130 research outputs found

    Diversificação alimentar: quando? Como?

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    Abordagens à carreira na vida adulta: estudo de avaliação de um modelo de intervenção

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    O campo de investigação orientado para a avaliação da eficácia das intervenções vocacionais indica que são cada vez mais as diversas entidades interessadas em obter evidência acerca da eficácia dos serviços de carreira e, de um modo geral, tem-se confirmado que as intervenções vocacionais são eficazes, provocando mudanças positivas no desenvolvimento da carreira dos clientes (Fretz, 1981; Holland, Magoon & Spokane, 1981; Myers, 1986; Swanson, 1995 in Whiston, Brecheisen & Stephens, 2003). Neste sentido, o foco do presente artigo incide sobre um primeiro estudo de desenvolvimento do programa Gestão Pessoal da Carreira (GPC, Taveira, Loureiro, Araújo, Silva, & Faria, 2006), na sua versão para adultos Bolseiros de Investigação da Universidade do Minho (GPC. B). A intervenção psicológica foi levada a cabo com um número limitado de casos (N=5; 2 mulheres e 3 homens, com idades compreendidas entre 28 e 30 anos e a desenvolver investigação/doutoramento nas áreas de Engenharia e Produção de Sistemas, Ambiente, Qualidade e Segurança no Trabalho, Sistemas Informáticos, Engenharia Civil e, Matemática e Ciências da Computação), todos eles bolseiros de investigação da Universidade do Minho, inscritos voluntariamente no programa, no ano lectivo de 2006/07. Avaliou-se o impacto da intervenção, em termos de exploração e avanço em objectivos valorizados de carreira, tal como foram avaliados pela Escala de Exploração Vocacional (CES; Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, EEV, adapt. por Taveira, 1997) e pelo Inventário de Preocupações da Carreira (ACCI; Super, Thompson & Lindeman, 1985, IPC, adapt. por Duarte, 1997), em situação de pré e pós-teste. Discutem-se os resultados principais do estudo e retiram-se implicações para o desenvolvimento do programa.The research on the assessment of career interventions effectiveness indicates that an increasing number of different entities become interested in obtaining evidence about the efficacy of career services and, in general, it has been confirmed that career interventions are effective, causing positive changes in the career development of clients (Fretz, 1981; Holland, Magoon & Spokane, 1981; Myers, 1986; Swanson, 1995 in Whiston, Brecheisen & Stephens, 2003). Accordingly, this article focuses on a first development study of a Self Career Management Seminar (GPC, Taveira, Loureiro, Araújo, Silva, & Faria, 2005), designed for doctoral students of the University of Minho, in Portugal. The psychological intervention was carried out with a limited number of cases (N = 5, 2 women and 3 men, aged between 28 and 30 years and developing their research/doctorate in Engineering and Production Systems, Environment, Quality and Safety at Work, Information Systems, Civil Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science domains), who voluntarily enrolled in the program, during the academic year 2006/07. The impact of the intervention was evaluated in terms of career exploration process and progress on valued career goals, as assessed by the Career Exploration Survey (CES; Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, adapt. by Taveira, 1997) and the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI; Super, Thompson & Lindeman, 1985, adapt. by Duarte, 1987), at a pre- and post-test. The main results of the study will be discussed and implications for the development of the program will be considered.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/36433/200

    Self career management: effectiveness of an intervention process

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    Since the 20th century, careers have undergone crucial changes (Arthur & Rouseau, 1996; Parker & Inkson, 1999; Thite, 2001), becoming increasingly “boundaryless” and “protean” (e.g., Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Hall, 1996; Seibert, Kraimer, & Crant, 2001). Due to this dynamic nature of work organizations (King, 2001, p. 65), career management practices are becoming more and more needed at the different career periods of adulthood (Kidd & Killen, 1992; King, 2001; Watts, 1996). Nevertheless, while traditionally the responsibility for career management was equally distributed between organisations and individuals, nowadays, it seems that this accountability lies almost exclusively on the individual (in Sturges, Guest & Davey, 2000). In this context, this study, being part of a larger PhD research, aims to discuss the concept of self career management, derived from Vocational Psychology. In addition, it also intends to present results of the assessment of a self career management intervention efficacy, which was oriented to facilitate that process in workers, at a public university in the northwest of Portugal. The program designated “Personal Career Management Seminar”, invites participants to foster an optimistic vision of their future, to increase their self-knowledge, exploration of advanced training opportunities, employment creation and attainment, as well as, life-career planning and decision-making competencies. For measurement purposes of the intervention impact, it has been used the Career Exploration Survey (CES; Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, 1983, EEV, adapt. by Taveira, 1997) to assess the career exploration process, and the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI; Super, Thompson & Lindeman, 1985; IPC, adapt. by Duarte, 1997), to assess career concerns and valued life-career goals, at a pre and post-test. This measurement plan was administered to 60 research paid workers (38, 63.3% treatment group; 22, 36.7% control group) from both sexes (42, 70% women) with age ranging from 22-48 years old, (Mage=28.12, SDage=5.08), developing their research activities in exact, social and human science domains. In general, the results suggest that at pre-treatment both treatment and control groups are partially equivalent with respect to the assessed dimensions. Furthermore, the outcomes of the post-treatment indicate that this intervention promotes career exploration and reduces the level of career concerns in the experimental group. Main implications for human resources management in work organizations are outlined.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Emotional intelligence and social competence: is there a predictive effect?

