38 research outputs found

    Global brain analysis of minor hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease using EEG and MRI data

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    IntroductionVisual hallucination is a prevalent psychiatric disorder characterized by the occurrence of false visual perceptions due to misinterpretation in the brain. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease often experience both minor and complex visual hallucinations. The underlying mechanism of complex visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s patients is commonly attributed to dysfunction in the visual pathway and attention network. However, there is limited research on the mechanism of minor hallucinations.MethodsTo address this gap, we conducted an experiment involving 13 Parkinson’s patients with minor hallucinations, 13 Parkinson’s patients without hallucinations, and 13 healthy elderly individuals. We collected and analyzed EEG and MRI data. Furthermore, we utilized EEG data from abnormal brain regions to train a machine learning model to determine whether the abnormal EEG data were associated with minor hallucinations.ResultsOur findings revealed that Parkinson’s patients with minor hallucinations exhibited excessive activation of cortical excitability, an imbalanced interaction between the attention network and the default network, and disruption in the connection between these networks. These findings is similar to the mechanism observed in complex visual hallucinations. The visual reconstruction of one patient experiencing hallucinations yields results that differ from those observed in subjects without such symptoms.DiscussionThe visual reconstruction results demonstrated significant differences between Parkinson’s patients with hallucinations and healthy subjects. This suggests that visual reconstruction techniques may offer a means of evaluating hallucinations

    Role of Positive Selection in Functional Divergence of Mammalian Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitor Proteins during Evolution

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    Neuronal apoptosis inhibitor proteins (NAIPs) are members of Nod-like receptor (NLR) protein family. Recent research demostrated that some NAIP genes were strongly associated with both innate immunity and many inflammatory diseases in humans. However, no similar phenomena have been reported in other mammals. Furthermore, some NAIP genes have undergone pseudogenization or have been lost during the evolution of some higher mammals. We therefore aimed to determine if functional divergence had occurred, and if natural selection had played an important role in the evolution of these genes. The results showed that NAIP genes have undergone pseudogenization and functional divergence, driven by positive selection. Positive selection has also influenced NAIP protein structure, resulting in further functional divergence

    PgtE Enzyme of Salmonella enterica Shares the Similar Biological Roles to Plasminogen Activator (Pla) in Interacting With DEC-205 (CD205), and Enhancing Host Dissemination and Infectivity by Yersinia pestis

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    Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, is a newly evolved Gram-negative bacterium. Through the acquisition of the plasminogen activator (Pla), Y. pestis gained the means to rapidly disseminate throughout its mammalian hosts. It was suggested that Y. pestis utilizes Pla to interact with the DEC-205 (CD205) receptor on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to initiate host dissemination and infection. However, the evolutionary origin of Pla has not been fully elucidated. The PgtE enzyme of Salmonella enterica, involved in host dissemination, shows sequence similarity with the Y. pestis Pla. In this study, we demonstrated that both Escherichia coli K-12 and Y. pestis bacteria expressing the PgtE-protein were able to interact with primary alveolar macrophages and DEC-205-transfected CHO cells. The interaction between PgtE-expressing bacteria and DEC-205-expressing transfectants could be inhibited by the application of an anti-DEC-205 antibody. Moreover, PgtE-expressing Y. pestis partially re-gained the ability to promote host dissemination and infection. In conclusion, the DEC-205-PgtE interaction plays a role in promoting the dissemination and infection of Y. pestis, suggesting that Pla and the PgtE of S. enterica might share a common evolutionary origin.Peer reviewe

    Dimensionality Reduction Hybrid U-Net for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    In various applications, such as disease diagnosis, surgical navigation, human brain atlas analysis, and other neuroimage processing scenarios, brain extraction is typically regarded as the initial stage in MRI image processing. Whole-brain semantic segmentation algorithms, such as U-Net, have demonstrated the ability to achieve relatively satisfactory results even with a limited number of training samples. In order to enhance the precision of brain semantic segmentation, various frameworks have been developed, including 3D U-Net, slice U-Net, and auto-context U-Net. However, the processing methods employed in these models are relatively complex when applied to 3D data models. In this article, we aim to reduce the complexity of the model while maintaining appropriate performance. As an initial step to enhance segmentation accuracy, the preprocessing extraction of full-scale information from magnetic resonance images is performed with a cluster tool. Subsequently, three multi-input hybrid U-Net model frameworks are tested and compared. Finally, we propose utilizing a fusion of two-dimensional segmentation outcomes from different planes to attain improved results. The performance of the proposed framework was tested using publicly accessible benchmark datasets, namely LPBA40, in which we obtained Dice overlap coefficients of 98.05%. Improvement was achieved via our algorithm against several previous studies

