47 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Carotid Arterial Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) and Its Relation to Clinical Parameters in Japanese Children

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the carotid arterial intima-media thickness (IMT) and its relation to clinical parameters in Japanese children. Fifty-two healthy children (39 boys and 13 girls), aged 6-14 years, were enrolled in this cross-sectional investigation study. IMT of the common carotid artery was determined using ultrasonography. We also investigated anthropometric parameters, blood pressure (BP), lifestyles and blood examinations. The mean value of IMT was 0.4±0.1mm, which was lower than the normal value (1.0mm) in adults. IMT was positively correlated with age (r=0.340) and height (r=0.346) in boys, while it was positively correlated with body mass index (BMI) (r=0.584) and diastolic BP (DBP) (r=0.563) in girls. In addition, IMT was associated with sleeping hours and hours of watching television (TV) by using stepwise regression analysis. In conclusion, IMT increased with aging, and it was linked to some clinical parameters of atherosclerosis and lifestyles in children. Therefore, this reference data will be helpful for future assessment of age-related change in Japanese children in clinical practice, and IMT might be a good predictor of atherosclerosis in Japanese children

    Vaccination with complete adjuvant-added inactivated virus vaccine of Japanese encephalitis to swine, rabbits and chicks for preventing viremia (epidemiological study on Japanese encephalitis 25)

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    As a step towards the elimination of Japanese encephalitis virus in natural surroundings, we inoculated pigs, rabbits and chicks with inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine supplemented with complete or incomplete Freund's adjuvant twice at one-week interval. Subsequently, we compared HI antibody titers of the groups inoculated with vaccine containing complete Freund's adjuvant (pigs, rabbits, chicks), of the group inoculated with vaccine containing incomplete adjuvant (rabbits), ar;d of the groups inoculated with vaccine containing no adjuvant (pigs, rabbits, chicks), and also observations on changes in the antibody titers due to natural infection. In a certain portion of these animals neutralizing antibody titers were also determined. The results of this study are briefly summarized as follows. 1. In the groups of pigs and rabbits inoculated with vaccine containing complete Freund's adjuvant, titers of HI antibody and neutralizing antibody were higher than those inoculated with vaccine containing no adjuvant and their high titers persisted. Further, in the group of chicks inoculated with inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine containing complete Freund's adjuvant, HI antibody titers were higher and persistent as compared with the antibody titers in the chicks inoculated with inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine alone. 2. In the rabbits inoculated with inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine contammg incomplete adjuvant, HI antibody titers were lower than in those receiving the vaccine with complete adjuvant, but it has been demonstrated clearly that vaccination of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine supplemented with incomplete adjuvant brings about less sideeffects. Hence such a method of vaccination can be applied as the vaccination with least side-effects. 3. With respect to natural infection of swine, on August 27 when the pigs were thought to have been infected, there was observed a rise in antibody titers. And on being infected with Japanese encephalitis, the antibodies formed in those pigs inoculated with inactivated Japanese ence- phalitis vaccine with or without complete adjuvant proved to be all 2-ME resistant type, whereas the antibodies produced in the control groups not receiving such a vaccination were 2-ME sensitive antibody.</p

    Epidemiological studies on subacute myelo-optico-neuropathy with abdominal symptoms (SMON) in epidemic area of Okayama Prefecture, Japan. XI. Epidemiological studies on SMON

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    Epidemiological study on the prevalence of SMON III Ibara City, Yoshii Town and Yubara Town in Okayama Prefecture was conducted and the following results were obtained. &#34;Epidemization precession&#34; (Die Prazession der Durchseuchung), described by Rudder which shows that ages common to this disease is shifting to younger generation as incidence rate increases, in the endemic regions was recognized in Ibara City and Yubara Town. The mode of the distribution of the interval between the primary and secondary patients in a family suggests that it corresponds to the incubation period. Distribution of the patients to the size of family is not adaptable to binomial model, but adaptable to chain binomial model, and the intra-household transmitted rate is 5 per cent, and the true intra-household transmitted rate is about two times as high as extra-household transmitted rate by the modified chain binomial model. Intra-hospital incidence among SMON patients and non-SMON patients as well as medical workers were observed at the time when the number of new patients increased in a hospital. In SMON patients, the rate of appendectomized ones was higher than that of non-SMON patients, suggesting that gastrointestinal tract has some relationship to the development of SMON disease.</p

    Vaccination with complete adjuvant-added inactivated virus vaccine of Japanese encephalitis to swine for preventing viremia (with specific reference to the effect of vaccination on viremia; epidemiological study on Japanese encephalitis. 35)

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    As to trial toward the elimination of Japanese encephalitis virus in natural surroundings, pigs received inoculation of inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine supplemented with complete Freund's adjuvant twice at one-week interval. Effect of adjuvant supplement on the magnitude of antibody and also prevention of viremia caused by natural infection by antibody induced with vaccine were investigated. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. In the group of pigs inoculated with vaccine containing adjuvant, titer of hemoagglutination inhibiting and neutralizing antibodies was higher than those inoculated with vaccine alone and their high titer persisted. 2. With respect to natural infection of pigs, on August 22 when the pigs were thought to have been infected, there was observed a rise in antibody titers. And on antibody formed in those pigs inoculated with vaccine with or without adjuvant proved to be all 2-ME resistant type, whereas the antibodies produced in control group were 2-ME sensitive antibody. 3. Viremia was detected in the blood of pigs naturally infected, but it was not demonstrated pigs inoculated with vaccine supplemented with adjuvant or without adjuvant. The virus of pig blood which was inoculated into suckling mouse brain and was separated after low suckling passage mouse was supposed to be JaGAr strain from optimum hydrogen ion concentration of its hemoagglutination reaction. 4. Effect of vaccination on antibody response of pigs having maternal antibody was not recognized.</p

    Infection of herons and domestic fowls with Japanese encephalitis virus with specific reference to maternal antibody of hen (epidemiological study on Japanese encephalitis 26

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    In order to ascertain whether black-crowned night herons (BCNH), white heron (Plumed Egrets (PE)) and domestic fowls are infected by JE virus and they serve as infection source ofJE, hemoagglutination inhibiting antibody and its 2·ME sensitive antibody in the sera of these birds were determined. Physico-chemical nature of fowl's antibody of JE produced by natural infection and their maternal antibody in the sera of chicks were examined. The results are briefly summarized as follows. 1) As to the herons captured in Tsudaka Town, two out of six adult night herons and three out of the four chicks showed positive HI reaction. On the other hand, HI reaction in the sera of two adult white herons and three chicks were negative. 2) As to the herons captured in Okayama City, twenty out of thirtytwo adult night herons and seven out of seventy white herons showed positive HI reaction in 1966 around the time when JE was prevalent in Okayama Prefecture. And six out of eleven night herons and one out of seven white herons showing positive HI reaction, responded positively to 2-ME sensitivity test. 3) The results indicate that white herons can be also infection source ofJE though less than in the case of night herons. 4) In the domestic fowls (white leghorn) kept at Takahashi District, eight out of twenty-seven fowls showed positive HI reaction. And six out of seven domestic fowls showing positive HI reaction responded positively to 2-ME sensitive reaction. 5) Transformation of JE antibody in the serum of hen from IgM to IgG was recognized. 6) Domestic chicken's sera having 1 : 640 of HI titer in the original serum and 1 : 320 of HI titer after 2-ME treatment were fractionated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and the antibody activities present in the various fractions were determined. HI antibody activities occurred in both IgM and IgG classes of immunoglobulins. 7) Maternal HI antibodies reacting with JE virus were found in newly hatched domestic chickens from the eggs laid by hens with natural infection ofJE. And half life of HI antibodies in chicks was four days. 8) HI antibodies of JE in the serum of maternal immune-hens and chicken having maternal antibody were located in r-globulin fraction by starch block electrophoresis. 9) The results from 4) to 8) indicate the presence of natural infection ofJE in the domestic fowls. And domestic fowls can be infection source ofJE.</p

    Determination of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol levels in the urine of termite control workers using chlorpyrifos.

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    Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphorus insecticide, has been used to control termites since regulatory measures against the use of chlordanes were taken in September, 1986. We developed an improved gas chromatographic (GC) method for the assay of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) in the urine to use in the biological monitoring of exposure to chlorpyrifos. Urinary TCP was separated and determined accurately (C.V., 4%) with high sensitivity (detection limit, 10 ng/ml) and recovery (recovery greater than 90%) using a wide bore capillary column (WBC column). The accuracy and precision of the present GC method are satisfactory. The time course of urinary excretion of TCP was followed in workers. The urinary TCP level was low in the off-season and high in the busy season. Variation in the urinary TCP level corresponded to the termite control season and the length of the working period. The urinary TCP level showed a change reciprocal to the variations in the plasma cholinesterase activity. From these results, it is surmised that the urinary TCP level represents the extent of exposure to chlorpyrifos. The decrease in the level of cholinesterase activity is suggested to be due to exposure to chlorpyrifos. Determination of the urinary TCP level by GC using a WBC column is useful in the biological monitoring of chlorpyrifos in termite control workers and potentially has practical application to health care.</p

    Seasonal level of hemoagglutinin inhibitinlt and its 2-mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in the sera of swine (Epidemiological Study on Japanese Encephalitis, 67)

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    Seasonal level of hemoagglutinin inhibiting and its 2 -mercaptoethanol sensitive antibody in the sera of swine were researched and the following results were obtained. 1. The positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction (HI reaction) on swine showed 100% at maximum in the middle of September. 1980. The positive rate of 2-ME sensitive antibody showed the titer of over 1 : 40 with all swine examined in the middle of August, 1980. 2. The positive rate of HI reaction of inhabitants at Mukaiyama in Kurashiki City was 76.0% (on 8th in July, 1980) indicating the rather big decrease being compared with annual value of 90.6%, in 1976. Date indicated that increase In JE virus in swine as source of infection thought to be a vector of JE, caused a genuine case of JE, in 1980, as described below. 3. Higher positive rate of HI reaction and 2-ME sensitive positive rate of swine were observed in 1980. 4. One patient who suffered from JE was found In Kurashiki City in 1980. 5. Henceforth and continuously, Japanese Encephalitis should be investigated, above all on its occurance order with the number or Ct or the positive rate of hemoagglutination inhibit reaction in inhahitants and swine, etc. considering that J.E. has a high lethality rate and often leaves the terrible J. E. residue to patients

    頸動脈硬化病変と生活習慣との関連性について : 過疎化、高齢化率の進んだ一地域、新見市千屋地区住民を対象として

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    健康長寿、QOLの向上は私たち誰もが持つ願望であり、健康日本21で示すように生活習慣病対策は個々人にとって重要な課題である。岡山県の山間、過疎地域の50歳から70歳の住民80名の希望対象者に頸動脈エコー検査を実施し、同時にライフスタイルチェックを行った。受検者76名(男性22名、女性54名)の平均年齢は男性63.1歳、女性62.2歳であった。男女別のライフスタイルチェックでは、日常生活活動、食生活習慣、休養習慣ともに女性の得点取得率が高く、運動習慣の男女平均取得率は7.5%と最も低かった(有意差なし)。頸動脈エコー検査結果は正常範囲群28名、軽度所見あり群41名、中等度以上の所見あり群7名(うち高血圧治療中3名)であった。頸動脈エコー検査結果からライフスタイルチェックをみると、正常範囲群と比較し中等度以上の所見あり群の平均得点取得率が高かった項目は、日常生活活動、食生活習慣、ライフスタイルチェックの合計点であり、中等度以上の所見あり群の方が生活習慣に関しては普段から十分注意していることが示唆された。Healthy long life and improvement of QOL are everybody\u27s desire. According to Project Healthy Japan 21, precautions against lifestyle-related diseases are important issues for individuals. We carried out carotid artery echo examinations and life style questionnaire to residents, from 50 years to 70 years of age, in a depopulated mountainous area of Okayama Prefecture. The average ages of the 76 examinees (22 males and 54 females) are 63.1 years of age for male and 62.2 for female. In the life style questionnaire to both genders, female examinees scored higher in sections such as daily life activities, dietary habits, and relaxation habits. The average percentage of who has regular exercise is 7.5% in both genders combined (no significant difference between the genders). Regarding the results of carotid artery echo examinations, 28 examinees were in the group of normal range, 41 in the group of minor findings, and 7 in the group of more than medium findings (including 3 persons under hypertension treatment. When we relate the results of carotid artery echo examinations to life style questionnaire, people in the group of more than medium findings score higher in categories of daily life activities, dietary habits and total scores of life style questionnaire. It can be noted that people who are in the group of more than medium findings are careful enough in their daily lives


