5 research outputs found

    Análise do perfil epidemiológico de notificações de sífilis na cidade de Varginha-MG nos anos de 2007 a 2017/Epidemiological profile of syphilis notifications analyses in the city of Varginha-MG in the years 2007 to 2017

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    A sífilis é uma doença crônica causada por uma infecção bacteriana, tendo Treponema pallidum como agente etiológico e que pode se manifestar em vários órgãos como fígado, pele e coração. No Brasil, a sífilis é um problema de saúde pública principalmente entre as gestantes, e o maior índice de notificações se concentra nas regiões nordeste, sudeste e sul. Diante da relevância da sífilis no campo da saúde pública e da necessidade de se conhecer a realidade de cada local para melhor desenvolvimento de medidas de controle, o presente estudo realizou uma análise do perfil epidemiológico da ocorrência de sífilis na cidade de Varginha-MG nos anos de 2007 a 2017, destacando seus principais grupos de risco. Foi observado um aumento de casos da doença na população masculina, porém predominância para o grupo de gestantes. Medidas efetivas visando não apenas a diminuição de novos casos como o tratamento dos indivíduos infectados deve ser urgentemente priorizada. A intensificação das campanhas de conscientização segue como uma das melhores formas de se combater essa realidade

    SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance in Brazil: A Systematic Review with Scientometric Analysis

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    Several studies have monitored the SARS-CoV-2 variants in Brazil throughout the pandemic. Here, we systematically reviewed and conducted a scientometric analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance studies using Brazilian samples. A Pubmed database search on October 2022 returned 492 articles, of which 106 were included. Ninety-six different strains were reported, with variant of concern (VOC) gamma (n = 35,398), VOC delta (n = 15,780), and the variant of interest zeta (n = 1983) being the most common. The top three states with the most samples in the published articles were São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais. Whereas the first year of the pandemic presented primary circulation of B.1.1.28 and B.1.1.33 variants, consecutive replacements were observed between them and VOI zeta, VOC gamma, VOC delta, and VOC omicron. VOI mu, VOI lambda, VOC alpha, and VOC beta were also detected but failed to reach significant circulation. Co-infection, re-infection, and vaccine breakthrough reports were found. Article co-citation differed from the co-authorship structure. Despite the limitations, we expect to give an overview of Brazil’s genomic surveillance studies and contribute to future research execution

    Monitoring the Establishment of VOC Gamma in Minas Gerais, Brazil: A Retrospective Epidemiological and Genomic Surveillance Study

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    Since its first identification in Brazil, the variant of concern (VOC) Gamma has been associated with increased infection and transmission rates, hospitalizations, and deaths. Minas Gerais (MG), the second-largest populated Brazilian state with more than 20 million inhabitants, observed a peak of cases and deaths in March–April 2021. We conducted a surveillance study in 1240 COVID-19-positive samples from 305 municipalities distributed across MG’s 28 Regional Health Units (RHU) between 1 March to 27 April 2021. The most common variant was the VOC Gamma (71.2%), followed by the variant of interest (VOI) zeta (12.4%) and VOC alpha (9.6%). Although the predominance of Gamma was found in most of the RHUs, clusters of Zeta and Alpha variants were observed. One Alpha-clustered RHU has a history of high human mobility from countries with Alpha predominance. Other less frequent lineages, such as P.4, P.5, and P.7, were also identified. With our genomic characterization approach, we estimated the introduction of Gamma on 7 January 2021, at RHU Belo Horizonte. Differences in mortality between the Zeta, Gamma and Alpha variants were not observed. We reinforce the importance of vaccination programs to prevent severe cases and deaths during transmission peaks

    Learning to obey: education, authority, and governance in the early eighteenth-century Portuguese Empire

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