128 research outputs found


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    The Official Buddhist Canon of the Yuan Dynasty (元官藏 Yuan guan zang): Recent Findings

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    The present article describes and examines the recent findings from The Official Buddhist Canon of the Yuan Dynasty(元官藏 He Yuan guan zang). It comprises the following five sections : (1) A historical sketch of the research on the Yuan guan zang. The identification of the Yuan guan zang was a relatively late event in the history of the modern studies on the Chinese Buddhist Canon :大藏經. The exact determination of its title actually occurred at an even later date. Actually, the historical records concerning this Canon are extremely scanty, and the research on it is even scarcer. Among the latter, the following studies can be mentioned. Any survey of this field must start with the essential contribution brought by the Japanese scholar Ono Gemmyo 小野玄妙. Actually, it was Ono who first pointed out the existence of this Canon and determined that it was an officially-sponsored edition. He also showed that the Yuan guan zang represents an edition different from the Qisha 磧砂 and Puning 普寧 Canons printed during the same Yuan 元 Dynasty. More recent studies undertaken by Chinese scholars such as Dong Wei a 〓, Fang Guangchang 方廣〓, and Jin Zhiliang 金志良 have shed light on the characteristics of the Yuan guan zang from the viewpoint of the traditional woodblock research, on the official sponsors and historical background of its printing, on the probable date of its beginnings, and on the structure of its catalogue. Regarding the latter, we must also mention here He Mei\u27s 何梅 contribution which collates the catalogue of the Yuan guan zang with the 112 The Official Buddhist Canon of the Yuan Dynasty(元官藏, Yuan guan zang)(Li) Catalogue of the Zhiyuan Era(至元録 Zhiyuan lu). He Mei argues that the structure of the former is based on the latter. (2) In this section, I focus upon the presentation of the fragments from the Yuan guan zang which have been discovered in recent years. (3) I discuss the format, number of columns and characters per folio, paper type and quality, and the dedications 願文 as well as the lists of officials 銜名 recorded in the extant fragments of the Yuan guan zang. (4) This section deals with the chronology and place of the carving and printing of the woodblocks of the Yuan guan zang. The lists of officials 銜名 actually contain names of monks and lay bureaucrats who supervised and/or participated to the printing of the Canon. This allows us to make some conjectures concerning the chronological order of the printing of the extant fragments. This appears to be as follows. The fragments acquired by the National Library of the People\u27s Republic of China 中國國家圖書館 seem to be the earliest. They are followed by the fragments in Ono Genmyo\u27s Collection and the fragments in the Zhong\u27an 中安 Collection. The fragments in the Yunnan 雲南 Collection appear to be the most recent. Judging from the technical peculiarities of the fragments in the Yunnan Collection, we can conclude that the printing and binding of the Canon took place in Hangzhou 杭州. There is no direct evidence regarding the site where the woodblocks were carved. We know, however, from the history of the printing of the Buddhist Canon in China that usually the woodblocks were not carved far from the site where the editions were printed and bound. It is, therefore, quite probable that the woodblocks of the Yuan guan zang were also carved in the Hangzhou region. (5) In this section, I examine the structure of the catalogue of the Yuan guan zang. This is a section which received special attention and which, I hope, will cast new light on the this subject. I compare the structure of all the fragments of the Yuan guan zang currently found in the collection of the National Library of the People\u27s Republic of China with that of the Zhiyuan lu The Official Buddhist Canon of the Yuan Dynasty(元官藏 Yuan guan zang)(Li) 113 至元録, the Zhaocheng Canon 趙城藏, the Zifu Canon 資福藏, the Puning Canon 普寧藏, the Fangshan Stone-Carved Canon 房山石經(scriptures carved during the Liao 遼. and Jin 金 Dynasties), etc. Here are my conclusions regarding the origins and peculiarities of the catalogue of the Yuan guan zang : 1. The arrangement of the catalogue of the Yuan guan zang was strongly influenced by the structure of the Zhiyuan lu. 2. However, as far as the concrete structure of each section of scriptures is concerned, the Yuan guan zang is not organised strictly in accordance with the order of the Zhiyuan lu. One can actually find even sections which were considerably re-arranged by the editors of the Yuan guan zang. 3. Roughly speaking, the scriptures included in each particular version of the Chinese Buddhist Canon can be divided into (1) the well-established corpus traditionally considered as part of any Tripitaka and (2) those texts which could be added or deleted in accordance with the redactional policy and judgement of each separate edition. The Yuan guan zang shows the same pattern : it consists of (1) the standard corpus, and (2) newly added texts. As far as the latter are regarded, the Yuan guan zang shows considerable influence from the Zhiyuan lu, especially for the new Buddhist texts translated from the Song 宋 Dynasty on. 4. The Yuan guan zang is also influenced by the Jin Canon 金藏. Actually, quite a few of its texts may have originated directly from the latter. 5. The Yuan guan zang may have also incorporated some translations made under the Liao 遼 Dynasty as well as some texts which circulated in North China

    Infrastructures and services for remote sensing data production management across multiple satellite data centers

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    With the number of satellite sensors and date centers being increased continuously, it is becoming a trend to manage and process massive remote sensing data from multiple distributed sources. However, the combination of multiple satellite data centers for massive remote sensing (RS) data collaborative processing still faces many challenges. In order to reduce the huge amounts of data migration and improve the efficiency of multi-datacenter collaborative process, this paper presents the infrastructures and services of the data management as well as workflow management for massive remote sensing data production. A dynamic data scheduling strategy was employed to reduce the duplication of data request and data processing. And by combining the remote sensing spatial metadata repositories and Gfarm grid file system, the unified management of the raw data, intermediate products and final products were achieved in the co-processing. In addition, multi-level task order repositories and workflow templates were used to construct the production workflow automatically. With the help of specific heuristic scheduling rules, the production tasks were executed quickly. Ultimately, the Multi-datacenter Collaborative Process System (MDCPS) were implemented for large-scale remote sensing data production based on the effective management of data and workflow. As a consequence, the performance of MDCPS in experiments environment showed that those strategies could significantly enhance the efficiency of co-processing across multiple data centers

    A new grinding force model for micro grinding RB-SiC ceramic with grinding wheel topography as an input

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    The ability to predict grinding force for hard and brittle materials is important to optimize and control the grinding process. However, it is a difficult task to establish a comprehensive grinding force model that takes into account of brittle fracture, grinding conditions and random distribution of grinding wheel topography. Therefore, this study developed a new grinding force model for micro-grinding of RB-SiC ceramics. First, the grinding force components and grinding trajectory were analyzed based on the critical depth of rubbing, ploughing and brittle fracture. Afterwards, the corresponding individual grain force were established and the total grinding force was derived through incorporating the single grain force with dynamic cutting grains. Finally, a series of calibration and validation experiments were conducted to obtain the empirical coefficient and verify the accuracy of the model. It was found that ploughing and fracture were the dominate removal modes, which illustrate the force components decomposed is correct. Furthermore, the values predicted according to proposed model are consistent with the experimental data, with the average deviation of 6.793% and 8.926% for the normal and tangential force, respectively. This suggests that the proposed model is acceptable and can be used to simulate the grinding force for RB-SiC ceramics in practical

    A Micro-machined optical fibre cantilever as a miniaturised pH sensor

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    Laser-assisted grinding of reaction-bonded SiC

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    The paper presents development of a novel laser-assisted grinding process to reduce surface roughness and subsurface damage in grinding reaction-bonded (RB)-SiC. A thermal control approach is proposed to facilitate the process development, in which a two-temperature model is applied to control the required laser power to thermal softening of RB-SiC prior to grinding operation without melting the workpiece or leaving undesirable microstructural alteration, while Fourier's law is adopted to obtain the thermal gradient for verification. An experimental comparison of conventional grinding and laser-assisted grinding shows significant reduction of machined surface roughness (37%-40%) and depth of subsurface damage (SSD) layer (22%-50.6%) using the thermal control approach under the same grinding conditions. It also shows high specific grinding energy 1.5 times that in conventional grinding at the same depth of cut which accounts for the reduction of subsurface damage as it provides enough energy to promote ductile-regime material removal

    Toll-like receptor 8 functions as a negative regulator of neurite outgrowth and inducer of neuronal apoptosis

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    Toll receptors in Drosophila melanogaster function in morphogenesis and host defense. Mammalian orthologues of Toll, the Toll-like receptors (TLRs), have been studied extensively for their essential functions in controlling innate and adaptive immune responses. We report that TLR8 is dynamically expressed during mouse brain development and localizes to neurons and axons. Agonist stimulation of TLR8 in cultured cortical neurons causes inhibition of neurite outgrowth and induces apoptosis in a dissociable manner. Our evidence indicates that such TLR8-mediated neuronal responses do not involve the canonical TLR–NF-κB signaling pathway. These findings reveal novel functions for TLR8 in the mammalian nervous system that are distinct from the classical role of TLRs in immunity