133 research outputs found

    Special Libraries, January 1925

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    Volume 16, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1925/1000/thumbnail.jp

    A novel distance learning for elastic cross-modal audio-visual matching

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    In this work we propose a novel network formulation for joint representation of cross-modal audio and visual information base on metric learning. We employ a distance learning framework as a training procedure. For this purpose we introduce an elastic matching network (EmNet) and a novel loss function to learn the shared latent space representation of multi-modal information. The elastic matching network is capable of matching given face image (or audio voice clip) from diverse number of audio clips (or face images). We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the purposed approach on the standard audio-visual matching evaluation dataset, the overlap of VoxCeleb and VGGFace by both multi-way and binary audio-visual matching tasks. The promising performance comparing to the existing methods verifies the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which yields to a new state-of-the-art for cross-modal audio-visual matching

    Interfacial and emulsifying properties of the electrostatic complex of β-lactoglobulin fibril and gum Arabic (Acacia Seyal)

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    Formation, interfacial and emulsifying properties of the electrostatic complex of β-lactoglobulin fibril (BLGF) and gum Arabic Acacia Seyal (AS) were investigated. Necklace-like soluble complex could be formed at pH 3.5, and its charge and interfacial properties depended on the BLGF content. With appropriate amount of BLGF (< 9.09 wt.%), the formed complex possessed a good dispersibility and surface activity. When excessive BLGF (9.09∼50 wt.%) existed, surface charge of the complex was gradually neutralized and aggregation occurred. Homogeneous oil-in-water emulsions could be stabilized by the complex and the droplet size decreased with increasing BLGF content. Higher content of BLGF (9.09∼50 wt.%) was detrimental for emulsification due to the aggregation of complex, and the formed emulsion tended to flocculate. Compared with AS, the complex formed emulsions were much more stable against heating (90 ℃, 30 min) and salting (200 mM NaCl) environments, and the emulsions were stable during long-term storage (46 days). Proposed mechanisms for the adsorption of BLGF/AS complex at the oil-water interface. Pure AS (i) could adsorb at the oil-water interface but formed a loose film due to its poor surface activity and insufficient adsorption amount. With addition of a small amount of fibrils (ii), soluble electrostatic complexes are formed and they can be adsorbed at the interface to formed a dense viscoelastic film due to the surface activity of the BLGF. With a higher content of fibrils (iii), surface charge of the complex tended to be neutralized, causing the aggregation. Because the presence of protein fibrils, they could also adsorb at the oil-water interface to produce a viscoelastic film. However, with a bigger size and irregular shape, the aggregates were difficult to array at the interface as densely as the soluble complex

    A Novel Method of 3D Multipoint Geostatistical Inversion Using 2D Training Images

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    AbstractThe seismic inversion method combined with multipoint geostatistics theory has begun to receive attention, but the acquisition accuracy and calculation efficiency of 3D training image still need more optimization. This paper presents a novel method of 3D multipoint geostatistical inversion based on 2D training images directly. The 2D training image was scanned by the data template to acquire the multipoint statistical probability in 2D direction. The probability fusion method is used to fuse the 2D multipoint probability into 3D multipoint probability. The rock facies types and patterns of the simulated points are obtained by random sampling. On this basis, the elastic parameters are extracted from the statistical rock physics model, and the seismic records are convoluted. Then, the synthetic records and the actual records were compared under a given threshold. If the error exceeds the given threshold, the iterative adaptive spatial sampling method will be used to repeat the process above-mentioned, so as to ensure that the error is below the threshold. Because the 2D training image is easy to obtain and evaluate, the demand problem of 3D training image is solved. The 2D training image scanning, probability storage and access are more convenient, and the adaptive spatial sampling method is more efficient than the reject sampling, so as to ensure the operation efficiency. The model from the Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting is selected to test the effectiveness of this newly designed method

    Quasi-antiphase diel patterns of abundance and cell size/biomass of picophytoplankton in the oligotrophic ocean

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    Picophytoplankton are the smallest, most abundant photosynthetic organisms in the ocean. Knowledge of the diel variability of these tiny microbes has important implications for the structure of microbial food webs and key biogeochemical processes. However, insight into the mechanisms that underlie picophytoplanktonic diel dynamics is limited. By combining a field survey with a published dataset, we found that cell numbers and cell sizes/biomasses of picophytoplankton were tightly synchronized to the day-night cycle, but they were in a quasi-antiphase relationship to each other. This pattern is a confirmation and extension of previous studies. Mortality rates showed that Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus were subject to considerable grazing pressure throughout the day and night. The quasi-antiphase diel cycles in abundance and cell size/biomass are likely determined by the light-dependent diel behavior of cell growth and division and continuous losses to grazing. This work significantly improves our understanding of autotrophic picoplankton in the oligotrophic ocean
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