6 research outputs found

    Effects of sex, morphological characteristics and haemoglobin type on the growth traits of red sokoto goats in semi-arid region of Nigeria

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    The experiment was conducted to determine effects of sex, morphological characteristics and haemoglobin type on the growth traits of Red Sokoto goat. A total of 321 Red Sokoto goats were used for the study. The population of Red Sokoto goats was studied in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The frequencies of observed morphological characteristics such as coat type, hair type, tail shape, tassels and sex were recorded. The body mensuration characteristics of the goats were identified and their effects on the performance were also assessed. Four haemoglobin types were discovered, namely; HbAA, HbAB, HbBB and HbAC. Only two (2) animals sampled had the rare pre-adult haemoglobin type (HbAC). The distribution of all the parameters were determined using Chi-square analysis and the Haemoglobin types were expressed as homozygous (HbAA and HbBB) and heterozygous (HbAB and HbAC). Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS. The Red Sokoto goats within 8 months of age had the highest frequencies (24.61 %) while the least (3.12 %) was obtained in those that are within 48 months. The highest coat type, hair type and tail shape were found in Brown (B), Short-smooth (SS) and Curled up (CU) respectively. The Red Sokoto goats without tassels (308) were more than those with tassel (13). Sex significantly (P<0.05; P<0.01) affected the body mensuration traits except body length with the does having superior performance compared to the bucks. Tassel had no significant (P>0.05) effect on all body mensuration traits. Hair type significantly (P<0.05; P<0.01) influenced body mensuration traits of Red Sokoto goats. The long-curly and short-smooth were superior to short-rough hair typed goats in all the body mensuration traits. Tail shape had no significant (P>0.05) effect on body mensuration traits in Red Sokoto goats except on body length (P<0.01). Goats with curled up tails were superior to those with curled down and straight tails. Hb type significantly (P<0.05; P<0.01) influenced the body mensuration characteristics except body depth. The HbBB typed goats were superior in performance compared to HbAA typed goats; while the HbAB typed goats were the intermediates. The HbAC typed goats were the least in performance compared to HbBB, HbAA and HbAB variants in Red Sokoto goats. In essence, the haemoglobin genotype HbAB in Red Sokoto goats seems to be favoured by natural selection with preponderance for the HbAA allele. Goats with the SS and LC hair type and BWS coat type recorded greater production performance in terms of the mensuration traits. In conclusion, the significant effect of Hb type and all other physical indicators for production show that with careful genetic studies and proper documentation of records, variation in our goat herd could be drastically improved within a short time. Keywords: Goat, Red Sokoto, Semi-arid, Haemoglobin types, Morphological Characteristic

    Effects of two different processing methods on chemical composition and dry matter losses of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Roselle) seeds

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    This study was carried out to evaluate effects of processing methods on chemical compositions and dry matter losses of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. seeds. Two processing methods (cooking and sprouting) with each having three different durations were adopted. There were seven treatments with unprocessed H. sabdariffa (control) and three cooking duration methods (30min, 60min and 90min) and three sprouting duration methods (3days, 6days and 9days) with each treatment having three replicates in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Results indicated that there was a significant (p < 0.05) differences observed for the mean values in all the parameters except dry matter. The dry matter losses of the processed seeds increased (p < 0.05) in sprouting and cooking with time, There was an (p < 0.05) increase in crude proteins and ash contents for the two processing methods but a (p < 0.05) decrease was observed for ether extract and fiber fractions. In addition, a (p < 0.05) decrease was observed for phytate contents in both processing methods. However, a (p < 0.05) decrease was observed for tannin content in cooking, whereas sprouting showed a significant increase in tannin levels. The cooking (p < 0.05) declined the oxalate content in H. sabdariffa seeds, and sprouting on a contrary had no effect on it. There was an (p < 0.05) increase in Phosphorus and Iron concentrations but a (p < 0.05) decrease was observed for magnesium and potassium concentrations as compared to the unprocessed seeds. It could be concluded that the two processing methods improved the nutritional quality of H. sabdariffa seeds, with some amount of losses in dry matter.Keywords: Cooking, Sprouting, Chemical compositions, Mineral contents, Anti-nutrients, Dry matter losse

    Single nucleotide polymorphism in the insulin-like growth factor-1 gene and its effects on growth traits in Yankasa sheep

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    A study was conducted to determine single nucleotide polymorphism of the IGF-1 gene and its effect on some growth traits in Yankasa breed of Sheep. Random samples of 100 sheep (50 males and 50 females) were selected for the molecular study and the phenotypic evaluation. Animals were measured for growth traits namely: birth weight, average daily gain, weaning weight, weights at 6, 8 and 12 months, chest girth and height at withers. Blood samples were collected from the animal’s neck region through the jugular veins into 0.5ml EDTA vacutainer tubes and transferred to the laboratory for DNA extraction. Total DNA extraction was made with ZR-96 Genomic DNA miniprep. Frequency of alleles were calculated according to Hardy-Weinberg’s equation and also subjected to Chi-Square analysis to test for Mendelian inheritance ratio for band. Genotypes, growth traits, sex and interaction were determined through statistical analysis. Both genotypic and allelic calculated χ2 values (9.07 and 16.94) for Mendelian inherited ratio were greater than the tabulated values of 5.99 and 3.84 at 5% level of significance. All growth traits (birth weight, weaning weight, average daily gain, weight at 6 months, weight at 12 months, height at withers and chest girth) with the exception of body weight (Kg) at 8 months showed significant (P<0.05) variations. With the exception of average daily gain (g/day), which was non-significant (P>0.05) across the sexes, all other growth characteristics differed significantly (P<0.05) across sexes with the highest traits in the male compared to the females. Observed trend showed significant (P<0.05) interactions among the measured traits with the exception of average daily gain. Male Sheep with AA and AB genotype were similar in performance across all traits (birth weight, average daily gain, weaning weight, weight at 6 months, weight at 8 months, weight at 12 months and height at withers) with the exception of chest girth (cm). It can be concluded that Yankasa sheep with AA genotype had significant higher propensity for growth than those with genotype AB and BB.Yankasa sheep with AA genotype could be used for genetic improvement programs targeted to growth traits in Nigeria. It is recommended that polymorphism of the IGF-I gene may be a potential molecular marker for growth traits in Yankasa sheep.Keywords: Yankasa sheep, Single nucleotide polymorphism, Insulin-like growth factor, Growth traits