7 research outputs found

    12-week but not 6-week curcumin treatment induced a significant increase of BrdU-positive cells in dentate gyrus.

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    <p>A and B: BrdU immunhistology results from the representative slices of 6-week curcumin-treated rats and controls, respectively. C: the statistical results of 6-week curcumin treatment on hippocampal neurogenesis. D and E: BrdU immunhistology results from the representative slices of 12-week curcumin-treated rats and controls, respectively. F: the statistical results of 12-week curcumin treatment on hippocampal neurogenesis. The yellow arrows: the BrdU-positive cells. In C and F, data were expressed as mean ± SEM. *: P<0.05.</p

    Experimental design of this study.

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    <p>Curcumin was given to the aged rats in food for 6 (short-term) or 12 weeks (long-term). Behavioural tests were performed on the last two weeks of curcumin administration and BrdU were injected daily for ten days on the last ten days. Rats were killed for immunihistological and biochemical analysis at the end of curcumin treatment.</p

    Relative expression levels of relevant genes in the hippocampus of the aged rats.

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    <p>A, B: after 6-week curcumin treatment; C, D: after 12-week curcumin treatment;. A, C: the results of real time PCR; B, D: the comparisons of the relative gene expressions compared to control rats between the results of quantitative PCR and microarray experiments. Student <i>t</i>-test, *P<0.05, **P<0.01 compared to control rats.</p

    Social recognition ability and spatial reference memory were enhanced after 6- or 12-week curcumin treatment.

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    <p>A and C: In the first trial (Exposure, E1) of social recognition task, the curcumin group and control group had the same preference for the juvenile rats. In the second trial (Exposure 2, E2) of social recognition task, the time spent on exploring the novel and the familiar juvenile rats was expressed as E2<sub>(novel)</sub> and E2<sub>(familiar)</sub>, respectively. 6- or 12-week curcumin treatment exhibited the significant lower exploration for the familiar juvenile rat during the second trial (E2). B and D: There was significance difference between curcumin and control groups in investigation index after 6- or 12-week treatment with curcumin treatment in aged rats (P<0.01). Investigation index = E2<sub>(novel)</sub>/(E2<sub>(familiar)</sub>+E2<sub>(novel)</sub>). E and G: Effects of 6- and 12-week curcumin treatment during Morris water maze training sessions. Latency to reach the platform and area under curve (AUC) of latencies are shown. Data are expressed as means (± SEM) of daily averages of 4 trials. The area under curve for latency was no significant difference between drug treatment and control for both 6- (Figure E) and 12-week (Figure G, p>0.05). F and H: Effects of 6- and 12-week curcumin treatment during the Morris water maze probe trial. Time spent in the target quadrants is shown. Curcumin group spent more time in the target quadrant than control group after 12-week drug treatment. *P<0.05.</p