16 research outputs found

    Sea gravity measurements in the Antarctic regions during the 22nd and 23rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions

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    Sea gravity measurements on board the icebreaker FUJI in the Antarctic regions were conducted in the 23rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-23). They are the second intensive measurements following the work of JARE-22. Cruise tracks of JARE -22 and -23 have some crossing points in the Antarctic regions. Gravity data at the crossing points were used to calibrate outputs of the sea gravity meter NIPRORI. The icebreaker FUJI entered Amundsen Bay for the first time during the cruise of JARE -23. Detailed sea gravity survey in the bay revealed a significant, local free-air gravity low down to -70 mgal in the area

    On-board test on the performance of a surface ship gravity meter NIPRORI-1

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    A surface ship gravity meter NIPRORI-1 which was built in 1980 was tested on board the icebreaker FUJI during her cruise around the Japanese Islands from September to October 1980. This test has verified that performance of the new gravity meter is satisfactory as a device to be used for the measurement in the Antarctic region

    Sea gravity measurement in the Antarctic Research Expedition

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    Sea gravity measurements on board the icebreaker FUJI during the 22nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition conducted from November 1980 to April 1981 were very successful with almost no lack of measurements throughout the cruise. Free air and Bouguer gravity anomalies obtained at the continental shelves of East antarctica show that the crustal structures are isostatic as a whole, except for the glaciated shelves with steep troughs or canyons. The Gunnerus Bank protruding from the Antarctic Continent is associated with free air gravity lows of -70 mgal at the foot of both sides. Existence of these lows indicates that masses of the bathymetric high are isostatically compensated at a great depth

    センジョウ ジュウリョクケイ NIPRORI-1 カタ ノ センジョウ ニ オケル セイノウ シケン

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    1980年に新しく製作した船上重力計NIPRORI-1型の性能試験のため, 同年9月から10月にかけて砕氷船「ふじ」の内地巡航に同乗した。この試験により, NIPRORI-1型重力計が南極で使用するに足る十分な性能を保有することが確かめられた。A surface ship gravity meter NIPRORI-1 which was built in 1980 was tested on board the icebreaker FUJI during her cruise around the Japanese Islands from September to October 1980. This test has verified that performance of the new gravity meter is satisfactory as a device to be used for the measurement in the Antarctic region

    サイヒョウセン 「フジ」 ニ ヨル ナンキョク シュウヘン デノ カイジョウ ジュウリョク ソクテイ (ダイ22ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ ナツタイ)

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    第22次南極地域観測隊夏隊による砕氷船「ふじ」船上での海上重力測定は, 1980年11月25日の東京出港から1981年4月20日の帰港までの全航海を通じ, 実施することができた。途中, オーストラリアのフリマントル, 南極・昭和基地, モーリシャスのポートルイス, シンガポールの各寄港中, ラコステG型重力計を用いて, 海上重力計との比較測定も実施した。得られた重力異常値をみると, 東南極の大陸棚では, 氷食地形を除き, 全体としてアイソスタシーが成り立っている。また, グンネラス海堆では, その根もとに-70mgalにも及ぶ負のフリーエア重力異常が観測され, 地下深部に広範囲にわたり密度の大きな物質が存在することが推定される。Sea gravity measurements on board the icebreaker FUJI during the 22nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition conducted from November 1980 to April 1981 were very successful with almost no lack of measurements throughout the cruise. Free air and Bouguer gravity anomalies obtained at the continental shelves of East antarctica show that the crustal structures are isostatic as a whole, except for the glaciated shelves with steep troughs or canyons. The Gunnerus Bank protruding from the Antarctic Continent is associated with free air gravity lows of -70 mgal at the foot of both sides. Existence of these lows indicates that masses of the bathymetric high are isostatically compensated at a great depth