50 research outputs found

    Police human resource policy in the Lodz voivodeship as a determinant of knowledge and organization’s effective operation

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    Motivation: Human capital is the driving force of an organization that has a significant impact on its development and effective operation. The success of the organization depends to a great extent on its social potential. Successful recruitment ensures that the best employees ensure high quality work, which respectively translates into organizational development and competitiveness (Oleksyn, 2010, pp. 34–36). The development of the organization is based on knowledge acquisition, skills and raising qualifications by its members.Aim: The aim of the paper is to analyze the conditionings related to the management of the Police organizational units, which influence the appropriate recruitment of police officers for particular positions. The publication also attempts to investigate the importance of appropriate recruitment for the effectiveness of actions taken by police officers. The article presents issues exemplifying the analysis of human resource management in the field of human resource policy playing an important role in the Police. The empirical part of the article was based on an analysis of the subject literature and police internal materials, but also on the basis of participant observation and expert interview. The paper presents an analysis of the recruitment process of police officers for vacant posts in the Police units of the Lodz garrison, introduced by the Human Resource Policy Concept.Results: Although the Police was established to protect citizens’ security and public order, its development and effective functioning are needed to further serve society. In order to do this, it is indispensable to recruit and employ proper and competent workers. Therefore, the recruitment and selection process is so significant. Appointing a police officer with the right knowledge, competence and skills to a specific position, has positive implications for the organization. This also improves public perception of the Police force

    Charakterystyka wybranych aspektów procesu podejmowania decyzji kierowniczych w policji na podstawie badań własnych

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    Characteristics of the selected aspects of managerial decision-making in Police based on own research Regarding specific tasks in Police, an important matter is to ensure public safety. Thanks to more efficient managerial decisions, one can enhance the functioning of Police and increase citizens’ sense of security. There were analyzed selected problems which turn up in the managerial decision-making process. The presented research results in paper show that policemen are aware of liability for their behavior and responsibility which they can bear for their own decisions

    On the Ramsey-Tur\'an density of triangles

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    One of the oldest results in modern graph theory, due to Mantel, asserts that every triangle-free graphs on nn vertices has at most n2/4\lfloor n^2/4\rfloor edges. About half a century later Andr\'asfai studied dense triangle-free graphs and proved that the largest triangle-free graphs on nn vertices without independent sets of size αn\alpha n, where 2/5α<1/22/5\le \alpha < 1/2, are blow-ups of the pentagon. More than 50 further years have elapsed since Andr\'asfai's work. In this article we make the next step towards understanding the structure of dense triangle-free graphs without large independent sets. Notably, we determine the maximum size of triangle-free graphs~GG on nn vertices with α(G)3n/8\alpha (G)\ge 3n/8 and state a conjecture on the structure of the densest triangle-free graphs GG with α(G)>n/3\alpha(G) > n/3. We remark that the case α(G)n/3\alpha(G) \le n/3 behaves differently, but due to the work of Brandt this situation is fairly well understood.Comment: Revised according to referee report

    The causes of starving hypoglycaemia in patients suffering from advanced malignancy

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 42-letniego pacjenta, leczonego z powodu oponiaka, a następnie obłoniaka, u którego rozpoznano także mezenchymalny guz wątroby. Główną dolegliwością chorego oprócz bólu głowy są często nawracające hipoglikemie głodowe, znacznie pogarszające jakość jego życia. Ich występowanie najprawdopodobniej wiąże się z guzami stwierdzanymi w wątrobie, jednak u przedstawionego chorego należy uwzględnić możliwe współistnienie kilku przyczyn zespołu hipoglikemii głodowej.Authors described a case of a 42-year-old male patient who has received treatment for meningioma and then haemangiopericytoma and in whom a fibrous liver mesothelioma has been diagnosed. Except for headache, he frequently suffered from frequently returning starving hypoglycaemia which has been deteriorating the quality of his life significantly. The most probable reason for it is connected with the tumours diagnosed in the liver, but it is necessary to pay attention to a possible coexistence of some causes of starving hypoglycaemia syndrome

