4,235 research outputs found

    Assisted optimal state discrimination without entanglement

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    A fundamental problem in quantum information is to explore the roles of different quantum correlations in a quantum information procedure. Recent work [Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 (2011) 080401] shows that the protocol for assisted optimal state discrimination (AOSD) may be implemented successfully without entanglement, but with another correlation, quantum dissonance. However, both the original work and the extension to discrimination of dd states [Phys. Rev. A, 85 (2012) 022328] have only proved that entanglement can be absent in the case with equal a \emph{priori} probabilities. By improving the protocol in [Sci. Rep., 3 (2013) 2134], we investigate this topic in a simple case to discriminate three nonorthogonal states of a qutrit, with positive real overlaps. In our procedure, the entanglement between the qutrit and an auxiliary qubit is found to be completely unnecessary. This result shows that the quantum dissonance may play as a key role in optimal state discrimination assisted by a qubit for more general cases.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by EPL. We extended the protocol for assisted optimal state discrimination to the case with positive real overlaps, and presented a proof for the absence of entanglemen

    Spectroscopic Observation and Analysis of HII regions in M33 with MMT: Temperatures and Oxygen Abundances

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    The spectra of 413 star-forming (or HII) regions in M33 (NGC 598) were observed by using the multifiber spectrograph of Hectospec at the 6.5-m Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT). By using this homogeneous spectra sample, we measured the intensities of emission lines and some physical parameters, such as electron temperatures, electron densities, and metallicities. Oxygen abundances were derived via the direct method (when available) and two empirical strong-line methods, namely, O3N2 and N2. In the high-metallicity end, oxygen abundances derived from O3N2 calibration were higher than those derived from N2 index, indicating an inconsistency between O3N2 and N2 calibrations. We presented a detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of gas-phase oxygen abundances in M33 and confirmed the existence of the axisymmetric global metallicity distribution widely assumed in literature. Local variations were also observed and subsequently associated with spiral structures to provide evidence of radial migration driven by arms. Our O/H gradient fitted out to 1.1 R25R_{25} resulted in slopes of 0.17±0.03-0.17\pm0.03, 0.19±0.01-0.19\pm0.01, and 0.16±0.17-0.16\pm0.17 dex R251R_{25}^{-1} utilizing abundances from O3N2, N2 diagnostics, and direct method, respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Expression and Clinical Significance of Antiapoptotic Gene (Survivin) in NB4 and Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells

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    To study survivin gene expression in APL cells and to explore its correlation with clinical manifestations. PML/RARα and survivin mRNA expression were analysed using RT-PCR. By treatment of ATRA, the survivin mRNA expression in NB4 cells gradually decreased with time and was almost undetectable in the 72th hour. Survivin was expressed in 67% of the 36 APL cases (de novo and relapse patients) with PML/RARα fusion gene expression. However, in 22 cases of remission stage patients without PML/RARα fusion gene expression, survivin was expressed in 36%. The survivin mRNA expression positive rate in de novo and relapse groups, and PML/RARα fusion gene L-type positive groups, was obviously higher than those in remission period groups and was significantly lower than those in acute leukemia groups. In 36 cases of de novo and relapse APL patients, all cases could obtain complete remission, irrespective of the survivin expression. APL patients expressed with survivin mRNA had DIC and serious infection (one patient died). The clinical symptom included slight skin or mucosa bleeding, fever, and asthenic for patients without the survivin mRNA expression. Later, two cases of APL patients with the survivin mRNA expression were treated by ATRA, induction differentiation sign in their peripheral blood and bone marrow figure was not obvious. It was concluded that the survive gene expression was lower in APL than those in any other types of leukemia, thus closely associated with clinical manifestation

