723 research outputs found

    Effect of Information Disclosure Policy on Control of Infectious Disease:MERS-CoV Outbreak in South Korea

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    This study examined the effect of disclosing a list of hospitals with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) patients on the number of laboratory-confirmed MERS-CoV cases in South Korea. MERS-CoV data from 20 May 2015 to 5 July 2015 were from the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare website and analyzed using segmented linear autoregressive error models for interrupted time series. This study showed that the number of laboratory-confirmed cases was increased by 14.629 on June 5 (p < 0.001). However, this number was significantly decreased following disclosure of a list of hospitals with MERS-CoV cases (Estimate = −0.948; p < 0.001). Disclosing the list of hospitals exposed to MERS-CoV was critical to the prevention of further infection. It reduced the number of confirmed MERS-CoV cases. Thus, providing accurate and timely information is a key to critical care response

    CT Examinations for COVID-19: A Systematic Review of Protocols, Radiation Dose, and Numbers Needed to Diagnose and Predict

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    Purpose Although chest CT has been discussed as a first-line test for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), little research has explored the implications of CT exposure in the population. To review chest CT protocols and radiation doses in COVID-19 publications and explore the number needed to diagnose (NND) and the number needed to predict (NNP) if CT is used as a first-line test. Materials and Methods We searched nine highly cited radiology journals to identify studies discussing the CT-based diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia. Study-level information on the CT protocol and radiation dose was collected, and the doses were compared with each national diagnostic reference level (DRL). The NND and NNP, which depends on the test positive rate (TPR), were calculated, given a CT sensitivity of 94% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 91%–96%) and specificity of 37% (95% CI: 26%–50%), and applied to the early outbreak in Wuhan, New York, and Italy. Results From 86 studies, the CT protocol and radiation dose were reported in 81 (94.2%) and 17 studies (19.8%), respectively. Low-dose chest CT was used more than twice as often as standard-dose chest CT (39.5% vs.18.6%), while the remaining studies (44.2%) did not provide relevant information. The radiation doses were lower than the national DRLs in 15 of the 17 studies (88.2%) that reported doses. The NND was 3.2 scans (95% CI: 2.2–6.0). The NNPs at TPRs of 50%, 25%, 10%, and 5% were 2.2, 3.6, 8.0, 15.5 scans, respectively. In Wuhan, 35418 (TPR, 58%; 95% CI: 27710–56755) to 44840 (TPR, 38%; 95% CI: 35161–68164) individuals were estimated to have undergone CT examinations to diagnose 17365 patients. During the early surge in New York and Italy, daily NNDs changed up to 5.4 and 10.9 times, respectively, within 10 weeks. Conclusion Low-dose CT protocols were described in less than half of COVID-19 publications, and radiation doses were frequently lacking. The number of populations involved in a first-line diagnostic CT test could vary dynamically according to daily TPR; therefore, caution is required in future planning

    Redak slučaj metastatskog spermatocitnog tumora kod psa bez sarkomatoznih i anaplastičnih promena

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    Spermatocytic tumor is a rare testicular tumor, which is originated from gonocytes. It is characterized by the histological feature of tripartite which is composed of large, medium, and lymphocyte-like small cells. It is well-known that spematocytic tumor is benign, thus a good prognosis is expected after simple resection. Metastatic spermatocytic tumor is extremely rare and usually accompanied by histological variants including sarcomatous changes and anaplastic variants. In this case, however, we report a canine metastatic spermatocytic tumor without prominent sarcomatous changes and anaplastic variants. The mass was composed of three kinds of cells including large, medium, and small cells with high pleomorphism. The neoplastic cells had an indistinct cytoplasmic border and mitotic figures were frequently observed. The primary spermatocytic tumor metastasized to the abdominal organs one month after the resection, and the dog died 13 months after the surgery. Thus, careful follow-up is recommended after surgical resection of canine spermatocytic tumor even though metastasis in spermatocytic tumors is rare.Spermatocitni tumor je redak tumor testisa, koji potiče od gonocita. Karakteriše ga histološki nalaz tri morfološka tipa ćelija, a sastoji se od velikih, srednjih i limfocitima sličnih malih ć elija. Dobro je poznato da je spermatocitni tumor benignog ponašanja pa se očekuje dobra prognoza nakon jednostavne resekcije. Metastatski spermatocitni tumor izuzetno je redak i obično je prać en histološkim varijacijama, uključujuć i sarkomatozne i anaplastične promene. U ovom slučaju, međutim, opisan je metastatski spermatocitni tumor bez izraženih sarkomatoznih promena i anaplastičnih varijanti. Masa se sastojala od tri vrste ć elija, uključujuć i velike, srednje i male ć elije sa visokim pleomorfi zmom. Neoplastične ć elije su imale nejasnu citoplazmatsku granicu i često su primeć ene mitotičke fi gure. Primarni spermatocitni tumor metastazirao je na trbušne organe mesec dana nakon resekcije, a pas je uginuo 13 meseci nakon operacije. Stoga se preporučuje pažljivo prać enje nakon hirurške resekcije spermatocitnog tumora mada su metastaze u spermatocitnim tumorima retke

