48 research outputs found

    Organic nitrate chemistry and its implications for nitrogen budgets in an isoprene- and monoterpene-rich atmosphere: constraints from aircraft (SEAC4RS) and ground-based (SOAS) observations in the Southeast US

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    Formation of organic nitrates (RONO2) during oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs: isoprene, monoterpenes) is a significant loss pathway for atmospheric nitrogen oxide radicals (NOx), but the chemistry of RONO2 formation and degradation remains uncertain. Here we implement a new BVOC oxidation mechanism (including updated isoprene chemistry, new monoterpene chemistry, and particle uptake of RONO2) in the GEOS-Chem global chemical transport model with  ∼  25  x  25 km2 resolution over North America. We evaluate the model using aircraft (SEAC4RS) and ground-based (SOAS) observations of NOx, BVOCs, and RONO2 from the Southeast US in summer 2013. The updated simulation successfully reproduces the concentrations of individual gas- and particle-phase RONO2 species measured during the campaigns. Gas-phase isoprene nitrates account for 25-50 % of observed RONO2 in surface air, and we find that another 10 % is contributed by gas-phase monoterpene nitrates. Observations in the free troposphere show an important contribution from long-lived nitrates derived from anthropogenic VOCs. During both campaigns, at least 10 % of observed boundary layer RONO2 were in the particle phase. We find that aerosol uptake followed by hydrolysis to HNO3 accounts for 60 % of simulated gas-phase RONO2 loss in the boundary layer. Other losses are 20 % by photolysis to recycle NOx and 15 % by dry deposition. RONO2 production accounts for 20 % of the net regional NOx sink in the Southeast US in summer, limited by the spatial segregation between BVOC and NOx emissions. This segregation implies that RONO2 production will remain a minor sink for NOx in the Southeast US in the future even as NOx emissions continue to decline

    Research Article Finite Element Analysis of Flat Spiral Spring on Mechanical Elastic Energy Storage Technology

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    Abstract: Energy storage technology has become an effective way of storing energy and improving power output controllability in modern power grid. The mechanical elastic energy storage technology on flat spiral spring is a new energy storage technology. This study states the mechanical elastic energy storage technology, models the mechanical model. Aimed to three kinds of structure and size of flat spiral spring, the finite element model are modeled, modal analysis is completed and the natural frequencies and the first 10-order vibration modes of the spring are analyzed, the relationship of natural frequency and vibration mode of spiral spring and structure and size is analyzed. The research results can provide the reference for the structure design and dynamics analysis

    Capacity Drop at Freeway Ramp Merges with Its Replication in Macroscopic and Microscopic Traffic Simulations: A Tutorial Report

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    Capacity drop (CD) at overloaded bottlenecks is a puzzling traffic flow phenomenon with some internal and complicated mechanisms at the microscopic level. Capacity drop is not only important for traffic flow theory and modelling, but also significant for traffic control. A traffic model evaluating traffic control measures needs to be able to reproduce capacity drop in order to deliver reliable evaluation results. This paper delivers a comprehensive overview on the subject from the behavioral mechanism perspective, as well as from microscopic and macroscopic simulation points of view. The paper also conducts comparable studies to replicate capacity drop at freeway ramp merges from both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. Firstly, the subject is studied using the macroscopic traffic flow model METANET with respect to ramp merging scenarios with and without ramp metering. Secondly, one major weakness of commercial microscopic traffic simulation tools in creating capacity drop at ramp merges is identified and a forced lane changing model for ramp-merging vehicles is studied and incorporated into the commercial traffic simulation tool AIMSUN. The extended AIMSUN carefully calibrated against real data is then examined for its capability of reproducing capacity drop in a complicated traffic scenario with merging bottlenecks. The obtained results demonstrate that reproducible capacity drop can be delivered for the targeted bottlenecks using both macroscopic and microscopic simulation tools