    Performance of MIMO Relay DCSK-CD Systems over Nakagami Fading Channels

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    A multi-access multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay differential chaos shift keying cooperative diversity (DCSK-CD) system is proposed in this paper as a comprehensive cooperation scheme, in which the relay and destination both employ multiple antennas to strengthen the robustness against signal fading in a wireless network. It is shown that, with spatial diversity gains, the bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed system is remarkably better than the conventional DCSK non-cooperation (DCSK-NC) and DCSK cooperative communication (DCSK-CC) systems. Moreover, the exact BER and close-form expressions of the proposed system are derived over Nakagami fading channels through the moment generating function (MGF), which is shown to be highly consistent with the simulation results. Meanwhile, this paper illustrates a trade-off between the performance and the complexity, and provides a threshold for the number of relay antennas keeping the user consumed energy constant. Due to the above-mentioned advantages, the proposed system stands out as a good candidate or alternative for energy-constrained wireless communications based on chaotic modulation, especially for low-power and low-cost wireless personal area networks (WPANs).Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System-

    Leczenie oksytocyną zapobiega stłuszczeniu szpiku kostnego obserwowanemu u królików z cukrzycą wywołaną alloksanem — badanie przy użyciu protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego

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    Introduction: Oxytocin might be used therapeutically as an ally to rescue osteopathy resulting from diabetes. However, the in vivo effects of oxytocin on marrow adipogenesis in diabetes remain unknown. In this longitudinal study, we aimed to investigate the protective ef­fects of oxytocin on diabetes-induced marrow adiposity in rabbits using proton MR spectroscopy. Material and methods: Forty-five female New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into controls, diabetes, and diabetes treated with oxytocin (ip, 0.78 mg/kg) for six months. Marrow fat fraction (FF) was determined by proton MR spectroscopy at baseline, and at three and six months. Bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Serum biomarkers, glycolipid metabolism, and histological analysis of marrow adipocytes were determined. Results: Oxytocin treatment had positive metabolic effects in diabetic rabbits, which was based on the changes in glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles. The diabetic rabbits demonstrated dramatic marrow adiposity in a time-dependent manner; at three and six months the FF percentage changes from baseline were 10.1% and 25.8%, respectively (all P < 0.001). Moreover, oxytocin treatment significantly reversed FF values and quantitative parameters of marrow adipocyte in diabetic rabbits to levels of naive control rabbits. Oxytocin improved bone formation marker in diabetic rabbits compared to the saline group. Also, treatment of diabetic rabbits with oxytocin significantly mitigated bone deterioration when compared with the saline-treated diabetic group (all P < 0.05). Conclusions: Oxytocin appears to alleviate harmful effects of hyperglycaemia on marrow adiposity. Proton MR spectroscopy may be a valuable tool, providing complementary information on efficacy assessments.Wstęp: Oksytocyna może być stosowana terapeutycznie w osteopatii wynikającej z cukrzycy, jednakże jej wpływ in vivo na stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego w przebiegu cukrzycy pozostaje niezbadany. Niniejsze badanie przekrojowe ma na celu zbadać ochronne działanie oksy­tocyny na wywołane cukrzycą stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego u królików przy użyciu protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego. Materiał i metody: Czterdzieści pięć samic królików nowozelandzkich podzielono losowo na grupę kontrolną, grupę z cukrzycą oraz grupę z cukrzycą leczoną oksytocyną (0.78 mg/kg, i.p.) przez sześć miesięcy. Frakcja tłuszczu (ang. fat fraction; FF) szpiku kostnego została określona za pomocą protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego na początku badania oraz po trzech i sześciu miesiącach. Gęstość mineralną kości zmierzono za pomocą absorpcjometrii promieniowania rentgenowskiego o podwójnej energii. Określono również biomarkery surowicy krwi, metabolizm glikolipidów oraz sporządzono analizę histologiczną adipocytów szpiku kostnego. Wyniki: Leczenie oksytocyną przyniosło pozytywne efekty metaboliczne u królików z cukrzycą, co stwierdzono na podstawie zmian w me­tabolizmie glukozy, wrażliwości na insulinę oraz profili lipidowych. Zauważono drastyczny wzrost stłuszczenia szpiku kostnego u królików z cukrzycą w sposób zależny od czasu; po trzech i sześciu miesiącach, procentowe zmiany frakcji tłuszczu w stosunku do wartości wyjściowej wynosiły odpowiednio 10,1% i 25,8% (wszystkie P &lt; 0.001). Co więcej, leczenie oksytocyną znacząco odwracało wartości frakcji tłuszczu oraz ilościowe parametry adipocytów szpiku kostnego u królików z cukrzycą do poziomu królików z grupy kontrolnej. Oksytocyna poprawiała marker tworzenia kości u królików z cukrzycą w porównaniu do grupy, której podawano sól fizjologiczną. Ponadto, leczenie oksytocyną królików z cukrzycą znacząco łagodziło niszczenie kości w porównaniu do grupy z cukrzycą, której podawano sól fizjologiczną (wszystkie P &lt; 0.05). Wnioski: Oksytocyna wydaje się zmniejszać szkodliwy wpływ hiperglikemii na stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego. Protonowa spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego może być cennym narzędziem, dostarczającym uzupełniających informacji na temat oceny skuteczności leczenia