    Effects of Mental Health Support on the Grief of Bereaved People Caused by Sewol Ferry Accident

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    Few studies have assessed the overall effects of multi-centered, complicated mental health support on the grief process. This study investigated the broader influence of mental health support provided practically to the bereaved family on the severity of complicated grief. Ninety-three bereaved family members of the Sewol ferry accident were recruited. Severity of complicated grief, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive disorder was assessed through self-reporting questionnaire, inventory of complicated grief (ICG), PTSD Check List-5 (PCL-5) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). We also included demographic, socioeconomic, health-related variables, and Functional Social Support Questionnaire (FSSQ), which affect the ICG score. Participants were divided into 4 groups based on the experience of psychotherapy or psychiatry clinic service before the accident and mental health support after the disaster. In univariate analysis, these 4 groups showed a significant difference in the mean ICG score (P=0.020). Participants who received mental health support only after the Sewol ferry accident (group 2) showed a lower mean ICG score than those who received neither psychotherapy or psychiatry clinic service before the disaster nor mental health support after the accident (group 4). There was no significant correlation between the ICG score and other variables except for subjective health status measured 1 month after the disaster (P=0.005). There was no significant difference in PCL-5 (P=0.140) and PHQ-9 scores (P=0.603) among groups, respectively. In conclusion, mental health support significantly reduced the severity of grief only in those participants who had not received any psychotherapy or psychiatry clinic service before the accident

    Competitive Live Evaluation of Activity-recognition Systems

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    In order to ensure the validity and usability of activity recognition approaches, an agreement on a set of standard evaluation methods is needed. Due to the diversity of the sensors and other hardware employed, designing and accepting standard tests is a difficult task. This article presents an initiative to evaluate activity recognition systems: a living-lab evaluation established through an annual competition − EvAAL-AR (Evaluating Ambient Assisted Living Systems through Competitive Benchmarking − Activity Recognition). In the competition, each team brings their own activity-recognition system, which is evaluated live on the same activity scenario performed by an actor. The evaluation criteria attempt to capture the practical usability: recognition accuracy, user acceptance, recognition delay, installation complexity, and interoperability with ambient assisted living systems. The article also presents the competing systems with emphasis on two best-performing ones: (i) a system that achieved the best recognition accuracy, and (ii) a system that was evaluated as the best overall. Finally, the article presents lessons learned from the competition and ideas for future development of the competition and of the activity recognition field in general

    Effects of different creep feed types on pre-weaning and post-weaning performance and gut development

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    Objective This experiment was carried out to determine the effects of different creep feed types on suckling performance and further adjustments to solid feed after weaning. Methods A total of 24 multiparous sows and their litters were allotted to one of three treatment groups: i) provided highly digestible creep feed (Creep), ii) provided a pig weaning diet (Weaner), and iii) provided sow feed (Sow) as creep feed until weaning. After weaning, a total of 96 piglets were selected for evaluation of post-weaning performance. Results For pre-weaning performance, the Creep treatment led to a significantly higher feed intake from 14 to 28 d (p<0.05) and higher body weight gain from 21 to 28 d than piglets that were provided other diets. However, after weaning, the Weaner treatment yielded a significantly higher feed intake and average daily gain than other treatments from 0 to 14 d after weaning (p<0.05); Creep treatment tended to generate lower villus heights in the duodenum than the other treatments (p = 0.07). Conclusion Highly digestible creep feed improved pre-weaning performance, but feed familiarity and grain-based creep feed improved post-weaning performance

    Factors influencing quality of experience of commonly used mobile applications

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