34 research outputs found

    Causal agents of the prevalent cutaneous fungal diseases in Yazd province, 1998.

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    بررسی بیماریهای قارچی جلدی از نظر بهداشت عمومی در هر منطقه از کشور حائز اهمیت می باشد و شناسایی عوامل اتیولوژیک آنها که در مناطق مختلف متفاوت می باشد، ارزش بسیاری در پیشگیری و درمان آنها دارد. این پژوهش یک مطالعه توصیفی مقطعی می باشد که بر روی 1054 بیمار مراجعه کننده با ضایعات مشکوک جلدی به آزمایشگاه مرکزی یزد انجام شد بیماران از نظر عفونت های قارچی بررسی شدند و همراه با تکمیل پرسشنامه نمونه گیری از ضایعه و آزمایش مستقیم و کشت انجام شد. 268 نفر مبتلا به بیماری قارچی جلدی بودند که 152 نفر مرد و 116 نفر زن بودند حداکثر شیوع بیماری در گروههای سنی 9-0 سال(15/45) و 19-10 سال (75/25) بود. عفونت های قارچی جلدی به ترتیب شیوع: درماتوفیتوزیس (70/84)ـ تینه اورسی کالر (60/5) ـ اریتراسما (22/5) ـ کاندیدیازیس (73/3 ) و تریکومیکوزیس اگزیلاریس (75/ ) بودند. عوامل اتیولوژیک آنها به ترتیب شیوع: تریکوفیتون ویولاسئوم، تریکوفیتون وروکوزوم ، میکروسپوروم کانیس، اپیدرموفیتون فلوکوزوم، تریکوفیتون شوئن لاینی، تریکوفیتون منتاگروفیت، تریکوفیتون روبروم، میکروسپروم جیپسئوم، کاندیدا آلبیکانس و نوعی کاندیدا spp بودند. از نظر بالینی انواع کچلی سر (1/55)، بدن (3 /24)، دست (3/8 ، پا (6/5)، کشاله ران (2/5)، ناخن (2/1) و ریش و سبیل (3/0) به ترتیب شیــوع دیده شد. اندوتریکس شایع ترین کچلی سر (2/45) بود. اکتوتریکس (2/43) فاووس (6/1) به ترتیب بعدی بودند. 9 مورد عفونت فامیلی از نوع درماتوفیتوزیس دیده شد. 5 مورد دمودیسیدوزیس بود که در همه موارد صورت گرفتار بود. کچلی سر اولین و کچلی بدن دومین مورد بیماری مهم منطقه بود

    Comparison of regular aerobic and yoga on the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Background: The pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by fatigue, motor weakness, and spasticity, to name a few. MS symptoms may lead to physical inactivity associated with the development of secondary diseases. This study was to investigate the effect of regular aerobic and yoga on the quality of life of patients with MS. Methods: The present quasi-experimental study was conducted on 90 patients with chronic MS chosen randomly and divided into two test and one control groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 11.5) through paired t-test, ANOVA, and Tukey's post hoc. Results: There were no significant differences among the scores of quality of life in the three groups prior to investigation. Although they were significant after intervention. The mean score of yoga group was higher than that of aerobic group, and aerobic group showed a higher mean score compared with the control. Conclusion: Yoga and aerobic exercises may improve quality of life in patients with MS. It is highly recommended that the governor along with MS societies and other organizations servicing and supporting patients start to develop sport-regulated programs to help improve quality of life for these patients

    Chemical constituents of Allium stipitatum regel (persian shallot) essential oil

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    A. stipitatum (Synonym: A. hirtifolium) or Persian shallot from Amaryllidaceae family with indigenous name of ''Mooseer'' is one of the important edible Alliums in Iran. It is native and endemic from northwestern to southern of Iran and grows as a wild plant in the Zagross Mountains at high elevations of different provinces with the climate of very cold to moderate cold. In this study, essential oil constituents of A. stipitatum were investigated through gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) technique. After obtaining the chromatograms and mass spectra, the essential compounds of the essential oil were determined. As shown 1-Butene,1-(methylthio)-(Z) (18.21%), Methyl methylthiomethyl disulfide (8.41%), Dimethyl tetrasulfide (6.47%), Piperitenone oxide (4.55%) were the most abundant components and comprised 37.64% of the essential oil (Figure 1). While 2,5-Diethylthiophene (0.07%) and n-Nonanal (0.06%) were detected in lower amounts. The presence of compounds showed mono-sulfur (22.42%), disulfide (1.81%), tri-sulfur (13.57%) and tetra-sulfur compounds (6.47%). The results indicated that the highest amount of sulfur compounds is related to mono-sulfur compounds