    Methodological reporting of randomized controlled trials in major hepato-gastroenterology journals in 2008 and 1998: a comparative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It was still unclear whether the methodological reporting quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in major hepato-gastroenterology journals improved after the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement was revised in 2001.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>RCTs in five major hepato-gastroenterology journals published in 1998 or 2008 were retrieved from MEDLINE using a high sensitivity search method and their reporting quality of methodological details were evaluated based on the CONSORT Statement and Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of interventions. Changes of the methodological reporting quality between 2008 and 1998 were calculated by risk ratios with 95% confidence intervals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 107 RCTs published in 2008 and 99 RCTs published in 1998 were found. Compared to those in 1998, the proportion of RCTs that reported sequence generation (RR, 5.70; 95%CI 3.11-10.42), allocation concealment (RR, 4.08; 95%CI 2.25-7.39), sample size calculation (RR, 3.83; 95%CI 2.10-6.98), incomplete outecome data addressed (RR, 1.81; 95%CI, 1.03-3.17), intention-to-treat analyses (RR, 3.04; 95%CI 1.72-5.39) increased in 2008. Blinding and intent-to-treat analysis were reported better in multi-center trials than in single-center trials. The reporting of allocation concealment and blinding were better in industry-sponsored trials than in public-funded trials. Compared with historical studies, the methodological reporting quality improved with time.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the reporting of several important methodological aspects improved in 2008 compared with those published in 1998, which may indicate the researchers had increased awareness of and compliance with the revised CONSORT statement, some items were still reported badly. There is much room for future improvement.</p

    Value of circulating cell-free DNA analysis as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer: a meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the diagnostic value of cell free DNA (cfDNA) for breast cancer. RESULTS: Among 308 candidate articles, 25 with relevant diagnostic screening qualified for final analysis. The mean sensitivity, specificity and area under the curve (AUC) of SROC plots for 24 studies that distinguished breast cancer patients from healthy controls were 0.70, 0.87, and 0.9314, yielding a DOR of 32.31. When analyzed in subgroups, the 14 quantitative studies produced sensitivity, specificity, AUC, and a DOR of 0.78, 0.83, 0.9116, and 24.40. The 10 qualitative studies produced 0.50, 0.98, 0.9919, and 68.45. For 8 studies that distinguished malignant breast cancer from benign diseases, the specificity, sensitivity, AUC and DOR were 0.75, 0.79, 0.8213, and 9.49. No covariate factors had a significant correlation with relative DOR. Deek\u27s funnel plots indicated an absence of publication bias. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Databases were searched for studies involving the use of cfDNA to diagnose breast cancer. The studies were analyzed to determine sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, diagnostic odds ratio (DOR), and the summary receiver operating characteristic (SROC). Covariates were evaluated for effect on relative DOR. Deek\u27s Funnel plots were generated to measure publication bias. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests a promising diagnostic potential of using cfDNA for breast cancer screening, but this diagnostic method is not yet independently sufficient. Further work refining qualitative cfDNA assays will improve the correct diagnosis of breast cancers