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    職場におけるメンタルヘルス対策は重要な課題である。職業性ストレス簡易調査票を用いて短大教職員と事務系職員の職業性ストレスを比較した。対象者は旧A市役所職員300名(男性225名、女性75名)、短大教職員55名(男性21名、女性34名)。平均回収率54.9%。平均年齢は41.8歳(標準偏差±11.5歳)であった。短大教職員は事務系職員と比較し仕事の要求度(仕事の量、スピード、複雑さ)、仕事のコントロール(仕事の裁量権や自由度等)が有意に高かったが、同僚の支援は有意に低かった。上司の支援に有意の差はなかった。また、ストレスの量-コントロール判定図および職場の支援判定図からみた仕事のストレス判定図の結果、事務系職員の総合健康リスクは92.0、短大教職員は87.0であり、全国平均の総合健康リスク100と比較し事務系職員は8.0%、短大教職員は13.0%健康リスクが低くなっていた。Mental health at work has been an important subject. We have examined job stress among junior college staff in comparison with civil servants. Participants: 300 (225 males and 75 females) civil servants in a city government and 55 (21 males and 34 females) junior college staff. The average collection rate is 54.9%. The mean age was 41.84±11.5 years old. The present sample of junior college staff shows meaningfully higher job demands (amount of task, speed and complexity) and task control (discretion and flexibility of task performing) than civil servants. Junior college staff shows significantly lower support rate from their colleagues than civil servants. There is no significant difference on support rate from their bosses. In terms of stress levels which are shown in diagrams of stress measurement combined with diagrams of stress control and support, general health risk level of civil servants is 92.0, while that of junior college staff is 87.0. Compared with national average of general health risk level 100, the level of civil servants is 8.0% lower and that of college staff is 13.0% lower

    Epidemiological Study on Japanese Encephalitis mainly in the matter of Preventive Effect of Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine

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    Conducting the immuno-epidemiological study of hemagglutination inhibiting antibody (HI antibody in short) titer in this disease patients and epidemiological study of outbreak of patients in Okayama prefecture noted for this disease prevallence, the following results were obtained. 1) The level of HI antibody titer in the serum of many inhabitants in the southern part in Okayama prefecture increased by J. E. vaccine inoculation to them and revealed the immunity strengthened, of inhabitants, from this disease, although HI antibody in 21% inhabitants in number yet stayed at the value, below 1:10. 2) Morbidity rate of vaccinated inhabitants was (1/2.0) as high as that of non-vaccinated and the difference between the two rates was siginificant within 0.1% level proving the evident effect of vaccination, and the ratio of mortality rate between vaccinated and non-vaccinated was also (1/2.0) showing samely the difference significant. 3) Annual variation in morbidity rate of vaccinated inhibitants paralleled with that in non-vaccinated inhabitants, and the effect of vaccination was especially high in pupils in the southern part of the prefecture and old men in the northern part. 4) Outbreak of J. E. was usually influenced by the number of hazardous mosquitos under various environmental conditions and the number of the vaccinated inhabitants in that region, for the vaccination effect on this disease was not absolute but relative to the ratio between the numbers of the vaccinated and non-vaccinated. 5) It was observed that the higher ratio between the number of vaccinated and non-vaccinated, the lower morbidity rate. 6) Morbidity rate of inhabitants at the age of 5-14 in the southern part of Okayama prefecture became lower after having received vaccination. The rate of receiving vaccination was higher in pupils than in inhabitant of any other stages of age. 7) Morbility rate in the southern part of Okayama prefecture has decreased in recent years and that in the northern part of Okayama prefecture has increased after 1960, and on the other hand, morbility rate of pupils in the former part has markedly decreased and that of the old in the latter part has increased after 1960. It is considered that these above phenomena are due to cleaning up of various environmental conditions by the rapid industrization in the southern part of Okayama prefecture and the superior effect of vaccination