609 research outputs found

    Student experiences of technology integration in school subjects: A comparison across four middle schools

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    This research examined student perspectives on their in-school, subject specific, technology use in four U.S. public schools. Considering students’ perspectives may provide a significant reframing of adult-created rhetoric of the utopian power of digital technologies for changing teaching and learning. A survey and focus group interviews were administered to 6th and 7th students (n=1,544) in four public middle schools, with varying demographics, that rely on local funding. These four schools revealed moderate use of many well-established digital technologies, such as word processing, presentation software, and quiz games. Students voiced outright hatred for teacher-directed PowerPoint-supported lectures, the most prominent technology activity students experienced, yet reported enjoying creation activities. The students in the rural school with a Hispanic-majority and high economically disadvantaged population reported much lower technology use. Discussion frame the digital inequities in the four schools and emphasizes the need for awareness and inclusion of students’ digital experiences to form any trajectory toward establishing digital equity and learning in schools

    Female Collegiate Athlete’s Post TBI Recovery

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    Qualitative study about female collegiate athlete\u27s post TBI recover

    Family-focused treatment for childhood depression: model and case illustrations

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    Although the evidence base for treatment of depressive disorders in adolescents has strengthened in recent years, less is known about the treatment of depression in middle to late childhood. A family-based treatment may be optimal in addressing the interpersonal problems and symptoms frequently evident among depressed children during this developmental phase, particularly given data indicating that attributes of the family environment predict recovery versus continuing depression among depressed children. Family-Focused Treatment for Childhood Depression (FFT-CD) is designed as a 15-session family treatment with both the youth and parents targeting two putative mechanisms involved in recovery: (a) enhancing family support, specifically decreasing criticism and increasing supportive interactions; and (b) strengthening specific cognitive-behavioral skills within a family context that have been central to CBT for depression, specifically behavioral activation, communication, and problem solving. This article describes in detail the FFT-CD protocol and illustrates its implementation with three depressed children and their families. Common themes/challenges in treatment included family stressors, comorbidity, parental mental health challenges, and inclusion/integration of siblings into sessions. These three children experienced positive changes from pre- to posttreatment on assessor-rated depressive symptoms, parent- and child-rated depressive symptoms, and parent-rated internalizing and externalizing symptoms. These changes were maintained at follow-up evaluations 4 and 9 months following treatment completion.K23 MH101238 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH082856 - NIMH NIH HHS; R01 MH082861 - NIMH NIH HH

    Second-order schedules: Manipulation of brief-stimulus duration at component completion

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    In a second-order schedule, fixed-interval components were reinforced according to a variable-interval schedule. A brief stimulus accompanied the completion of each fixed interval. Brief-stimulus duration was varied across conditions from 0.5 to 8 sec. Patterning was greater the longer the duration of the stimulus. Additionally, exposure to relatively long brief-stimulus durations enhanced patterning upon reexposure to shorter brief-stimulus durations

    Will Einstein Have the Last Word on Gravity?

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    This is a whitepaper submitted to the 2010 Astronomy Decadal Review process, addressing the potential tests of gravity theory that could be made by observations of gravitational waves in the milliHertz frequency band by the proposed ESA-NASA gravitational wave observatory LISA. A key issue is that observations in this band of binary systems consisting of black holes offer very clean tests with high signal-to-noise ratios. Gravitational waves would probe nonlinear gravity and could reveal small corrections, such as extra long-range fields that arise in unified theories, deviations of the metric around massive black holes from the Kerr solution, massive gravitons, chiral effects, and effects of extra dimensions. The availability of strong signals from massive black hole binaries as well as complex signals from extreme mass-ratio binaries is unique to the milliHertz waveband and makes LISA a particularly sensitive probe of the validity of general relativity.Comment: Science White Paper submitted to the Astro2010 Decadal Surve

