24 research outputs found

    Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes of pre-eclampsia.

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    <p>Adjusted for facility capacity index score at facility level, GNI per capita and maternal mortality ratio at the country level, marital status, maternal education, maternal age, maternal BMI, parity, clinical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, cardiac/renal disease, pyelonephritis or urinary infection, severe anemia) and number of antenatal care visits at the individual level.</p>a<p>Also adjusted for infant sex.</p>b<p>Also adjusted for gestational age.</p

    Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of risk factors for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia.

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    <p>Three-level structure logistic random effects regression models were used to obtain the Adjusted ORs: individual (level 1); facility (level 2); and country (level 3) adjusted with variables in the table.</p

    Pre-eclampsia prevalence per facility by country and region.

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    <p>Plot showing prevalence of pre-eclampsia per facility by country and region (Africa, Asia and Latin America).</p

    Clinical signs statistical analysis.

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    <p>AUC –Area under curve; HR - Heart Rate; SBP - Systolic Bood Pressure; SI - Shock Index; PSBP - Prehospital Systolic Blood Pressure; MAP - Mean Arterial Pressure; DPBP - Diastolic Blood Pressure; PP - pulse pressure; BT - Body Temperature; RR - respiratory rate; *BP – no specification if systolic or diastolic.</p