8 research outputs found

    Impact of Rural Financial Institutions Building Program (RUFIN) on the Productivity of Women-Owned Farms and Non-Farm Enterprises in Northern Nigeria

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    This study was undertaken to determine the impact of the Rural Financial Institution Building Program (RUFIN) on the productivity of women-owned farms and non-farm enterprises in Northern Nigeria. The study utilized primary data collected through a questionnaire administered to 390 beneficiaries and an equal number of non-beneficiaries selected through a multi-stage sampling procedure. The productivity of women-owned enterprises was determined using Total Factor Productivity (TFP), which was measured as a ratio of the total annual output of the enterprise to the product of capital input, labor input, and total material input. The propensity score matching approach was used to analyze data because of its aptness for overcoming selection bias in an intervention project like RUFIN. Four matching algorithms were tried, which include Nearest Neighbour Matching, Radius Matching, Epanechnikov Kernel Matching, and Stratification methods. Results showed the treatment (RUFIN) had a significant effect on the productivity of women-owned enterprises at 1% probability level, irrespective of the matching method. For the selected stratification matching method, the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) was 1.673, indicating participation in RUFIN increases the enterprise productivity of a given beneficiary by 1.673. The study concludes that RUFIN had positive impacts on the productivity of beneficiaries. It is recommended that institutionalized development programs that mirror the design and implementation approach of Rural Financial Institution Building Program (RUFIN) should be promoted across national and sub-national governments of Nigeria as a means of scaling the productivity of rural entrepreneurs and harnessing other benefits that accompany rural financing

    Risk Attitude of Monocrop and Intercrop Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria

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    The research investigated the risk attitude, of farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria, with the aim of generating reliable information on the influence of risk attitudes of the decision-making behaviour of farmers. Agricultural production is highly characterized by risks for this reason, farmers’ attitudes towards risk is imperative in understanding their behaviour towards the adoption of new technology and managerial decisions. The technique applied in order to achieve the objectives of the study was Experimental Gambling Approach. Data to conduct the research was obtained mainly from primary sources through a questionnaire survey of 256 farmers, comprising 98 monocroppers and 158 intercroppers. The results from the study revealed that all the farmers exhibit some level of risk aversion.  The intercroppers were statistically significantly more risk-averse than the monocroppers.  Risk attitude influences the decisions farmers make in the production process and should be considered when formulating agricultural policies. Keywords: Risk attitude, monocroppers, intercroppers and experimental gambling approach.

    Economic Efficiency of Poultry Egg Production in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the determinants of efficiency of poultry egg production in Ogori-Magongo Local Government Area of Kogi state. Data was collected through a multi-stage sampling technique and analysed using both descriptive and stochastic production frontier. The results revealed that feed intake and utility were the most important inputs in poultry egg production in the area. Furthermore, the study found the average efficiency estimate to be 88.77% and this was influenced positively by education, access to credit and experience. However, about 11.23% of the profit was lost to technical inefficiency. Findings from the study also showed that farmers were operating in stage one of production at 1.02, which is the area of increasing returns to scale. The study thus recommends that efforts should be made at ensuring the poultry farmers have access to credit and educational programmes should be organized to sensitize farmers more on how to improve on their efficiency level. It is also recommended that farmers increase their stock of birds, feed and utilities in other to operate at the stage two of production. Keywords: Efficiency, Poultry Egg, Stoshastic Frontier, Nigeria


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    This study was conducted in Niger state Nigeria to determine the effect of Fadama III AF development programme on women and youth sorghum farmers. A Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted for the sampling procedure. Two local government areas were selected and four villages were randomly selected from both local governments. A total of 78 respondents which included women and youths were selected from the villages which brought the total of the respondents to be 156. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were analyzed through the use of descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, propensity score matching analyzed the effect of Fadama III AF programme on the income, labor, output and area of land cultivated. The ordinary least square regression model was used to analyse the determinants of the income of the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. The study revealed that the average income, output and labour used of the beneficiaries increased after the participation of the development program depicting a positive impact on the beneficiaries. The study revealed that the mean age of the beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries were 34years and 37years respectively. The majority of the beneficiaries were females 62.80% and males 37.20% for the non- beneficiaries. The OLS estimates indicated that quantity of seeds at 1%, labour at 5%, farming experience at 5%, number of adopted technologies at 10% and transportation at 1% level of significance respectively were the determinants of income for the beneficiaries while price of sorghum at 1%, farm size at 1% and farming experience at 10% level of significance respectively were the determinants of income for the non- beneficiaries. Therefore it was recommended that the Federal Government, ADP’s, nongovernmental agency and financing institutions (World Bank) ensure the continuation of the programme and extension to the non-beneficiaries in order to improve the standard of living in the rural area


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    This study was carried out to analyse the economics of cassava processing under value chain development program in Wushishi Local Government area of Niger State, Nigeria. The research described the socio-economic characteristics of the cassava processors, identified methods used by the cassava processors, estimated the cost and returns to cassava processing as well as analysed the determinants of income of cassava processors. The study utilized multistage sampling technique in selecting 100 processors from the study area. Data were obtained through the use of structured questionnaire and interview schedule. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, farm budgeting technique and regression model. The farm budgeting analysis revealed that cassava processing into garri was profitable with a net income of ₦103,485.33. Labour intensity, high cost of cassava tubers and time consumption were the major constraints faced by the farmers. The regression analysis showed that 67% of the variation of the output was explained by the variables included in the model. Age (p<0.05), processing experience (p<0.01), transportation cost (p<0.05), storage cost (p<0.01) and packaging cost (p<0.01) were significant factors that influenced the income of cassava farmers under VCDP in the study area.The study recommendsthat the VCDP/Government should introduce innovative equipment that will reduce the stress in processing and ensure timeliness in processing operations