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    This study aims to present and discuss the relationship between the ability to effectively manage emotions and the cognitive-behavioral skills to develop social interactions of quality in career education situations. Participants were 1121 adolescents, 551 girls (49.2%) and 570 boys (50.8%), aged 11 to 19 years old (µ=14.77±1.69), attending the 8th (n=539, 48.1%), 10th (n=320, 28.5%), and 11th (n=262, 23.4%) grades, at elementary and secondary schools, in the northern, central and southern Portugal. Participants fulfilled two self-report questionnaires: (i) the Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, which consists of five subscales related to a set of non-cognitive skills and competences that influence one’s performance against the demands and pressures of the environment, and (ii) the Perceived Social Competence in Career Scale, which consists of six subscales concerned to hypothetical social situations related to career education, and two other subscales concerned to poor and excellent performance in those social situations. Results indicated that Portuguese adolescents demonstrate, in general, adequate levels of emotional intelligence and social competence at all academic years. It was also found that emotional intelligence subscales but the intra- and interpersonal, have a predictive effect on the social situations related to career education. This study contributes to the current scientific knowledge about the importance of the socio-emotional dimensions of the career learning of students, which can influence their adaptation and achievement at school and their overall healthiness. This study also provides important implications to organize interventions in these competencies, in a multilevel approach, using career education as a useful application context.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoting healthy transition from college to work market throughout seminars: the building of the therapeutic relationship

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    This communication presents a specialized preventive career intervention – the Career Self-Management Seminar (CSMS; Taveira et al., 2006 – forms A and B). This intervention is designed to promote graduate students’ transition to Master and PHD degrees and/or to the work-market (version A); or the transition to a new job/position of PHD students and research grant holders (version B). Both versions of the Seminar promote self-reflection and career exploration, and life-career decision-making and planning skills, in the context of group career counselling sessions. Special attention is given to the building of a solid and strong helping relationship. The focus on the quality of the counselling relationship is associated with the concern of promoting positive emotional attachment, necessary to students engagement in career exploration and change; and also, to prevent clients’ drop out from the seminar (e.g., Taveira, 1997; Gelso & Cárter, 1985; Horvath & Luborsky, 1993; Horvath, 2000). The clients’ reactions to CSMS helping relationship were measured twice along the intervention A with 36 undergraduates (12 men and 24 women, mean age=22,89), and the intervention B with 34 graduates (11 men and 23 women, mean age=27,59). The quality of the career exploration process of participants was also observed in both groups, before and after the intervention (pre and post-test moments). A brief analysis and discussion of these results is presented.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/36433/200

    Psychological intervention in Portuguese college students: effects of two career self-management seminars

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    This article describes the evaluation of a psychological intervention—the Career Self-Management Seminar, Version A, for undergraduate students, and Version B for postgraduate students—developed to support Portuguese college students in career exploration, goal setting, design and implementation of action plans, and decision-making. A total of 120 participants from CSMS-A (experimental group, n = 58; control group, n = 62) and 98 from CSMS-B (experimental group, n = 62; control group, n = 36) were assessed by the Career Exploration Survey according to a pretest and posttest plan. Results demonstrate a significant increase in most of the cognitive, behavioral, and affective career exploration dimensions among the CSMS-A and CSMS-B experimental groups.FCTTECMINH

    Família e aconselhamento parental: trajectórias de carreira saudáveis

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    Nas últimas duas décadas, o estudo da influência e do aconselhamento parental no âmbito da carreira sugere que a família influencia mais o desenvolvimento vocacional das crianças e adolescentes que a escola ou o grupo de pares (e.g., Pinto & Soares, 2001;Hartung, Porfeli, & Vondracek, 2005; Otto, 2000). O aconselhamento parental neste domínio é parte de um sistema multivariado da vida diária, denominado “influência do contexto familiar" (Bryant, Zvonkovic, & Reynolds, 2006), no seio do qual os pais influenciam os filhos e vice-versa (Kuczynski, Lollis, & Koguchi, 2003). Neste estudo avalia-se a adesão efectiva dos pais a tarefas de desenvolvimento vocacional dos filhos, traduzida quer pela comunicação entre pais e filhos e pelo tipo de actividades que realizam em conjunto ou que os pais proporcionam aos seus filhos, quer pelas expectativas dos pais quanto à realização escolar e profissional daqueles e pelo efeito dessa adesão em trajectórias de carreira saudáveis. O estudo adopta uma metodologia de análise qualitativa de entrevistas semiestruturadas a 106 pais de estudantes do 9º ano de escolaridade, segundo o método de Pinto e Soares (2000). Os resultados alcançados evidenciam a indispensabilidade dos psicólogos considerarem o trabalho com as famílias dos seus clientes e a necessidade de sensibilizar os pais para a comunicação e organização de um conjunto de iniciativas com os filhos (e.g., programas de formação sobre questões acerca do ensino e da aprendizagem; questões ligadas ao desenvolvimento pessoal, interpessoal e vocacional), de modo a promover trajectórias de carreira saudáveis.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Avaliação do Seminário de Gestão Pessoal de Carreira: reacções dos clientes ao processo terapêutico