    Poetry of the Stewart court

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    The intention of this anthology is to present a full and evenly balanced selection of the poetry of the Stewart court, making available much that has been unfairly neglected but allowing poems which have often been abstracted from their context by modern anthologists to be read in their proper setting. The book is in two parts. First is a commentary of nine chapters describing the Bannatyne Manuscript, a large collection of Scottish poetry compiled in Edinburgh in 1568. The commentary seeks to establish the importance of the Manuscript as a comprehensive and deliberately interpretative anthology of medieval and renaissance Scottish poetry, arguing that modern editors are too frequently guided by their own critical preoccupations and that George Bannatyne chose and arranged his anthology in such a way as to present a conspectus of the five medieval and renaissance uses of poetry. The second part of the book is an anthology of some 17,000 lines of poetry chosen from the Bannatyne Manuscript. It retains Bannatyne's arrangement into five parts and, within those parts, his order. Many of the poems are of the highest quality by any criteria ofjudgment, but the selection has not been made at the expense of poems which were clearly more highly valued by Bannatyne than they would be now

    Balmer-dominated shocks in Tycho's SNR: omnipresence of CRs

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    We present wide-field, spatially and highly resolved spectroscopic observations of Balmer filaments in the northeastern rim of Tycho's supernova remnant in order to investigate the signal of cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration. The spectra of Balmer-dominated shocks (BDSs) have characteristic narrow (FWHM ∼\sim 10 kms−1^{-1}) and broad (FWHM ∼\sim 1000 kms−1^{-1}) Hα\alpha components. CRs affect the Hα\alpha-line parameters: heating the cold neutrals in the interstellar medium results in broadening of the narrow Hα\alpha-line width beyond 20 kms−1^{-1}, but also in reduction of the broad Hα\alpha-line width due to energy being removed from the protons in the post-shock region. For the first time we show that the width of the narrow Hα\alpha line, much larger than 20 kms−1^{-1}, is not a resolution or geometric effect nor a spurious result of a neglected intermediate (FWHM ∼\sim 100 kms−1^{-1}) component resulting from hydrogen atoms undergoing charge exchange with warm protons in the broad-neutral precursor. Moreover, we show that a narrow line width ≫\gg 20 kms−1^{-1} extends across the entire NE rim, implying CR acceleration is ubiquitous, and making it possible to relate its strength to locally varying shock conditions. Finally, we find several locations along the rim, where spectra are significantly better explained (based on Bayesian evidence) by inclusion of the intermediate component, with a width of 180 kms−1^{-1} on average.Comment: Proceeding for contributed talk at the IAU Symposium No. 331: "SN 1987A, 30 years later - Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and their Aftermaths", 2017, La Reunion Island; References correcte

    Balmer filaments in Tycho's supernova remnant: an interplay between cosmic-ray and broad-neutral precursors

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    We present Hα\alpha spectroscopic observations and detailed modelling of the Balmer filaments in the supernova remnant Tycho. We used Galaxy Hα\alpha Fabry-P\'erot Spectrometer on the William Herschel Telescope with a 3.4'×\times3.4' field-of-view, 0.2" pixel scale and \sigma_\rm{instr}=8.1 km/s resolution at 1" seeing for ∼10\sim10 hours, resulting in 82 spatial-spectral bins that resolve the narrow Hα\alpha line in the entire Tycho's northeastern rim. For the first time, we can mitigate artificial line broadening from unresolved differential motion, and probe Hα\alpha emission parameters in varying shock and ambient medium conditions. Broad Hα\alpha line remains unresolved within spectral coverage of 392 km/s. We employed Bayesian inference to obtain reliable parameter confidence intervals, and quantify the evidence for models with multiple line components. The median Hα\alpha narrow-line full-width at half-maximum of all bins and models is W_\rm{NL}=(54.8\pm1.8) km/s at the 95%95\% confidence level, varying within [35, 72] km/s between bins and clearly broadened compared to the intrinsic (thermal) ≈20\approx20 km/s. Possible line splits are accounted for, significant in ≈18%\approx18\% of the filament, and presumably due to remaining projection effects. We also find wide-spread evidence for intermediate-line emission of a broad-neutral precursor, with median W_\rm{IL}=(180\pm14) km/s (95%95\% confidence). Finally, we present a measurement of the remnant's systemic velocity, V_\rm{LSR}=-34 km/s, and map differential line-of-sight motions. Our results confirm the existence and interplay of shock precursors in Tycho's remnant. In particular, we show that suprathermal narrow-line emission is near-universal in Tycho and that, in absence of an alternative explanation, collisionless supernova remnant shocks constitute a viable acceleration source for Galactic TeV Cosmic-Ray protons.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; References correcte
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