    A review of chemical components and pharmacological effects of Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff

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    Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. is a perennial aromatic herb, which grows up to 120 to 200 cm high. The flowers are 1 to 2 mm in diameter, all hermaphrodites and petals are yellow and produced in compound umbels. While this plant has lots of properties, the aim of this study is to overview its therapeutic, nutritive and industrial effects. This review article was carried out by searching studies in PubMed, Web of Science, and Iran Medex databases up to 2015. The search terms were "Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff.", "therapeutic", ''pharmacological", "keluss", "karafs e koohi", "wild celery" or their combinations. Totally, of 100 found articles, 47 articles (42 in vitro and 5 in vivo) were included. Various studies have shown that Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. has antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungi, larvicidal and insecticidal, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, anti-spasm, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-hypercholesterolemic, antigenotoxic and fibrinolytic properties.Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. is widely used for therapeutic and purposes that trigger its significant value. Various combinations and numerous medicinal properties of its extract, essential oils, its stems and leaves demand further and more scientific studies about the effective compounds this plant and their mechanism actions

    A review of the most important medicinal plants effective on wound healing on ethnobotany evidence of Iran

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    Wound is referred to the disruption of joined structure of the body caused by physical, chemical, and biological agents. Wound healing is a reconstructive process which takes place after damage to skin and soft tissues. After damage, inflammatory response is developed and subdermal cells begin to increase the production of collagen and then epithelial tissue is gradually reconstructed. In Iran traditional medicine, natural substances and medicinal plants are used to heal wounds. This study was conducted to review the most important medicinal plants used for wound healing in different provinces of Iran. The key words including wound healing and skin healing combined with the words medicinal plants, ethnobotany, and traditional medicine in Iran were used to search for in the databases Information Sciences Institute, PubMed, Scopus, Islamic World Science Citation Center, and Magiran. The findings of this study on 15 different regions of Iran indicated use of 67 medicinal plants for wound healing. In some regions Scrophulariastriata, Althaea officinalis, Nerium oleander L. andPlantago major L. were jointly used for wound healing. The medicinal plants reported in this study with their wound-healing property are some alternatives that could be used to develop herbal medicines effective on wound healing if complementary studies confirm their properties

    Effect of combination of honey, saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and sedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) on cognitive dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    Background and aims: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder of nervous system that leads to dementia in patients. This study was conducted to determine the effect of combination of honey, saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and sedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) on cognitive dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Methods: This double-blinded clinical trial study enrolling a sample size of 30 subjects was conducted per cross-over method. The patients with mild Alzheimer's disease obtaining the scores 12 ≥ in cog-ADAS scale were enrolled into the study. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups of A and B. During the first 2 months in group A, placebo was given, and group B underwent treatment with the combination under study. After a one-month period of washout, the same procedure was run reversely in two groups. Finally, the data analysis was done by SPSS software using descriptive and analytical tests. Result: Mann-Whitney test indicated no difference in mean cognitive dysfunction between two groups in neither of periods (P>0.05). Also, Friedman test showed no change in cognitive dysfunction during the study in neither of groups (group A: P=0.287, group B: P=0.158). Conclusion: Simultaneous use of honey, C. rotundus and C. sativus has no more pronounced effect than placebo on cognitive dysfunction in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. It is recommended that future studies of this compound be done on patients of younger age and its preventive effects be addressed

    The most important medicinal plants effective on migraine: A review of ethnobotanical studies in Iran

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    Migraine is a disabling and very common health problem. This review article reported the plants used to treat migraine in traditional culture and ethnobotany of different regions of Iran. The key words such as ethnopharmacology, ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, phytopharmacology, traditional medicine, phytomedicine, and Iran, combined with migraine and headache, were used to search for relevant materials in Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Islamic World Science Citation Center, and Magiran. Twenty two medicinal plants from 16 families are used, according to Iranian traditional medicine, to treat migraine specifically. Most plants reported in this study were analgesic and anti-inflammatory, affecting the inflammation and cortical vascular contractile dysfunction. Because of common use of traditional medicinal plants and wide acceptance of herbal medicine and traditional medicine, more comprehensive studies should be done in pharmacy and pharmacology areas to inform pharmaceutical industries