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    As preocupações actuais dos clientes e da sociedade com a qualidade das intervenções têm vindo a acompanhar as dos investigadores ao longo dos anos (e.g., Lalande, Hiebert, Magnusson, Bezanson, & Borgen, 2006; Luzzo, 2000; Whiston & Sexton, 1998). Da investigação relativa à intervenção vocacional realizada até ao momento em Portugal, evidencia-se a necessidade de avaliação centrada no processo de ajuda para melhor se compreender determinados resultados (e.g., Faria, 2008; Königstedt, 2007). O sistema de reacções à consulta psicológica tem sido considerado uma dimensão-chave do processo de interacção entre psicólogo e cliente, e constitui, paralelamente às reacções dos profissionais, um mediador do impacto das intervenções (Spokane, 1991, 2004). Com este estudo pretende-se avaliar a qualidade da relação entre psicólogo e cliente através do sistema de reacções dos clientes de Hill (Client Reactions System, Hill, Spiegel & Tichenor, 1988), junto de um total de 70 clientes da intervenção vocacional (47 mulheres e 23 homens), com idades entre os 19 e os 42 anos (Midade=25,17; DPidade=4,59), a frequentar o Seminário de Gestão Pessoal de Carreira para estudantes de graduação (GPC-A, N=36), e o Seminário de Gestão Pessoal de Carreira para bolseiros de investigação (GPC-B, N=34).A análise de resultados nos dois grupos sugere um aumento das reacções positivas com relevância estatística, e uma diminuição das reacções negativas à relação de ajuda.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/36433/200

    Promoting career management skills through seminars : evaluative study with portuguese college students

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    Over recent years, several Vocational Psychology authors (e.g., Luzzo, 2000; Lalande, Hiebert, Magnusson, Bezanson, & Borgen, 2006; Whiston & Sexton, 1998) have been drawing attention to the need of career counselors become involved in evaluating their interventions. The present study evaluates the effects of two forms of a preventive Personal Career Management Seminar (PCMS, forms A and B; ; GPC A/B, Taveira et al., 2006) on several facets of the career exploration process (CES; Career Exploration Survey, Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman; 1983, adapt. by Taveira, 1997) of college students. The GPC-A is designed for undergraduate students in the intermediate years of first and second cycles of a university curriculum integrated in the European Higher Education area (adequated to 1999 Bologna’s compromise) and functioning with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), while the GPC-B is designed for PhD students in the intermediate years of their PhD program. Total participants in the study were 140 young adults, from both sexes (38.6%, 54 men and 61.4%, 86 women), with ages ranging from 19 to 48 years old (M=24.43, SD=4.75). Analyses of covariance of the difference between post-and pre-test measures of career exploration were performed, to test differences between the experimental groups of undergraduate and PhD students, and their respective control groups, having as covariate the pre-test results. On the average, results demonstrate sufficiently robust beneficial effects of GPC seminar on college career exploration.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)FCT grant holder - SFRH/BD/36433/200

    Facilitação da gestão pessoal da carreira: estudo com académicos portugueses e moçambicanos

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    Este trabalho versa sobre o impacto dos serviços de gestão pessoal de carreira em grupos específicos, nomeadamente, adultos a trabalhar em contexto académico. Apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados da aplicação do Seminário de Gestão Pessoal da Carreira - versão B (Taveira et al., 2007) a um grupo de académicos portugueses e a um grupo de académicos moçambicanos. Analisa-se o impacto da intervenção em cada um destes grupos, em termos dos processos de exploração e preocupação de carreira, tal como avaliados pelo Career Exploration Survey (Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, 1983; adapt. por Taveira, 1997) e pelo Adult Career Concerns Inventory (Super, Thompson, & Lindeman, 1988; adapt. por Duarte, 1997), com recurso a um pré-teste e a um pós-teste. São ainda comparados os resultados entre aqueles grupos e um grupo de controlo, nos dois momentos de avaliação. Referem-se implicações para o desenho de serviços de carreira ajustados às especificidades multiculturais dos clientes.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Bolsa de Doutoramento SFRH/BD/36433/200