputs found

    Age-dependent differences in iris colouration of passerines during autumn migration in Central Europe

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    Avian eye colour changes with age, but many aspects of this transition are still insufficiently understood. We examined if an individual’s sex, age, species and body condition are related to the iris colour in common migratory passerines during their autumn passage through Central Europe. A total of 1,399 individuals from nine numerous species were ringed and examined in late autumn in northern Poland. Each individual was sexed by plumage (if possible) and assigned to one of three classes of the iris colour—typical for immatures, typical for adults and intermediate. We found that the iris was typical in 97.7% cases of immatures and in 75.8% cases of adults and this difference was significant. Species, sex and body mass index (BMI) had no significant influence on the iris colour. We show that iris colour in passerines in late autumn is strongly age-dependent and thus can serve as a reliable feature for ageing in field studies, especially in species difficult to age by plumage

    Conglutinin - an Important Element of Natural Immunity in Ruminants (a Review)

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    Conglutinin represents a collectin appearing only in some mammals, including cattle. It plays an important role in resistance of hosts against microbes and parasites. It exhibits affinity toward saccharides present on the surface of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and it mobilizes the mechanisms leading to their inactivation. It manifests also the unique ability of agglutinating complement- and antibody-coated erythrocytes. Moreover, it shows the ability to activate immune system cells, including the process of phagocytosis. In this review also the factors that determine the amount and activity of conglutinin in mammalian serum were presented, including environmental conditions and infectious agents, such as various types of bacteria and viruses. The broad scope of conglutinin is genetically controlled and, therefore, this collectin may constitute a useful and crucial factor in cattle husbandry