    Wpływ L-argininy i kwasu askorbinowego na zawartość tłuszczu trzewnego oraz stężenia metaloproteinaz 2 i 9 u szczurów karmionych dietą wysokotłuszczową

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      Introduction: L-arginine (L-arg) and vitamin C supplementation may decrease fat accumulation and have a favourable effect on carbohydrate metabolism. This is partly caused by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are involved in adipocyte development and remodelling. Our study evaluated the effects of L-arg and vitamin C supplementation on the content of visceral fat (VF%), activity of MMPs, and insulin resistance (IR) in rats fed a high-fat diet (HFD). Material and methods: The experiment was performed using 48 Wistar rats divided into four groups: Group 1 was fed a standard diet, Group 2 a HFD, Group 3 a HFD supplemented with L-arg (A), and Group 4 a HFD supplemented with L-arg and vitamin C (AC). The animals were euthanized after six weeks. The concentrations of serum glucose, insulin, MMP-2, and MMP-9, as well as IR by Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) and VF% were measured. Results: Statistically significant increases in VF%, MMP-2, MMP-9, insulin, and HOMA-IR levels were observed in the HFD group when compared to the control group. A smaller increase in VF%, insulin, and HOMA-IR was seen in Group 3 (A) and 4 (AC). L-arg supplementation protected against increases in MMP-2 and MMP-9 in Group 3 (A) and 4 (AC). Conclusions: L-arginine could protect from an increase in visceral fat through a change in the activity of MMPs and amelioration of insulin sensitivity in rats fed a HFD. The addition of vitamin C did not improve the effects of L-arginine supplementation. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 526–532)    Wstęp: Suplementacja L-argininy (L-arg) i witaminy C może obniżać gromadzenie tłuszczu trzewnego i korzystnie wpływać na metabolizm węglowodanów. Jednym z potencjalnych mechanizmów jest działanie metaloproteinaz (MMP), które uczestniczą w rozwoju i remodelingu tkanki tłuszczowej. Badanie zaprojektowano w celu oceny ochronnego wpływu suplementacji L-arg i witaminy C na zawartość wisceralnej tkanki tłuszczowej, aktywność MMP oraz insulinooporność (IR) u szczurów żywionych dietą bogatotłuszczową. Materiał i metody: 48 szczurów rasy Wistar rats przydzielono do 4 grup: żywionych dietą standardową (kontrola), bogatotłuszczową (HFD), HFD i L-arg (A), HFD, L-arg i witaminą C (AC). Po 6 tygodniach zwierzęta usypiano. Oceniono względną masę tłuszczu trzewnego (VF%), a także oznaczano stężenia glukozy, insuliny, MMP-2 i MMP-9 w osoczu. IR określono przy użyciu HOMA. Wyniki: W grupie HFD obserwowano największy wzrost VF%, wskaźnika HOMA-IR, stężeń insuliny, MMP-2 i MMP-9 w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej, istotnie mniejszy wzrost VF% i stężenia insuliny i HOMA-IR stwierdzono w grupach A i AC. W grupach żywionych dietą wysokotłuszczową z dodatkiem L-arg (A i AC) nie stwierdzono wzrostu stężeń MMP-2 i MMP-9. Wnioski: Suplemetacja L-argininą może chronić szczury żywione dietą bogatotłuszczową przed gromadzeniem tłuszczu trzewnego poprzez wpływ na aktywność metaloproteinaz oraz poprawę insulinowrażliwości. Dodatek witaminy C nie poprawia efektu suplementacji L-argininy. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (6): 526–532)