    A Non-Uniform Transmission Line Model of the ±1100 kV UHV Tower

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    The modeling of the Ultra-High Voltage (UHV) tower plays an important role in lightning protection analysis of transmission lines because the model used will directly affect the reliability of the results. Moreover, the higher the voltage level is, the more prominent the impact becomes. This paper first analyzes the inapplicability of the Hara multi-segment multi-surge impedance model for the ±1100 kV UHV towers, and then builds a non-uniform transmission line model of the tower. Secondly, the multi-segment multi-surge impedance model is used to study the influence of the tower’s spatial structure changes on its electromagnetic transient characteristics. It is concluded that the more accurately the nominal height of the tower is modeled, the more accurately its electromagnetic transient response is reflected. Finally, the lightning electromagnetic transient responses of the tower with the non-uniform transmission line model and with the multi-segment multi-surge impedance model are compared and analyzed, which shows that the non-uniform transmission line model is more in line with the actual situation under the lightning strikes

    Fault Current and Voltage Estimation for Pole-to-Pole Faults in Modular Multilevel Converter Based DC Grids Considering AC Active Power

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    DC short-circuit faults are one of the challenges for modular multilevel converter (MMC) based DC grid. It is vital for proper design of protection system to estimate the fault currents and voltages. The existing calculation methods based on RLC equivalent model of MMC have enough accuracy in estimating the branch currents but suffer from poor accuracy in estimating the node voltages. To better reflect the dynamics of MMC control during the fault, MMC is equivalent to a RLC series circuit in parallel with a variable controlled current source. This model not only considers the discharge of sub-module capacitors but also the AC active power and MMC control. Then, based on the discrete adjoint model of the equivalent MMC model and the RL series equivalent model of DC lines, the fault voltages and currents for the pre-fault and faulted DC grids could be easily obtained. From the aspect of power balance, the importance of AC active power on estimating the fault currents and voltages is discussed then. At last, based on the Zhangbei bipolar DC grid, comparisons are conducted between the simulations on PSCAD, the numerical calculation under the proposed method and the existing methods. The results show that the proposed method and the existing methods are both able to accurately estimate the fault currents within a relative error of 1%. However, compared with the error of the existing methods in calculating the fault voltages, the relative error for the proposed method is limited to less than 5% for the whole DC gird

    Capacity Drop at Freeway Ramp Merges with Its Replication in Macroscopic and Microscopic Traffic Simulations: A Tutorial Report

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    Capacity drop (CD) at overloaded bottlenecks is a puzzling traffic flow phenomenon with some internal and complicated mechanisms at the microscopic level. Capacity drop is not only important for traffic flow theory and modelling, but also significant for traffic control. A traffic model evaluating traffic control measures needs to be able to reproduce capacity drop in order to deliver reliable evaluation results. This paper delivers a comprehensive overview on the subject from the behavioral mechanism perspective, as well as from microscopic and macroscopic simulation points of view. The paper also conducts comparable studies to replicate capacity drop at freeway ramp merges from both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives. Firstly, the subject is studied using the macroscopic traffic flow model METANET with respect to ramp merging scenarios with and without ramp metering. Secondly, one major weakness of commercial microscopic traffic simulation tools in creating capacity drop at ramp merges is identified and a forced lane changing model for ramp-merging vehicles is studied and incorporated into the commercial traffic simulation tool AIMSUN. The extended AIMSUN carefully calibrated against real data is then examined for its capability of reproducing capacity drop in a complicated traffic scenario with merging bottlenecks. The obtained results demonstrate that reproducible capacity drop can be delivered for the targeted bottlenecks using both macroscopic and microscopic simulation tools

    The Sustainable Development of Street Texture of Historic and Cultural Districts―A Case Study in Shichahai District, Beijing

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    This paper explores the sustainable development of historic and cultural districts based on the case study of the Shichahai District in Beijing, China. By using the space syntax method, this paper traces the changing street texture of the Shichahai District during the Yuan period, the Ming period, the Qing period, and the current period. It attempts to examine (1) the characteristics of the traditional street structure of Old Beijing; (2) the major changes of street fabric and their causes during the historical periods; and (3) the impacts of modern land use pattern on urban street structure. This research finds that the main street texture remains relatively stable in the Shichahai District. However, the increasing dependence on cars in Beijing decreases street vitality in general. But the combination of pedestrian and community-level commercial streets helps enhancing the liveliness of historic and cultural districts, which further promotes the preservation and development of these neighborhoods

    Spatial Evolution and Multi-Scenario Simulation of Rural “Production–Ecological–Living” Space: A Case Study for Beijing, China

