15 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Physical Unclonable Function Interfaces and its Relation to the Random Oracle Model

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    Analysis of advanced Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) applications and protocols rely on assuming that a PUF behaves like a random oracle, that is, upon receiving a challenge, a uniform random response with replacement is selected, measurement noise is added, and the resulting response is returned. In order to justify such an assumption, we need to rely on digital interface computation that to some extent remains confidential -- otherwise, information about PUF challenge response pairs leak with which the adversary can train a prediction model for the PUF. We introduce a theoretical framework that allows the adversary to have a prediction model (with a typical accuracy of 75% for predicting response bits for state-of-the-art silicon PUF designs). We do not require any confidential digital computing or digital secrets while we can still prove rigorous statements about the bit security of a system that interfaces with the PUF. In particular, we prove the bit security of a PUF-based random oracle construction; this merges the PUF framework with fuzzy extractors.</p

    Programmable access-controlled and generic erasable PUF design and its applications

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    Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) have not only been suggested as a new key storage mechanism, but—in the form of so-called strong PUFs—also as cryptographic primitives in advanced schemes, including key exchange, oblivious transfer, or secure multi-party computation. This notably extends their application spectrum, and has led to a sequence of publications at leading venues such as IEEE S&P, CRYPTO, and EUROCRYPT in the past. However, one important unresolved problem is that adversaries can break the security of all these advanced protocols if they gain physical access to the employed strong PUFs after protocol completion. It has been formally proven that this issue cannot be overcome by techniques on the protocol side alone, but requires resolution on the hardware level—the only fully effective known countermeasure being so-called erasable PUFs. Building on this work, this paper is the first to describe a generic method of how any given silicon strong PUF with digital CRP-interface can be turned into an erasable PUF. We describe how the strong PUF can be surrounded with a trusted control logic that allows the blocking (or “erasure”) of single CRP. We implement our approach, which we call “GeniePUF,” on FPGA, reporting detailed performance data and practicality figures. Furthermore, we develop the first comprehensive definitional framework for erasable PUFs. Our work so re-establishes the effective usability of strong PUFs in advanced cryptographic applications, and in the realistic case, adversaries get access to the strong PUF after protocol completion. As an extension to earlier versions of this work, we also introduce a generalization of erasable PUFs in this paper, which we call programmable access-controlled PUFs (PAC PUFs). We detail their definition, and discuss various exemplary applications of theirs

    PLCrypto: A symmetric cryptographic library for Programmable Logic Controllers

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    Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are control devices widely used in industrial automation. They can be found in critical infrastructures like power grids, water systems, nuclear plants, manufacturing systems, etc. This paper introduces PLCrypto, a software cryptographic library that implements lightweight symmetric cryptographic algorithms for PLCs using a standard PLC programming language called structured text (ST). To the best of our knowledge, PLCrypto is the first ST-based cryptographic library that is executable on commercial off-the-shelf PLCs. PLCrypto includes a wide range of commonly used algorithms, totaling ten algorithms, including one-way functions, message authentication codes, hash functions, block ciphers, and pseudo-random functions/generators. PLCrypto can be used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data on PLCs without additional hardware or firmware modification. This paper also presents general optimization methodologies and techniques used in PLCrypto for implementing primitive operations like bit-shifting/rotation, substitution, and permutation. The optimization tricks we distilled from our practice can also guide future implementation of other computation-heavy programs on PLCs. To demonstrate a use case of PLCrypto in practice, we further realize a cryptographic protocol called proof of aliveness as a case study. We benchmarked the algorithms and protocols in PLCrypto on a commercial PLC, Allen Bradley ControlLogix 5571, which is widely used in the real world. Also, we make our source codes publicly available, so plant operators can freely deploy our library in practice

    Bilinear map based one-time signature scheme with secret key exposure

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    Dijk et al. [6] presents Remote Attestation (RA) for secure processor technology which is secure in the presence of an All Digital State Observing (ADSO) adversary. The scheme uses a combination of hardware security primitives and design principles together with a new cryptographic primitive called a Public Key Session based One-Time Signature Scheme with Secret Key Exposure (OTS-SKE). [6] shows a hash based realization of OTS-SKE which is post quantum secure but suffers long 8.704 KB signatures for 128-bit quantum security or 256-bit classical security. From a classical cryptographic perspective we complete the picture by introducing a bilinear map based OTS-SKE with short 0.125 KB signatures, 65 times shorter, and for which the security reduces to the Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem (CDHP) – at the cost of a 9× longer initialization phase in the RA scheme if implemented in software (this can be improved with appropriate elliptic curve hardware acceleration). Signing takes 560 ms at most 60% of the > 936 ms needed for the hash based scheme

    Autonomous secure remote attestation even when all used and to be used digital keys leak

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    We provide a new remote attestation scheme for secure processor technology, which is secure in the presence of an All Digital State Observing (ADSO) adversary. To accomplish this, we obfuscate session signing keys using a silicon Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) with an extended interface that combines the LPN-PUF concept with a repetition code for small failure probabilities, and we introduce a new signature scheme that only needs a message dependent subset of a session signing key for computing a signature and whose signatures cannot be successfully forged even if one subset per session signing key leaks. Our solution for remote attestation shows that results computed by enclaves can be properly verified even when an ADSO-adversary is present. For N=2lN=2^l sessions, implementation results show that signing takes 934.9+0.6l934.9+0.6\cdot l ms and produces a signature of 8.2+0.03l8.2+0.03\cdot l KB, and verification by a remote user takes 118.2+0.4l118.2+0.4\cdot l ms. During initialization, generation of all session keys takes 819.3N819.3 \cdot N ms and corresponding storage is 3105+0.12N3 \cdot 10^{-5} + 0.12 \cdot N MB

