127 research outputs found

    Linear and Range Counting under Metric-based Local Differential Privacy

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    Local differential privacy (LDP) enables private data sharing and analytics without the need for a trusted data collector. Error-optimal primitives (for, e.g., estimating means and item frequencies) under LDP have been well studied. For analytical tasks such as range queries, however, the best known error bound is dependent on the domain size of private data, which is potentially prohibitive. This deficiency is inherent as LDP protects the same level of indistinguishability between any pair of private data values for each data downer. In this paper, we utilize an extension of ϵ\epsilon-LDP called Metric-LDP or EE-LDP, where a metric EE defines heterogeneous privacy guarantees for different pairs of private data values and thus provides a more flexible knob than ϵ\epsilon does to relax LDP and tune utility-privacy trade-offs. We show that, under such privacy relaxations, for analytical workloads such as linear counting, multi-dimensional range counting queries, and quantile queries, we can achieve significant gains in utility. In particular, for range queries under EE-LDP where the metric EE is the L1L^1-distance function scaled by ϵ\epsilon, we design mechanisms with errors independent on the domain sizes; instead, their errors depend on the metric EE, which specifies in what granularity the private data is protected. We believe that the primitives we design for EE-LDP will be useful in developing mechanisms for other analytical tasks, and encourage the adoption of LDP in practice

    Large Language Models are Superpositions of All Characters: Attaining Arbitrary Role-play via Self-Alignment

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    Considerable efforts have been invested in augmenting the role-playing proficiency of open-source large language models (LLMs) by emulating proprietary counterparts. Nevertheless, we posit that LLMs inherently harbor role-play capabilities, owing to the extensive knowledge of characters and potential dialogues ingrained in their vast training corpora. Thus, in this study, we introduce Ditto, a self-alignment method for role-play. Ditto capitalizes on character knowledge, encouraging an instruction-following LLM to simulate role-play dialogues as a variant of reading comprehension. This method creates a role-play training set comprising 4,000 characters, surpassing the scale of currently available datasets by tenfold regarding the number of roles. Subsequently, we fine-tune the LLM using this self-generated dataset to augment its role-playing capabilities. Upon evaluating our meticulously constructed and reproducible role-play benchmark and the roleplay subset of MT-Bench, Ditto, in various parameter scales, consistently maintains a consistent role identity and provides accurate role-specific knowledge in multi-turn role-play conversations. Notably, it outperforms all open-source role-play baselines, showcasing performance levels comparable to advanced proprietary chatbots. Furthermore, we present the first comprehensive cross-supervision alignment experiment in the role-play domain, revealing that the intrinsic capabilities of LLMs confine the knowledge within role-play. Meanwhile, the role-play styles can be easily acquired with the guidance of smaller models. We open-source related resources at https://github.com/OFA-Sys/Ditto

    SMARTFEAT: Efficient Feature Construction through Feature-Level Foundation Model Interactions

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    Before applying data analytics or machine learning to a data set, a vital step is usually the construction of an informative set of features from the data. In this paper, we present SMARTFEAT, an efficient automated feature engineering tool to assist data users, even non-experts, in constructing useful features. Leveraging the power of Foundation Models (FMs), our approach enables the creation of new features from the data, based on contextual information and open-world knowledge. To achieve this, our method incorporates an intelligent operator selector that discerns a subset of operators, effectively avoiding exhaustive combinations of original features, as is typically observed in traditional automated feature engineering tools. Moreover, we address the limitations of performing data tasks through row-level interactions with FMs, which could lead to significant delays and costs due to excessive API calls. To tackle this, we introduce a function generator that facilitates the acquisition of efficient data transformations, such as dataframe built-in methods or lambda functions, ensuring the applicability of SMARTFEAT to generate new features for large datasets. With SMARTFEAT, dataset users can efficiently search for and apply transformations to obtain new features, leading to improvements in the AUC of downstream ML classification by up to 29.8%

    Efficient exploitation of similar subexpressions for query processing

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    Complex queries often contain common or similar subexpressions, either within a single query or among multiple queries submitted as a batch. If so, query execution time can be improved by evaluating a common subexpression once and reusing the result in multiple places. However, current query optimizers do not recognize and exploit similar subexpressions, even within the same query. We present an efficient, scalable, and principled solution to this long-standing optimization problem. We introduce a light-weight and effective mechanism to detect potential sharing opportunities among expressions. Candidate covering subexpressions are constructed and optimization is resumed to determine which, if any, such subexpressions to include in the final query plan. The chosen subexpression(s) are computed only once and the results are reused to answer other parts of queries. Our solution automatically applies to optimization of query batches, nested queries, and maintenance of multiple materialized views. It is the first comprehensive solution covering all aspects of the problem: detection, construction, and cost-based optimization. Experiments on Microsoft SQL Server show significant performance improvements with minimal overhead

    Exploiting self-monitoring sample views for cardinality estimation

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    Good cardinality estimates are critical for generating good execution plans during query optimization. Complex predicates, correlations between columns, and user-defined functions are extremely hard to handle when using the traditional histogram approach. This demo illustrates the use of sample views for cardinality estimations as prototyped in Microsoft SQL Server. We show the creation of sample views, discuss how they are exploited during query optimization, and explain their potential effect on query plans. In addition, we also show our implementation of maintenance policies using statistical quality control techniques based on query feedback