9,643 research outputs found

    Surface micro-discharge (SMD)

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    There is an urgent need for an efficient technology of disinfection and sterilization in view of the alarming dimensions health care-associated infections (HAIs) have reached. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) can be utilized for hygienic and medical purposes, in particular in surface decontamination applications, and provides a promising alternative to the conventionally used sterilization techniques. Surface Micro-Discharge (SMD) offers a technology for generating CAP that can be applied to wide areas. In the present work, I investigate the plasma chemistry involved in the inactivation of microorganisms by application of the SMD in order to optimize the antimicrobial effect. For this purpose, different strains of vegetative bacteria and bacterial endospores are exposed to the SMD with experimental parameters such as the gas composition, power input, treatment duration and humidity varied. At the same time, the concentration of ozone produced by the SMD is monitored, and its correlation with the antimicrobial efficacy is investigated. I demonstrate that the bactericidal effect of the SMD on both the Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Enterococcus mundtii is similar and strongly correlates with the ozone concentration. The sporicidal effect on Geobacillus stearothermophilus is crucially affected by the humidity, whereas the ozone concentration appears to have no influence. In addition, I investigate the dynamic behavior of ozone produced by the SMD by varying the geometry and the time interval for the plasma generation and by igniting the plasma in two subsequent phases with different frequencies. Possible explanations for the obtained results are provided. This work fortifies the role of SMD as an efficient sterilization method and discloses diverse possibilities for optimizing the antimicrobial effect.Die HĂ€ufigkeit der Krankenhausinfektionen und ihre Auswirkung haben alarmierende Ausmaße angenommen. Angesichts dessen besteht ein akuter Bedarf an einer effizienten Technologie fĂŒr Desinfektion und Sterilisation. Die Anwendung von kaltem atmosphĂ€rischen Plasma (englisch: cold atmospheric plasma, CAP) fĂŒr die Hygiene und Medizin, insbesondere fĂŒr die OberflĂ€chendekon-tamination, stellt einen Versuch dar, eine schnelle und effektive Sterilisationstechnik zu schaffen. Die OberflĂ€chenentladung (englisch: Surface Micro-Discharge, SMD) bietet eine Technologie fĂŒr die Erzeugung und Anwendung von CAP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit analysiere ich die antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften der SMD, um die Inaktivierungsmechnismen besser zu verstehen und den antimikrobiellen Effekt zu optimieren. Hierzu werden unterschiedliche StĂ€mme von vegetativen Bakterien und bakteriellen Endosporen unter unterschiedlichen Bedingungen, inklusive der Gaszusammensetzung, der Eingangsleistung, der Behandlungsdauer und der Luftfeuchtigkeit, dem SMD-Plasma ausgesetzt. Gleichzeitig wird die Konzentration des im SMD-Plasma erzeugten Ozons gemessen, um den Zusammenhang mit dem antimikrobiellen Effekt zu untersuchen. Ich zeige in der vorliegenden Arbeit, dass eine SMD-Behandlung auf die gramnegative Escherichia coli und den grampositiven Enterococcus mundtii eine Ă€hnliche Wirkung erzielt. Zudem hĂ€ngt die bakterizide Wirkung der SMD stark von der Ozonkonzentration ab. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit spielt eine erhebliche Rolle bei der sporiziden Wirkung der SMD auf Geobacillus stearothermophilus, wobei hier die Ozonkonzentration keine Rolle zu spielen scheint. DarĂŒber hinaus untersuche ich die Dynamik der Konzentration des im SMD-Plasma erzeugten Ozons, indem die Geometrie und das Zeitintervall fĂŒr die Erzeugung der Entladung variiert werden, und indem die Entladung in zwei aufeinander folgenden Phasen mit verschiedenen Frequenzen gezĂŒndet wird. Mögliche ErklĂ€rungen fĂŒr die beobachteten Ergebnisse werden vorgeschlagen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untermauert die Rolle der SMD als eine effiziente Sterilisationstechnik und offenbart unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten fĂŒr die Optimierung des antimikrobiellen Effekts der SMD. Jedoch konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit nicht fĂŒr alle Beobachtungen eine zufriedenstellende ErklĂ€rung geliefert werden. WeiterfĂŒhrende Forschungsarbeiten werden daher nahegelegt