    Obesity and adiponectin in acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: Low plasma concentration of adiponectin, a hormone-like peptide secreted by adipose tissue, is detected in obesity and in coronary artery disease. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of obesity on adiponectin and the relation of adiponectin to the anthropometric parameters and cardiovascular risk factors in men with acute myocardial infarction. Methods: Two groups of patients with first acute myocardial infarction were analyzed: 40 obese and 40 non-obese men. Waist and hip circumferences and waist-to-hip ratio, C-reactive protein (CRP), uric acid, fasting glucose, lipid profile and adiponectin were measured. Results: Mean level of adiponectin was significantly lower in obese than non-obese patients (6.80 &#956;g/ml &plusmn; 4.31 vs. 11.18 &#956;g/ml &plusmn; 7.19; p < 0.01). Adiponectin levels correlated negatively with all anthropometric measurements, the most significantly with waist circumference, with systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglyceride levels, CRP, uric acid and positively with age and HDL-cholesterol. Adiponectin level was significantly associated with HDL-cholesterol, waist circumference and with trigliceryde levels and these independent variables explained 39% of the plasma adiponectin variability. Conclusions: In patients with acute myocardial infarction obesity is related to decreased adiponectin. Low adiponectin level is associated with atherogenic lipid profile and higher levels of inflammatory markers. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 29&#8211;36

    Ghrelin and its relationship with insulinemia during OGTT in healthy people

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    WSTĘP. Grelina jest nowoodkrytym białkiem produkowanym w żołądku, regulującym szeroko pojętą równowagę energetyczną oraz wiele innych procesów zachodzących w organizmie człowieka. Jej wpływ na łaknienie jest wywierany prawdopodobnie w sposób pośredni, poprzez interakcje greliny z okołoposiłkową glikemią i insulinemią. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia greliny całkowitej oraz poszukiwanie związku między insulinemią a grelinemią w odpowiedzi na doustne podanie glukozy u osób zdrowych. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu udział wzięło 25 zdrowych ochotników (16 K/9 M), w średnim wieku 40,9 &#177; 14,3 roku. Wykonano u nich doustny test obciążenia glukozą, podczas którego w 0., 60. i 120. minucie pobierano krew w celu oznaczenia glikemii, grelinemii oraz insulinemii. Stężenia greliny w osoczu krwi żylnej oznaczono metodą radioimmunologiczną, podobnie jak stężenia insuliny. WYNIKI. Stężenie greliny obniżyło się po 60 minutach o 23,1%, istotnie różniąc się od stężenia wyjściowego. Całkowite obniżenie grelinemii wyniosło 29,4%. Nie stwierdzono korelacji między glikemią a stężeniem greliny. Wykazano istnienie kilku istotnych korelacji między insulinemią a grelinemią w poszczególnych etapach OGTT. WNIOSEK. O obniżeniu stężenia greliny po podaniu glukozy oraz - prawdopodobnie - poposiłkowo u osób zdrowych najprawdopodobniej decyduje insulinemia.INTRODUCTION. Ghrelin is a newly discovered gastric-derived hormon-peptide, regulating energy homeostasis and numerous processes in human organism. Its influence on apetite is indirect, resulting probably from interactions between ghrelin, prandial glycemia and insulinaemia. The aim of the study was to establish concentration of total ghrelin and influence of orally ingested glucose on ghrelin and insulin levels in healthy people. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study group comprised 25 healthy volunteers (16 F/9 M), mean age 40.9 &#177; 14.3 years. During OGTT (in 0, 60th, and 120th minute) blood was collected in order to evaluate glycamia, ghrelinaemia and insulinaemia. Plasma ghrelin was established by means of RIA, as well as insulin. RESULTS. Ghrelin level fell after 60. minutes of OGTT by 23.1%, being significantly different from initial concentration. Total reduction on ghrelin concentration during OGTT was 29.4%. Correlations between glycemia and ghrelinemia were proven to be not statistically significant. However, few significant correlations between insulin and ghrelin in particular stages of OGTT were proven. CONCLUSION. In healthy people insulin is probably the most important factor contributing to lowering ghrelin levels after glucose intake and also - most probably - postprandially