16 research outputs found

    RFID Technologies & Internet of Things

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    Odgovor industrijske rajčice na primjenu arbuskularnih mikoriznih gljiva u uvjetima konvencionalne proizvodnje

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    The potential effect of pre-inoculation of processing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on yield and fruit properties was investigated in conventional production. Tomato seeds were sown in seedling trays filled with a substrate non-inoculated (AMF-) or inoculated (AMF+) by selected mycorrhizal strains. Seedlings were transplanted in Terra rossa soil and grown in conditions with mineral fertilization and irrigation. Tomato fruits were sampled at harvest. Tomato plants under both treatments had high levels of mycorrhizal colonization, due to applied inoculum (AMF+) or indigenous (AMF-) inoculum present in the soil. Applied AMF+ treatment increased P and decreased K content in tomato fruits. Content of trace elements such as As and V significantly increased, while Pb content significantly decreased in the fruits of AMF+ when compared to the AMF- treatment. No significant effect of AMF+ treatment was observed on yield, fruit quality (soluble solids, pH, total acidity, fruit firmness), lycopene and antioxidant activity of tomato fruits. The overall results suggest that processing tomato is highly susceptible to the indigenous AMF, while seedlings inoculation with selected AMF improves only total phenolic and P fruit content. This means that AMF have a potential application in commercial processing tomato production, however a targeted adaptation of management decissions is required for more extensive results.Potencijalni utjecaj inokulacije presadnica industrijske rajčice (Solanum lycopersicum L.) selekcioniranim arbuskularnim mikoriznim gljivama (AMF), na prinos i svojstva ploda, istražen je u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji. Sjeme rajčice posijano je u polistirenske kontejnere s neinokuliranim (AMF-) ili mikorizama inokuliranim (AMF+) supstratom. Presadnice su posađene u crvenicu, u proizvodnim uvjetima s mineralnom gnojidbom i navodnjavanjem. Uzorkovanje plodova industrijske rajčice provedeno je u berbi. Kod oba tretmana utvrđen je visoki postotak kolonizacije selekcioniranim mikorizama (AMF+) i nativnim vrstama (AMF-) prisutnim u tlu. Plodovi rajčice s AMF+ biljaka imali su veći sadržaj P i manji sadržaj K u odnosu na AMF- tretman. Sadržaj As i V bio je signifikantno veći, dok je sadržaj Pb bio signifikantno manji u AMF+ u usporedbi s AMF- tretmanom. Signifikantan učinak tretmana AMF+ na prinos, kvalitetu ploda (suha tvar, pH, ukupna kiselost, čvrstoća ploda), likopen i antioksidacijsku aktivnost je izostao. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je industrijska rajčica podložna nativnim AMF, dok je ciljana inokulacija presadnica AMF značajno povećala ukupni sadržaj fenola i P. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potencijalnu primjenu AMF u komercijalnoj proizvodnji industrijske rajčice, međutim prethodna prilagodba uzgojnih uvjeta je neophodna za postizanje značajnijih rezultata

    Vasospastic angina ā€“ myocarditis imitation: a case report

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    Case report: 45-year-old woman was hospitalized for severe chest pain. Her medical problem began four months earlier. ECG and echocardiographic findings were normal. Stress test was stopped because of chest pain at 8 METs. At the time of two-minute chest pain, the ECG recorded intermittent left branch block (Figure 1). The 24h Holter ECG showed the frequency dependent left bundle branch block (LBBB) but no chest pain episode. MSCT coronary artery detected normal coronary arteries. Cardiac MR was suggestive to myocarditis. Troponin and inflammatory parameters during the four months of follow-up remained normal. Considering the persistence of symptoms, coronary angiography was performed showing normal epicardial arteries. During angiography, the patient experienced chest pain at the time of right coronary artery (RCA) probing, and coronary artery spasm of the proximal RCA was obvious at the time (Figure 2). After the nitroglycerin bolus application, spasm disappears (Figure 3) and chest pain released. During the coronary angiography there was no ST-segment elevation, nor intermittent LBBB. Vasospastic angina has been diagnosed. The patient was further treated with calcium antagonists and long-acting nitrates resulting in clinical improvement. Discussion: Early diagnosis of variant angina is crucial to avoid major cardiac events1. In the case of large coronary artery spasm, the ECG can show impermanent ST elevation. LBBB was observed temporarily in our patient during stress test concomitant with chest pain but not in the 24h Holter ECG recording. Coronary vasospasm and myocarditis are both recognized mimics of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries. The occurrence of both pathologies in the same patient has rarely been described2. Our patient had no troponin increase recorded, and no inflammatory parameters. It is important to note that the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the CMR for pericarditis is under 100%3. The case confirms the complexity of vasospastic angina diagnosis, and the importance of understanding the diagnostic imaging limitations


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 15% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća malih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu, vrlo je važno definirati i implementirati standardizirani pristup dijagnostičkoj obradi, liječenju, kao i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kemoterapiju, radioterapiju i, rijetko, kirurgiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti i općem stanju bolesnika.Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Small cell lung cancers account for 15% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and, rarely, surgery according to the stage of the disease and patient condition


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 85% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća nemalih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu ako se ne dijagnosticira u ranom stadiju bolesti, vrlo je važno definirati i provoditi standardizirani pristup u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kirurgiju, kemoterapiju, radioterapiju, ciljanu bioloÅ”ku terapiju i imunoterapiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti, bioloÅ”kim obilježjima tumora i općem stanju bolesnika.Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Non-small cell lung cancers account for 85% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis if it is not diagnosed early, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted biologic therapy and immunotherapy according to the stage, specific tumour histological subtype and patient condition

    Smjernice za dijagnozu, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka pluća nemalih stanica [Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring patients with non-small cell lung cancer]

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    Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Non-small cell lung cancers account for 85% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis if it is not diagnosed early, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted biologic therapy and immunotherapy according to the stage, specific tumour histological subtype and patient condition