    Television, race and national identity : a study of South Africa's lifestyle programme Top billing

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-93).This thesis is an in-depth investigation into the weekly lifestyle/magazine programme Top Billing, aired on SABC3 (South African Broadcasting Corporation) – primarily in South Africa and in other surrounding African nations – to a total of over 6 million viewers. In its eighteenth year on South African television, Top Billing has entered the domestic lives of its viewers weekly, and has markedly become one of the country’s longest-running lifestyle and entertainment programmes. This study investigates the various meanings and pleasures that loyal viewers of Top Billing make of the programme, and how these "meanings" relate to their identities as middle class South Africans. Categorised as the "lifestyle" programme, it arguably has significant effects on the lifestyle and lives of its viewers. Studies on the "lifestyle" programme genre, especially in context to contemporary television studies, has not been widely written about. Further, as there is growing interest and a need for ethnographic and audience studies on the impact of television, particularly in Africa, this study thoroughly examines Top Billing in situ - in a media-saturated, post-modern, post-apartheid society in South Africa, while simultaneously locating the study in a larger, cross-disciplinary landscape. Since "meanings" are a cultural and social formation, the study examines the concept of "ideology" as a site of struggle; a place for the negotiation of race, gender, and other identities. The study brings to the fore the hegemonic ideology projected and "re-presented" by Top Billing, by taking an in-depth look at the makeup of the programme – both externally and internally, its relationship with its broadcaster and other social markers of society, and its audience. Through the use of content analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnography, this thesis examines issues of imbalanced representation of race and class, and the effects of commercialisation which take toll on the media landscape today. By further investigating the signifying role of the media and the ways in which Top Billing is constructed, the study determines ways in which identity is informed by Top Billing

    Nootropics for Healthy Individuals

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    Motion compensated images using Rgb data

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    A motion compensation algorithm correcting not only for translation but also for rotation, scaling, and shearing, is investigated in this thesis. Our work also includes noise detection and noise compensation due to the variation of the light. The probability distribution of the noise is investigated. The variation of the light could occur due to the voltage variation or due to the sunlight variation in the presence of clouds, or other reasons. Practical results have also been obtained by applying our theory to moving pictures

    P-13 “But a Woman Who Fears the Lord is to Be Praised”: A Practical Vision in Proverbs 31

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    Proverbs begins with an exposition on what the “fear of the Lord” entails and ends with the description of the woman of noble character who fears the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). As few scholars have considered the woman of Proverbs 31 in connection to the “fear of the Lord,” this project overviews aspects of the “fear of the Lord” in the Old Testament, including all specific verses containing the phrase, and examines the significance of their connections with Proverbs 31. The contributions of this study include theological and practical implications of what it means to live a life fearing the Lord

    The Chronology of the Events in Zechariah 12-14

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    In current scholarship, there is a lack of consensus on the timing of the specific events in Zechariah 12-14, with a focus on eschatological or sequential chronologies. Preliminary exegetical research has revealed many connections between the three chapters. For instance, the phrase “in that day” ( Ś‘Ś™Ś•ŚÖŸŚ”Ś”Ś•Ś ) occurs 17 times (versus four times in the rest of Zechariah). This concentrated usage closely interconnects the three chapters and suggests that the timeliness of all of the events is in close succession. Through findings in literary structures, key words, and intertextualities with other passages of the Old Testament, the conclusion is that the events in Zechariah 12 and 13 occur in one day. Even more, there exist literary structures and patterns that seem to support the idea that the various “in that day” events in Zechariah 14 occur in a single time, which is later than the day in Zechariah 12-13
