14 research outputs found
Archaeoacoustic analysis of Cybele’s temple, Imperial Roman Palace of Felix Romuliana, Serbia. An interpretation using a method complementary to archaeology.
Archaeoacoustic and physical phenomena research at ancient sites has developed beyond the initial stage. Our research group uses a practical standard (SBSA) complementing the field of archaeology. Studying archaeoacoustics and natural phenomena over the last four years, has enables us to offer an explanation as to some of the enigmas of ancient archaeological sites that were not possible to explain with other methods.
Following our experience, we applied the same method to look at an interesting question about the orientation of Cybele’s Temple situated within the Imperial Roman Palace Felix Romuliana, South-East Serbia. This temple and its fixtures are the only place within the palace that is not oriented along the east-west axis of the complex as was the Roman tradition (Decumanus). Historians also made reference to mysterious rituals, so we used archaeoacoustical methods to better understand why this ought be. We found that the temple’s orientation followed the direction of some infrasound and low frequency vibrations most likely originating from an underground flow of water. These frequencies would have increased the effect of rituals by enhancing the psyche of the participants due to the influence of these low vibrations on human brain waves. This suggests the builders of this temple had some sort of knowledge of this effect
Spearman correlation coefficients between SI, verbal fluency, and HoNOS in schizophrenia and BPD patients.
<p><i>Note</i>: Values of Spearman correlation coefficients significant at p<0.05 are in bold (0.45 or higher are significant at p<0.01); Fisher Z was higher than 0.05; Sch – schizophrenia; BPD – borderline personality disorder; SI – Splitting Index; SI(S) – Splitting Index, factor of self; SI(F) – Splitting Index, factor of family; SI(O) – Splitting Index, factor of others; VF- verbal fluency; HoNOS(E): version for external evaluation; HoNOS(S): self-reported version.</p
Dependency graph between pointwise transinformation- PTI (in bits) and complex partial seizure-like symptoms- CPSI (r = 0.43, p = 0.004).
<p>Dependency graph between pointwise transinformation- PTI (in bits) and complex partial seizure-like symptoms- CPSI (r = 0.43, p = 0.004).</p
Statistical comparison between schizophrenia and BPD patients using Mann-Whitney test.
<p><i>Note:</i> SI – Splitting Index, SI(S) – Splitting Index, factor of self, SI(F) – Splitting Index, factor of family, SI(O) – Splitting Index, factor of others, VF- verbal fluency, HoNOS(E)- version for external evaluation of HoNOS (mean), HoNOS(S) - self-reported version of HoNOS (mean), BPD – borderline personality disorder, Z- Z value of Mann-Whitney test, r- standardized effect size.</p
Between group comparison for alcohol dependent patients with higher and lower level of symptoms related to limbic irritability (LSCL-33).
<p><b><i>Note.</i></b> LSCL-33- Limbic System Checklist; ACQ- Alcohol Craving Questionnaire; PTI- information flow (pointwise transinformation in bits); Higher LSCL-33 (N = 17, LSCL-33≥36); Lower LSCL-33 (N = 17, LSCL-33<36); df = 32.</p
: Univariable and multivariable associations of symptoms and socio-demographic characteristics with being accused of a crime in the English sample.
1<p>Model fitted to 352 observations.</p
: Univariable and multivariable associations of symptoms and socio-demographic characteristics with being a victim of physical violence in the European sample.
1<p>Model fitted to 543 observations; <b><sup>2</sup></b>Controlling for country.</p
Univariable and multivariable associations of symptoms and socio-demographic characteristics with being a victim of physical violence in the English sample.
1<p>Model fitted to 351 observations.</p
: Univariable and multivariable associations of symptoms and socio-demographic characteristics with being accused of a crime in the European sample.
1<p>Model fitted to 543 observations; <b><sup>2</sup></b>Controlling for country.</p
Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of the patients in the English and European samples.
<p>Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of the patients in the English and European samples.</p