26,810 research outputs found

    Weibull-type limiting distribution for replicative systems

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    The Weibull function is widely used to describe skew distributions observed in nature. However, the origin of this ubiquity is not always obvious to explain. In the present paper, we consider the well-known Galton-Watson branching process describing simple replicative systems. The shape of the resulting distribution, about which little has been known, is found essentially indistinguishable from the Weibull form in a wide range of the branching parameter; this can be seen from the exact series expansion for the cumulative distribution, which takes a universal form. We also find that the branching process can be mapped into a process of aggregation of clusters. In the branching and aggregation process, the number of events considered for branching and aggregation grows cumulatively in time, whereas, for the binomial distribution, an independent event occurs at each time with a given success probability.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figure

    FEA Consumer Needs Model: Looking Forward, Looking Back

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    The FEA Consumer Needs Model (Lamb & Kallal,1992) considers Functional, Expressive and Aesthetic criteria for apparel design. Since 1992, use of this model has gone beyond preparing student designers to understand consumer needs to use as a theoretical framework by practicing designers and design scholars. We assessed use of the FEA Consumer Needs Model and Apparel Design Framework within scholarly publications and found the paper has been cited by more than 100 different first authors; some with multiple publications citing the article, demonstrating its relevance and impact over time. In applications of this conceptual framework, authors used the consumer needs focus to assess FEA criteria for products for various consumer groups. Some altered the model by not including all three criteria, or adding additional criteria. Design solutions included functional design for health and well-being, sports apparel and smart clothing, fashion apparel, textiles, costumes, fashion history as inspiration, and non-apparel items

    Epitaxial-tau(Mn,Ni)Al/(Al,Ga)As heterostructures: Magnetic and magneto-optic properties

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    Ferromagnetic Perpendicularly magnetized epitaxial thin films of tau (Mn,Ni)AI have been successfully grown on AlAs/GaAs heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy. We have investigated the polar Kerr rotation and magnetization of tau MnAl and (Mn,Ni) Al as a function of Mn and Ni concentration. The largest polar Kerr rotation and remnant magnetization were obtained for Mn0.5Al0.5 thin films with values of 0.16-degrees and 224 emu/cm3, respectively. We observed that the Kerr rotation and magnetization remained constant with Ni additions up to about 12 at. % and subsequently decreased with further Ni additions. We discuss these results and one possible method of enhancing the Kerr rotation

    Observation of inhomogeneous domain nucleation in epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors

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    We investigated domain nucleation process in epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors under a modified piezoresponse force microscope. We obtained domain evolution images during polarization switching process and observed that domain nucleation occurs at particular sites. This inhomogeneous nucleation process should play an important role in an early stage of switching and under a high electric field. We found that the number of nuclei is linearly proportional to log(switching time), suggesting a broad distribution of activation energies for nucleation. The nucleation sites for a positive bias differ from those for a negative bias, indicating that most nucleation sites are located at ferroelectric/electrode interfaces

    Low velocity quantum reflection of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We studied quantum reflection of Bose-Einstein condensates at normal incidence on a square array of silicon pillars. For incident velocities of 2.5-26 mm/s observations agreed with theoretical predictions that the Casimir-Polder potential of a reduced density surface would reflect slow atoms with much higher probability. At low velocities (0.5-2.5 mm/s), we observed that the reflection probability saturated around 60% rather than increasing towards unity. We present a simple model which explains this reduced reflectivity as resulting from the combined effects of the Casimir-Polder plus mean field potential and predicts the observed saturation. Furthermore, at low incident velocities, the reflected condensates show collective excitations.Comment: 4 figure

    Low-energy electron scattering by tetrahydrofuran

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    Cross sections for elastic scattering of low-energy electrons by tetrahydrofuran, a prototype for the furanose ring found in the backbone of DNA, have been measured and calculated over a wide energy range, with an emphasis on energies below 6 eV, where previous data are scarce. The measurements employ a thin-aperture version of the relative-flow method, while the calculations employ the Schwinger multichannel method with an extensive treatment of polarization effects. Comparisons with earlier results, both experimental and theoretical, are presented and discussed. A proper accounting for the strong permanent electric dipole of tetrahydrofuran is found to be essential to obtaining reliable cross sections, especially at energies below 5 eV

    Optical Weak Link between Two Spatially Separate Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Two spatially separate Bose-Einstein condensates were prepared in an optical double-well potential. A bidirectional coupling between the two condensates was established by two pairs of Bragg beams which continuously outcoupled atoms in opposite directions. The atomic currents induced by the optical coupling depend on the relative phase of the two condensates and on an additional controllable coupling phase. This was observed through symmetric and antisymmetric correlations between the two outcoupled atom fluxes. A Josephson optical coupling of two condensates in a ring geometry is proposed. The continuous outcoupling method was used to monitor slow relative motions of two elongated condensates and characterize the trapping potential.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure