65 research outputs found

    Correlation coefficients among parameters in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    <p>The coefficient between UHM and <i>CEL</i>max (A), ST and <i>CEL</i>max (B), MIC and <i>CEL</i>max (C), UHM and <i>Tr</i> (D), ST and <i>Tr</i> (E), and MIC and <i>Tr</i> (F) in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars. UHML-fiber upper-half mean length, MIC-micronaire value, ST-fiber strength, <i>CEL</i>max-maximum cellulose content, <i>Tr</i>-sucrose transformation rate. * and **, significant differences at <i>P</i> = 0.01 and <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability levels, respectively. n = 12, <i>R</i><sub>0.05</sub> = 0.576, <i>R</i><sub>0.01</sub> = 0.707.</p

    Mean daily temperature, mean daily maximum temperature, mean daily minimum temperature, mean diurnal temperature difference, total solar radiation and cumulative photo-thermal index during cotton fiber development period from flowering date to boll opening date on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    a<p>MDT, mean daily temperature.</p>b<p>MDTmax, mean daily maximum temperature.</p>c<p>MDTmin, mean daily minimum temperature.</p>d<p>MDTdif, mean diurnal temperature difference.</p>e<p>MDSR, mean daily solar radiation.</p>f<p><i>PTI</i>, cumulative photo-thermal index during cotton fiber development period.</p>g<p>Weather data were provided by Nanjing Weather Station, which was located nearby the experimental site.</p>h<p>CV, coefficient of variation.</p

    Discrete Nanoparticle-BSA Conjugates Manipulated by Hydrophobic Interaction

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    Nanoparticle–protein conjugates are promising probes for biological diagnostics as well as versatile building blocks for nanotechnology. Here we demonstrate a facile method to prepare nanoparticles bearing discrete numbers of BSA simply by physical adsorption and electrophoretic isolation, in which the specific amphiphilic properties of BSA play important roles and the number of adsorbed BSA molecules can also be manipulated by tuning the coating extent of nanoparticles by amphiphilic polymer

    Cellulose content, sucrose content and sucrose transformation rate in cotton fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    a<p><i>Tr</i>, sucrose transformation rate.</p>b<p>DPA, days post anthesis.</p>c<p>Values followed by a different letter between fruiting positions are significantly different at <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability level. Each value represents the mean of three replications.</p

    Correlation coefficients between cellulose content and sucrose transformation rate in fibers during 2010–2011.

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    <p>The coefficient between <i>CEL</i>max and <i>Tr</i> in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of Kemian 1 (A), <i>CEL</i>max and <i>Tr</i> in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of Sumian 15 (B). <i>CEL</i>max-maximum cellulose content, <i>Tr-</i>sucrose transformation rate. * and **, significant differences at <i>P</i> = 0.01 and <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability levels, respectively. n = 12, <i>R</i><sub>0.05</sub> = 0.576, <i>R</i><sub>0.01</sub> = 0.707.</p

    DataSheet_1_Potassium deficiency causes more nitrate nitrogen to be stored in leaves for low-K sensitive sweet potato genotypes.docx

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    In order to explore the effect of potassium (K) deficiency on nitrogen (N) metabolism in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), a hydroponic experiment was conducted with two genotypes (Xushu 32, low-K-tolerant; Ningzishu 1, low-K-sensitive) under two K treatments (−K, +; +K, 5 mM of K+) in the greenhouse of Jiangsu Normal University. The results showed that K deficiency decreased root, stem, and leaf biomass by 13%–58% and reduced whole plant biomass by 24%–35%. Compared to +K, the amount of K and K accumulation in sweet potato leaves and roots was significantly decreased by increasing root K+ efflux in K-deficiency-treated plants. In addition, leaf K, N, ammonium nitrogen (NH4+–N), or nitrate nitrogen (NO3−–N) in leaves and roots significantly reduced under K deficiency, and leaf K content had a significant quadratic relationship with soluble protein, NO3−–N, or NH4+–N in leaves and roots. Under K deficiency, higher glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activity did not increase amino acid synthesis in roots; however, the range of variation in leaves was larger than that in roots with increased amino acid in roots, indicating that the transformation of amino acids into proteins in roots and the amino acid export from roots to leaves were not inhibited. K deficiency decreased the activity of nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR), even if the transcription level of NR and NiR increased, decreased, or remained unchanged. The NO3−/NH4+ ratio in leaves and roots under K deficiency decreased, except in Ningzishu 1 leaves. These results indicated that for Ningzishu 1, more NO3− was stored under K deficiency in leaves, and the NR and NiR determined the response to K deficiency in leaves. Therefore, the resistance of NR and NiR activities to K deficiency may be a dominant factor that ameliorates the growth between Xushu 32 and Ningzishu 1 with different low-K sensitivities.</p

    Comparisons of effect indices and coefficients of variations on the activities of sucrose metabolism enzymes in cotton fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    a<p>DPA, day post anthesis.</p>b<p>EI, the effect indices values, which were calculated as EI<sub>X</sub> =  (X<sub>FP1</sub>-X<sub>FP3</sub>)/X<sub>FP1</sub><sup>*</sup>100%. If EI>0, it is a decrease variation in FP3 compared with FP1. If EI<0, it is an increase variation in FP3 compared with FP1.</p>c<p>CV, coefficient of variation (%).</p

    Changes of enzymes activities in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    <p>The activities of SuSy (A), AI (B) and SPS (C) in fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars. SuSy-sucrose sythase, AI-acid invatse and SPS-sucrose phosphate sythase. Values followed by a different letter between fruiting positions are significantly different at <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability level. Each value represents the mean of three replications.</p

    Fiber properties of field-grown cotton on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    a<p>UHML, fiber upper-half mean length.</p>b<p>UI, uniformity index.</p>c<p>MIC, micronaire value.</p>d<p>EL, elongation percentage.</p>e<p>ST, fiber strength.</p>f<p>Values followed by a different letter between fruiting positions are significantly different at <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability level. Each value represents the mean of three replications.</p>g<p>CV, coefficient of variation.</p>h<p>* and ** indicate significant differences at P≤0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. ns, not significant (P≥0.05).</p

    Correlation coefficient of environmental factors during cotton fiber development period with maximum/minimum sucrose content and sucrose transformation rate in cotton fibers on FP1 and FP3 of two cultivars during 2010–2011.

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    a<p><i>SUC</i>max, maximum sucrose content.</p>b<p><i>SUC</i>min, minimum sucrose content.</p>c<p><i>Tr</i>, sucrose transformation rate.</p>d<p>n =  8, <i>R</i><sub>0.05</sub> = 0.707, <i>R</i><sub>0.01</sub> = 0.834. *, significant differences at <i>P</i> = 0.05 probability level.</p
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