11 research outputs found

    In-silico modeling of the molecular interaction between HLA-A*1101 and LEV.

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    <p>The LEV molecule was predicted to be docked into the P1 pocket of HLA-A*1101 with relatively higher affinity (5.1 kcal/mol) compared to other HLA-A subtypes. HLA, human leukocyte antigen; LEV, levetiracetam.</p

    Daily frequency of spontaneous recurrent seizures in all individual mice.

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    <p>The seizure frequencies (spontaneous recurrent seizures/day) in individual mice are represented by the gray bar: light color indicates a low seizure frequency, and dark color indicates a high seizure frequency. The start and end of the monitoring period are marked by the vertical dotted lines. (A) Chronic phase 1. (B) Chronic phase 2. SE = status epilepticus, SRS = spontaneous recurrent seizure.</p

    Scatter plots of various parameters.

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    <p>Scatter plots of cluster duration vs total number of spontaneous recurrent seizures during a single cluster (A), cluster duration vs duration of the following seizure-free period (B), number of days from cluster onset to the day of peak seizure frequency vs peak seizure frequency (C), and number of days from cluster onset to the day of peak seizure frequency vs number of days from the day of peak seizure frequency to cluster end (D). The dotted line represents a slope of 1.</p