130 research outputs found

    Bericht der Medizinischen Fakultät

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    Deoxyribonuclease Is a Potential Counter Regulator of Aberrant Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Formation after Major Trauma

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    Introduction. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) consist of a DNA scaffold that can be destroyed by Deoxyribonuclease (DNase). Thus DNases are potential prerequisites for natural counter regulation of NETs formation. In the present study, we determined the relationship of NETs and DNase after major trauma. Methods. Thirty-nine major trauma patients, 14 with and 25 without sepsis development were enrolled in this prospective study. Levels of cell-free (cf)-DNA/NETs and DNase were quantified daily from admission until day 9 after admission. Results. Levels of cf-DNA/NETs in patients who developed sepsis were significantly increased after trauma. In the early septic phase, DNase values in septic patients were significantly increased compared to patients without sepsis (P < 0.05). cf-DNA/NETs values correlated to values of DNase in all trauma patients and patients with uneventful recovery (P < 0.01) but not in septic patients. Recombinant DNase efficiently degraded NETs released by stimulated neutrophils in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro. Conclusions. DNase degrades NETs in a concentration-dependent manner and therefore could have a potential regulatory effect on NET formation in neutrophils. This may inhibit the antibacterial effects of NETs or protect the tissue from autodestruction in inadequate NETs release in septic patients

    In vivo inhibition of neutrophil activity by a FAS (CD95) stimulating module: arterial in-line application in a porcine cardiac surgery model

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    AbstractObjectiveCardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with aberrant neutrophil activation and potentially severe pathogenic sequelae. This experimental study was done to evaluate a leukocyte inhibition module that rapidly inactivates neutrophils through CD95 stimulation.MethodsGerman landrace pigs (4 groups, each n = 5) underwent cardiac surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass (group I), with cardiopulmonary bypass (group II), with cardiopulmonary bypass plus a leukocyte filter (group III), and with cardiopulmonary bypass plus a leukocyte inhibition module (group IV). The leukocyte filter or leukocyte inhibition module was introduced into the arterial line of the heart-lung machine.ResultsLeukocyte counts were decreased by up to 43% in group IV compared with values in group II (P = .023). In group IV, but not in groups I to III, no delay in spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis was observed after annexin V–propidium iodide staining. Late apoptotic (11.7%) or necrotic neutrophils (9.3%) were detected in 2 animals (group IV). Tumor necrosis factor α serum levels increased over time in groups I to III (>2-fold) but remained at baseline levels in group IV (P < .05). Interleukin 8–mediated chemotactic neutrophil transmigration activity increased over time in groups I to III but was totally abrogated in group IV at any time point. The perioperative increase of creatine kinase and creatine kinase MB levels was lower in groups III (1.5-fold and 1.3-fold, respectively) and IV (1.2-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively) compared with values in group II (both 1.9-fold).ConclusionsThe leukocyte inhibition module downregulated cardiopulmonary bypass–related neutrophil activity and thus might be beneficial in cardiac surgery and other clinical settings with unappreciated neutrophil activation

    Inhibition of neutrophil activity improves cardiac function after cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Background The arterial in line application of the leukocyte inhibition module (LIM) in the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) limits overshooting leukocyte activity during cardiac surgery. We now studied in a porcine model whether LIM may have beneficial effects on cardiac function after CPB. Methods German landrace pigs underwent CPB (60 min myocardial ischemia; 30 min reperfusion)without (group I; n=6) or with LIM (group II; n=6). The cardiac indices (CI) and cardiac function were analyzed pre and post CPB with a Swan-Ganz catheter and the cardiac function analyzer. Neutrophil labeling with technetium, scintigraphy, and histological analyses were done to track activated neutrophils within the organs. Results LIM prevented CPB-associated increase of neutrophil counts in peripheral blood. In group I, the CI significantly declined post CPB (post: 3.26 +/- 0.31; pre: 4.05 +/- 0.45 l/min/m2; p<0.01). In group II, the CI was only slightly reduced (post: 3.86 +/- 0.49; pre 4.21 +/- 1.32 l/min/m2; p=0.23). Post CPB, the intergroup difference showed significantly higher CI values in the LIM group (p<0.05) which was in conjunction with higher pre-load independent endsystolic pressure volume relationship (ESPVR) values (group I: 1.57 +/- 0.18; group II: 1.93 +/- 0.16; p<0.001). Moreover, the systemic vascular resistance and pulmonary vascular resistance were lower in the LIM group. LIM appeared to accelerate the sequestration of hyperactivated neutrophils in the spleen and to reduce neutrophil infiltration of heart and lung. Conclusions Our data provide strong evidence that LIM improves perioperative hemodynamics and cardiac function after CPB by limiting neutrophil activity and inducing accelerated sequestration of neutrophils in the spleen


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    Молочний лиман – один з найбільш цінних водно-болотних угідь Приа-зов’я, який увійшов до Міжнародного кадастру Рамсарських територій. Згідно з фізико-географічним районуванням України, Молочний лиман відноситься до Присивасько-Приазовської степової області Причорноморської південно-степової провінції. Адміністративно ця акваторія знаходиться в Запорізькій об-ласті і розташована на територіях Якимівського, Приазовського та Мелітополь-ського районів. Довжина лиману складає 32 км, максимальна ширина 8 км, гли-бина до 3 м, площа 170 км2. Від Азовського моря Лиман відділений косою Пе-ресип зі штучно створеною протокою (промоїною). Останнім часом, з`єднувальний канал Молочного лиману практично не функціонує

    Extracorporeal immune therapy with immobilized agonistic anti-Fas antibodies leads to transient reduction of circulating neutrophil numbers and limits tissue damage after hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation in a porcine model

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    Background: Hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation is associated with aberrant neutrophil activation and organ failure. This experimental porcine study was done to evaluate the effects of Fas-directed extracorporeal immune therapy with a leukocyte inhibition module (LIM) on hemodynamics, neutrophil tissue infiltration, and tissue damage after hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation. Methods: In a prospective controlled double-armed animal trial 24 Munich Mini Pigs (30.3 +/- 3.3 kg) were rapidly haemorrhaged to reach a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 35 +/- 5 mmHg, maintained hypotensive for 45 minutes, and then were resuscitated with Ringer's solution to baseline MAP. With beginning of resuscitation 12 pigs underwent extracorporeal immune therapy for 3 hours (LIM group) and 12 pigs were resuscitated according to standard medical care (SMC). Haemodynamics, haematologic, metabolic, and organ specific damage parameters were monitored. Neutrophil infiltration was analyzed histologically after 48 and 72 hours. Lipid peroxidation, and apoptosis were specifically determined in lung, bowel, and liver. Results: In the LIM group, neutrophil counts were reduced versus SMC during extracorporeal immune therapy. After 72 hours, the haemodynamic parameters MAP and cardiac output (CO) were significantly better in the LIM group. Histological analyses showed reduction of shock-related neutrophil tissue infiltration in the LIM group, especially in the lungs. Lower amounts of apoptotic cells and lipid peroxidation were found in organs after LIM treatment. Conclusions: Transient Fas-directed extracorporeal immune therapy may protect from posthemorrhagic neutrophil tissue infiltration and tissue damage