    Determination the sedative effect of intravenous Dexamethasone with and without superficial scalp arteries compression in acute migraine attack

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    زمینه و هدف: میگرن سردردی یک طرفه، ضربان دار همراه با تهوع و استفراغ می باشد و در سنین جوانی و بلوغ بیشترین شیوع را دارد. با توجه به شیوع فراوان میگرن و حملات مکرر آن و ایجاد ترس و استرس در شروع حملات روشی ساده مورد نیاز است تا بیماران حین درد خودشان بتوانند از شدت آن بکاهند و یا آن را از بین ببرند. هدف این مطالعه مقایسه اثر تسکینی دگزامتازون وریدی با و بدون فشردن شرایین سطحی پوست سر در حملات حاد سردرد میگرنی می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی، 200 نفر از بیمارانی که با سردرد حاد (بدون پاسخ به مسکن های معمول) به کلینیک یا اورژانس مغز و اعصاب بیمارستان آیت اله کاشانی شهرکرد مراجعه کرده بودند مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. افراد مورد مطالعه بطور تصادفی در دو گروه یکصد نفری شاهد (دریافت کنندگان دگزامتازون) و مورد (دریافت کنندگان دگزامتازون همراه با فشار شریان های سطحی اسکالپ) قرار گرفتند. میزان درد قبل و پس از مداخله در دو گروه طبق معیارهای انجمن بین المللی سر درد و بر اساس پرسشنامه میداس ارزیابی شد. داده ها بر اساس آزمون من ویتنی، مجذور کای، رتبه علامت دار ویل کاکسون و آنالیز واریانس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته ها: میانگین سنی بیماران 11±4/31 سال و 74 بیماران زن بودند. نسبت میگرن شایع به کلاسیک 10 به 1 بود. کاهش معنی داری در نمره درد پس از مداخله در هر دو گروه دیده شد (01/0

    The effect of deep-slow and regular breathing on pain intensity of burn dressing

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    Aims: Burn pain is one of the severest and most consistent types of pain. Patients who suffer from burn usually experience the highest level of pain at the time of dressing change. The aim of the present study is “determining the effect of deep-slow and regular breathing on pain intensity of dressing in patients with burns”. Methods: This study is a randomized clinical trial in two intervention and control groups which investigate the pain in 68 patients referring to the burn ward of Kashani hospital of Shahrekord in the period of March 2011 to August 2011 through random and convenient sampling, these patients were in one of intervention or control group. Data were collected with visual analogue scale and analyzed by using SPSS, descriptive statistic test, independent t-test and chi-square. Results: At first the mean of dressing pain intensity score before and after intervention in intervention group was 5.82, 3.66 and in control group was 5.3, 4.8 respectively. There was significant difference between the pain intensity after dressing in intervention and control groups (p=0.04). Conclusions: Using deep-slow and regular breathing can be an important factor in reducing pain intensity during burn dressing

    Effects of yoga on physiological indices, anxiety and social functioning in multiple sclerosis patients: A randomized trial

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) as a chronic disease could affect patients’ various domains of life. Aim: This study was conducted to study the effect of yoga on the physiological indices, anxiety and social functioning of patients with MS in southwest, Iran. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, 60 MS patients were enrolled according to inclusion criteria and randomly assigned to two groups of 30 each. Prior to and after intervention, the patients’ vital signs were measured. For case group yoga exercises were performed three sessions a week for 12 weeks while control group performed no exercise. The data were gathered by questionnaire and analysed by descriptive and analytical statistics in SPSS. Results: Prior to intervention, there was no significant difference in fatigue severity and pain between the two groups but the mean fatigue severity and pain in case group decreased compared to the control group after the intervention. Prior to intervention, there was no significant difference in mean physiological indices between the two groups but the mean physiological indices in case group decreased significantly after the intervention (p<0.05). Conclusion: Yoga is likely to increase self-efficacy of MS patients through enhancing physical activity, increasing the strength of lower limbs and balance, and decreasing fatigue and pain, and finally to promote social functioning and to relieve stress and anxiety in these patients