    Abrasive wear behaviour of machinable lithium disilicate glass ceramic

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    Wear properties of dental ceramics play a vital role in dental restorations which undergo a wear process during mastication. This paper reports on initial surface roughness and load effects on the abrasive wear behaviours of a machinable lithium disilicate glass ceramic (MLDGC) with high strength and aesthetic attractiveness. MLDGC specimens with different surface roughness were prepared by polishing using diamond pastes with different grit sizes. Wear testing was conducted on a pin-on-disc friction rig at 5 N and 25 N loads and a sliding speed of 2.5 mm/s over 20 m in dry conditions. Wear tracks and morphologies were quantitatively measured using 3D laser scanning microscopy. The results show that initial surface roughness played a significant role in controlling coefficients of friction only at the low load of 5 N, while it significantly affected the wear volumes in terms of cross sectional wear areas only at the high load. Meanwhile, wear-induced surface roughness changes were significantly influenced by the initial surface roughness at both low and high loads. This research indicates that proper surface preparation of MLDGC is crucial in the prolonging of the life spans of MLDGC restorations

    The Influence of Hydrogeology to Generation of Hydrogen Sulfide of Low-Rank Coal in the Southeast Margin of Junggar Basin, China

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    The salinity, chemical properties, and migration characteristics of groundwater in coal measures are the key factors that affect the generation, migration, and reservoir of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in low-rank coal seams. Taking the Jurassic coal and rock strata in the southeastern margin of the Junggar basin as the research object, according to the hydrogeological characteristics of the coal measures, the region is divided into 4 hydrogeological units. The coalbed methane contains a large number of secondary biogas. Along the direction of groundwater runoff, the salinity and the pH value increase gradually. The salinity in the hydrogeological units is low; it is not conducive to the propagation of sulfate-reducing bacteria and the formation of hydrogen sulfide of the Houxia, the south of Manasi River, and Hutubi and Liuhuangou area, the western region of the Miquan. The high salinity center and depressions of low water level (hydrodynamic stagnation zone) in the hydrogeological unit of the Liuhuanggou and the Miquan are the main areas for the production and enrichment of H2S in the low-rank coal. The high salinity in water is formed by infiltration, runoff, and drought evaporation. At the same time, the deep confined water environment closed well; in conditions of hydrocarbon-rich, under the action of sulfate-reducing bacteria, bacterial sulfate reduction will occur and hydrogen sulfide formed. According to the circulation characteristics of water bearing H2S in the region, imbricate and single bevel two kind generation and enrichment mode of hydrogen sulfide under the action of hydrodynamic control. The solubility of hydrogen sulfide in pure water and solutions of NaCl and Na2SO4 with different molar concentrations was calculated. The H2S solubility of groundwater in coal measures of 4 hydrogeological units was estimated

    A Method for the Study of Cerebellar Cognitive Function—Re-Cognition and Validation of Error-Related Potentials

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    The cerebellar region has four times as many brain cells as the brain, but whether the cerebellum functions in cognition, and how it does so, remain unexplored. In order to verify whether the cerebellum is involved in cognition, we chose to investigate whether the cerebellum is involved in the process of error judgment. We designed an experiment in which we could activate the subject’s error-related potentials (ErrP). We recruited 26 subjects and asked them to wear EEG caps with cerebellar regions designed by us to participate in the experiment so that we could record their EEG activity throughout the experiment. We successfully mitigated the majority of noise interference after a series of pre-processing of the data collected from each subject. Our analysis of the preprocessed data revealed that our experiment successfully activated ErrP, and that the EEG signals, including the cerebellum, were significantly different when subjects made errors compared to when they made correct judgments. We designed a feature extraction method that requires selecting channels with large differences under different classifications, firstly by extracting the time-frequency features of these channels, and then screening these features with sequence backward feature (SBS) selection. We use the extracted features as the input and different event types in EEG data as the labels for multiple classifiers to classify the data in the executive and feedback segments, where the average accuracy for two-class classification of executive segments can reach 80.5%. The major contribution of our study is the discovery of the presence of ErrP in cerebellar regions and the extraction of an effective feature extraction method for EEG data

    Female nurses’ burnout symptoms : No association with the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid (HPT) axis

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    Across the world, hospital nurses experience a high level of burnout. Exploring biochemical markers of burnout could help to understand physiological changes and may provide useful evidence for preventing burnout symptoms. The current study included 94 female nurses from one Chinese third-level hospital. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) was used to investigate burnout symptoms: emotional exhaustion, cynicism, reduced professional efficacy, as well as the burnout average. The HPT axis was tested by checking blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Nonparametric tests showed that no significant difference in biochemical markers was found between the burnout and non-burnout groups. Spearman correlation analysis found that biochemical markers had no significant association with burnout symptoms, except weakly negative associations between reduced professional efficacy and blood pressure and heart rate. These findings show a rather poor correlation of the HPT axis on burnout symptoms. Expanding the biochemical index of the HPT axis, comparing well-defined samples and using longitudinal studies are recommended for further studies