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    With the vigorous development of industrialization and urbanization, rural space faces many difficulties in achieving sustainable development, such as the spatial structure being unbalanced. To explore the sustainable development of rural space, this study evaluates the spatial evolution and multi-scenario simulation of rural space with reference to the three dominant functions of land use, namely “production–ecological–living” (PEL), based on the interpretation of land use remote sensing data in 2000, 2010, and 2020. The change characteristics and the formation mechanism of the territorial spatial pattern were quantitatively analyzed by gravity center transfer, territorial spatial transfer matrix, standard deviational ellipse, geo-detector, and artificial neural network CA simulation. The results showed that (1) from 2000 to 2020, the rural production space in Beijing continued to decrease, the rural living space continued to increase and then gradually contracted, and the rural ecological space as a whole also showed a downward trend. (2) During the study period, the formation and evolution of the ecological spatial pattern of rural production and living in Beijing were affected by both regional physical geographical factors and human, social, and economic factors, with significant differences; the interaction between two driving factors is stronger than that within a single factor, and the main mode of action is double factor enhancement and nonlinear enhancement. (3) Compared with the other three scenarios, the performance of Beijing’s rural space in 2030 under the harmonious development scenario is more compact and stable, the rural production space is basically guaranteed, the intensity of rural living space is enhanced, and the overall situation of rural ecological space is stable. Our results show that in the future decision-making of rural land and space development around a metropolis, we should fully consider the evolution law of rural spatial pattern, as well as the driving force of natural geographical factors and economic activity factors and discuss the optimization and overall management of rural production and living ecological space through multi-scenario spatial simulation

    Assessment of the Impacts From the World's Largest Floating Macroalgae Blooms on the Water Clarity at the West Yellow Sea Using MODIS Data (2002-2016)

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    Water clarity (Secchi disk depth, SDD) is a very important factor for marine ecological environment. The world's largest "green tide" caused by the macroalgal blooms (MABs) of green macroalgae has occurred every summer in the Yellow Sea since 2008. In this study, we first present the effects of MABs on the water clarity in the west Yellow Sea. A regional empirical retrieval algorithm of SDD on the basis of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing reflectance is evaluated with the field data and satellite reflectance data: the spectral simulation with the end-member reflectance of sea water and macroalgae, and the MODIS Level-2 standard products of the remote sensing reflectance. The results show that the mixture of sea water and macroalgae will lead to decreased water clarity when the SDD is larger than 1.2 m and increased chlorophyll-a, i.e., false values in the standard products for pure sea water which therefore should be used with caution for the regions with large scale of floating macroalgae blooms. The long-term SDD in June and July (2002-2016) over the Yellow Sea is investigated and analyzed with the presence of "green tide." The significant decrease in the SDD by 2.6 m and with 12 544 km(2) of sea surface in total in July while no pronouncing changes in June suggests that the water clarity in the west Yellow Sea has been strongly affected from the period of 2002-2007 (the pre-MAB phase) to the period of 2008-2016 (the MAB phase)

    Surface Plasmon Field-Enhanced Raman Scattering Co-Excited by P‑Polarized and S‑Polarized Light Based on Waveguide-Coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance Configuration

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    We constructed a waveguide-coupled surface plasmon resonance (WCSPR) structure to enhance Raman scattering. In this structure, P-polarized and S-polarized incident lasers can simultaneously coexcite the evanescent field, thereby further enhancing Raman scattering. This configuration is a five-phase Kretschmann resonance setup that consists of a SF10 prism/inner Ag film/SiO2 film/outer Ag film/water structure. The WCSPR configuration effectively concentrates and confines the evanescent field excited by the incident light. Ag nanoparticles assembled on the outer Ag film surface enhance the evanescent field further by means of surface plasmon resonance. By finely tuning the thickness of the Ag and SiO2 films, it is possible to achieve a coincidence between the SPR angle of P-polarized light and that of S-polarized light. At this angle, both P- and S-polarized light can jointly elevate the evanescent field intensity, leading to the simultaneous enhancement of the electric fields at the upper, lower, left, and right parts of the silver nanoparticles and generating maximum evanescent field enhancement. We achieved an electric field enhancement of up to 103 around the nanoparticles, leading to more SERS hotspots and comparable SERS enhancement capability to gap-type hotspots. Our WCSPR structure combined with the nanoparticles offers a feasible strategy for the SERS detection of large molecules that cannot be placed in traditional gap-type hotspots. It is highly convenient for SERS detection of large molecules