4,938 research outputs found

    Band Gap Closing in a Synthetic Hall Tube of Neutral Fermions

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    We report the experimental realization of a synthetic three-leg Hall tube with ultracold fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The legs of the synthetic tube are composed of three hyperfine spin states of the atoms, and the cyclic inter-leg links are generated by two-photon Raman transitions between the spin states, resulting in a uniform gauge flux ϕ\phi penetrating each side plaquette of the tube. Using quench dynamics, we investigate the band structure of the Hall tube system for a commensurate flux ϕ=2π/3\phi=2\pi/3. Momentum-resolved analysis of the quench dynamics reveals that a critical point of band gap closing as one of the inter-leg coupling strengths is varied, which is consistent with a topological phase transition predicted for the Hall tube system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Double resonance of Raman transitions in a degenerate Fermi gas

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    We measure momentum-resolved Raman spectra of a spin-polarized degenerate Fermi gas of 173^{173}Yb atoms for a wide range of magnetic fields, where the atoms are irradiated by a pair of counterpropagating Raman laser beams as in the conventional spin-orbit coupling scheme. Double resonance of first- and second-order Raman transitions occurs at a certain magnetic field and the spectrum exhibits a doublet splitting for high laser intensities. The measured spectral splitting is quantitatively accounted for by the Autler-Townes effect. We show that our measurement results are consistent with the spinful band structure of a Fermi gas in the spatially oscillating effective magnetic field generated by the Raman laser fields.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of a Geometric Hall Effect in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate with a Skyrmion Spin Texture

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    For a spin-carrying particle moving in a spatially varying magnetic field, effective electromagnetic forces can arise due to the geometric phase associated with adiabatic spin rotation of the particle. We report the observation of a geometric Hall effect in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate with a skyrmion spin texture. Under translational oscillations of the spin texture, the condensate resonantly develops a circular motion in a harmonic trap, demonstrating the existence of an effective Lorentz force. When the condensate circulates, quantized vortices are nucleated in the boundary region of the condensate and the vortex number increases over 100 without significant heating. We attribute the vortex nucleation to the shearing effect of the effective Lorentz force from the inhomogeneous effective magnetic field.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure