107 research outputs found

    Gravitation-Based Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Images

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    Edge detection is one of the key issues in the field of computer vision and remote sensing image analysis. Although many different edge-detection methods have been proposed for gray-scale, color, and multispectral images, they still face difficulties when extracting edge features from hyperspectral images (HSIs) that contain a large number of bands with very narrow gap in the spectral domain. Inspired by the clustering characteristic of the gravitational theory, a novel edge-detection algorithm for HSIs is presented in this paper. In the proposed method, we first construct a joint feature space by combining the spatial and spectral features. Each pixel of HSI is assumed to be a celestial object in the joint feature space, which exerts gravitational force to each of its neighboring pixel. Accordingly, each object travels in the joint feature space until it reaches a stable equilibrium. At the equilibrium, the image is smoothed and the edges are enhanced, where the edge pixels can be easily distinguished by calculating the gravitational potential energy. The proposed edge-detection method is tested on several benchmark HSIs and the obtained results were compared with those of four state-of-the-art approaches. The experimental results confirm the efficacy of the proposed method

    Research on stress sensitivity of fractured carbonate reservoirs based on CT technology

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    Fracture aperture change under stress has long been considered as one of primary causes of stress sensitivity of fractured gas reservoirs. However, little is known about the evolution of the morphology of fracture apertures on flow property in loading and unloading cycles. This paper reports a stress sensitivity experiment on carbonate core plugs in which Computed Tomography (CT) technology is applied to visualize and quantitatively evaluate morphological changes to the fracture aperture with respect to confining pressure. Fracture models were obtained at selected confining pressures on which pore-scale flow simulations were performed to estimate the equivalent absolute permeability. The results showed that with the increase of confining pressure from 0 to 0.6 MPa, the fracture aperture and equivalent permeability decreased at a greater gradient than their counterparts after 0.6 MPa. This meant that the rock sample is more stress-sensitive at low effective stress than at high effective stress. On the loading path, an exponential fitting was found to fit well between the effective confining pressure and the calculated permeability. On the unloading path, the relationship is found partially reversible, which can evidently be attributed to plastic deformation of the fracture as observed in CT images

    Domain configurations in Co/Pd and L10-FePt nanowire arrays with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy [Co/Pd]15 and L10-FePt nanowire arrays of period 63 nm with linewidths 38 nm and 27 nm and film thickness 27 nm and 20 nm respectively were fabricated using a self-assembled PS-b-PDMS diblock copolymer film as a lithographic mask. The wires are predicted to support Neel walls in the Co/Pd and Bloch walls in the FePt. Magnetostatic interactions from nearest neighbor nanowires promote a ground state configuration consisting of alternating up and down magnetization in adjacent wires. This was observed over ~75% of the Co/Pd wires after ac-demagnetization but was less prevalent in the FePt because the ratio of interaction field to switching field was much smaller. Interactions also led to correlations in the domain wall positions in adjacent Co/Pd nanowires. The reversal process was characterized by nucleation of reverse domains, followed at higher fields by propagation of the domains along the nanowires. These narrow wires provide model system for exploring domain wall structure and dynamics in perpendicular anisotropy systems

    Analysis of changes in water quality and treatment effectiveness of seven major river basins in China from 2001 to 2020

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    The seven major river basins (the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Pearl River, the Songhua River, the Huai River, the Hai River and the Liao River) are the most important surface water resources in China, but there is a lack of quantitative analyses of water quality change trends, horizontal comparisons of governance effects, and systematic review of effective policies since the 21st century. Based on the water resources bulletin and environmental status bulletin issued by government departments, the changes in water quality, pollutant indicators and treatment effectiveness of seven major basins from 2001 to 2020 have been scientifically analyzed using mathematical and statistical methods. (1) Over the period 2001 to 2020, the overall water quality in the seven major river basins exhibited a gradual improvement. Different basins demonstrated varied growth values for Grade I-III water, reduction values for Grade IV-V, and inferior Grade V water. (2) Between 2001 and 2020, changes in sewage discharge volume and types led to adjustments in the main pollutant indicators of the seven basins. (3) The ranking of the pollution degree in the seven major basins exhibited dynamic changes but also remained relatively stable during specific periods or years. (4) Assessing the average annual growth rate of Grade I-III water and the average annual reduction rate of Grade IV-V and inferior Grade V water, the Huai River basin demonstrated the most outstanding governance effectiveness, while the Liao River basin, the Yellow River basin, and the Songhua River basin also achieved notable treatment results. (5) The improvement in water quality across the seven major river basins can be attributed to scientific planning, enhanced policies and regulations, surge in investment in water conservancy infrastructure, heightened environmental protection awareness, application of green production technology. To sum up, the research findings not only provide a scientific foundation for the governance and protection of the seven major basins but also offer a valuable reference for other developing countries to strike a balance between economic development and environmental protection

    Performance evaluation of inpatient service in Beijing: a horizontal comparison with risk adjustment based on Diagnosis Related Groups

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The medical performance evaluation, which provides a basis for rational decision-making, is an important part of medical service research. Current progress with health services reform in China is far from satisfactory, without sufficient regulation. To achieve better progress, an effective tool for evaluating medical performance needs to be established. In view of this, this study attempted to develop such a tool appropriate for the Chinese context.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data was collected from the front pages of medical records (FPMR) of all large general public hospitals (21 hospitals) in the third and fourth quarter of 2007. Locally developed Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) were introduced as a tool for risk adjustment and performance evaluation indicators were established: Charge Efficiency Index (CEI), Time Efficiency Index (TEI) and inpatient mortality of low-risk group cases (IMLRG), to reflect respectively work efficiency and medical service quality. Using these indicators, the inpatient services' performance was horizontally compared among hospitals. Case-mix Index (CMI) was used to adjust efficiency indices and then produce adjusted CEI (aCEI) and adjusted TEI (aTEI). Poisson distribution analysis was used to test the statistical significance of the IMLRG differences between different hospitals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the aCEI, aTEI and IMLRG scores for the 21 hospitals, Hospital A and C had relatively good overall performance because their medical charges were lower, LOS shorter and IMLRG smaller. The performance of Hospital P and Q was the worst due to their relatively high charge level, long LOS and high IMLRG. Various performance problems also existed in the other hospitals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is possible to develop an accurate and easy to run performance evaluation system using Case-Mix as the tool for risk adjustment, choosing indicators close to consumers and managers, and utilizing routine report forms as the basic information source. To keep such a system running effectively, it is necessary to improve the reliability of clinical information and the risk-adjustment ability of Case-Mix.</p

    Impact of Subsoiling on Cultivated Horizon Construction and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain

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    In order to explore the effects of subsoiling tillage measures on the construction of soil cultivated horizon and the yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain, three tillage methods, including no tillage (PZ), rotary tillage (PR), and subsoiling (PS), combined with straw returning measures were implemented in the winter wheat season in Xinxiang, Henan Province from 2016 to 2018. The effects of tillage measures on the improvement of cultivated land quality and the water saving and yield increase of winter wheat were investigated. The results showed that compared with no-tillage treatment, subsoiling significantly reduced soil bulk density by 8.88% and increased soil porosity by 13.04% in 20&ndash;40 cm soil layer; significantly reduced soil compaction by 56.96% in 0&ndash;40 cm soil layer; subsoiling combined with straw returning significantly increased soil organic carbon content in plough layer of winter wheat, whereas rotary tillage decreased soil organic carbon content. Subsoiling is more conducive to soil moisture movement to the deep layer after irrigation or rainfall, and the water consumption of subsoiling is the largest in the whole growth period of winter wheat. Subsoiling could better coordinate the relationship between water consumption and yield, which increased yield by 34.48&ndash;38.10% and water use efficiency by 19.57&ndash;21.96% compared with no-tillage treatment, respectively. Therefore, subsoiling before sowing combined with straw returning was beneficial to the reasonable construction of soil cultivated horizon, and significantly improved the yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat under the climatic conditions in the North China Plain
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