    Secure Remote Attestation with Strong Key Insulation Guarantees

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    Recent years have witnessed a trend of secure processor design in both academia and industry. Secure processors with hardware-enforced isolation can be a solid foundation of cloud computation in the future. However, due to recent side-channel attacks, the commercial secure processors failed to deliver the promises of a secure isolated execution environment. Sensitive information inside the secure execution environment always gets leaked via side channels. This work considers the most powerful software-based side-channel attackers, i.e., an All Digital State Observing (ADSO) adversary who can observe all digital states, including all digital states in secure enclaves. Traditional signature schemes are not secure in ADSO adversarial model. We introduce a new cryptographic primitive called One-Time Signature with Secret Key Exposure (OTS-SKE), which ensures no one can forge a valid signature of a new message or nonce even if all secret session keys are leaked. OTS-SKE enables us to sign attestation reports securely under the ADSO adversary. We also minimize the trusted computing base by introducing a secure co-processor into the system, and the interaction between the secure co-processor and the attestation processor is unidirectional. That is, the co-processor takes no inputs from the processor and only generates secret keys for the processor to fetch. Our experimental results show that the signing of OTS-SKE is faster than that of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) used in Intel SGX

    Group Time-based One-Time Passwords and its application to efficient privacy-preserving Proof of Location

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    Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) provides a strong second factor for user authentication. In TOTP, a prover authenticates to a verifier by using the current time and a secret key to generate an authentication token (or password) which is valid for a short time period. Our goal is to extend TOTP to the group setting, and to provide both authentication and privacy. To this end, we introduce a new authentication scheme, called Group TOTP (GTOTP), that allows the prover to prove that it is a member of an authenticated group without revealing its identity. We propose a novel construction that transforms any asymmetric TOTP scheme into a GTOTP scheme. Our approach combines Merkle tree and Bloom filter to reduce the verifier’s states to constant sizes. As a promising application of GTOTP, we show that GTOTP can be used to construct an efficient privacy-preserving Proof of Location (PoL) scheme. We utilize a commitment protocol, a privacy-preserving location proximity scheme, and our GTOTP scheme to build the PoL scheme, in which GTOTP is used not only for user authentication but also as a tool to glue up other building blocks. In the PoL scheme, with the help of some witnesses, a user can prove its location to a verifier, while ensuring the identity and location privacy of both the prover and witnesses. Our PoL scheme outperforms the alternatives based on group digital signatures. We evaluate our schemes on Raspberry Pi hardware, and demonstrate that they achieve practical performance. In particular, the password generation and verification time are in the order of microseconds and milliseconds, respectively, while the computation time of proof generation is less than 1 second

    Hack3D: Crowdsourcing the assessment of cybersecurity in digital manufacturing

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    This article summarizes lessons from the past three Hack3D events, including ways in which engineers can launch surprise attacks on digital manufacturing (DM) designs. A key outcome is a taxonomy-guided security benchmark for the DM community

    Efficient Erasable PUFs from Programmable Logic and Memristors

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    At Oakland 2013, Rührmair and van Dijk showed that many advanced PUF (Physical Unclonable Function)-based security protocols (e.g. key agreement, oblivious transfer, and bit commitment) can be vulnerable if adversaries get access to the PUF and reuse the responses used in the protocol after the protocol execution. This observation implies the necessity of erasable PUFs for realizing secure PUF-based protocols in practice. Erasable PUFs are PUFs where the responses of any single challenge-response pair (CRP) can be selectively and dedicatedly erased, without affecting any other responses. In this paper, we introduce two practical implementations of erasable PUFs: Firstly, we propose a full-fledged logical version of an erasable PUF, called programmable logically erasable PUF or PLayPUF, where an additional constant-size trusted computing base keeps track of the usage of every single CRP. Knowing the query history of each CRP, a PLayPUF interface can \textit{automatically} erase an individual CRP, if it has been used for a certain number of times. This threshold can be programmed a-priori to limit the usage of a given challenge in the future before erasure. Secondly, we introduce two nanotechnological, memristor-based solutions: mrSHIC-PUFs and erasable mrSPUFs. The mrSHIC-PUF is a weak PUF in terms of the size of CRP space, and therefore its readout speed has to be limited intentionally to prolong the time for exhaustive reading. However, each individual response can be {\it physically} altered and erased for good. The erasable mrSPUF, as the second proposed physical erasable PUF, is a strong PUF in terms of the size of CRP space, such that no limit on readout speed is needed, but it can only erase/alter CRPs in groups. Both of these two physical erasable PUFs improve over the state-of-the-art erasable SHIC PUF, which does not offer reconfigurability of erased CRPs making the erasable SHIC PUF less practical. In passing, we contextualize and locate our new PUF type in the existing landscape, illustrating their essential advantages over variants like reconfigurable PUFs

    A Survey of Cybersecurity of Digital Manufacturing

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    The Industry 4.0 concept promotes a digital manufacturing (DM) paradigm that can enhance quality and productivity, which reduces inventory and the lead time for delivering custom, batch-of-one products based on achieving convergence of additive, subtractive, and hybrid manufacturing machines, automation and robotic systems, sensors, computing, and communication networks, artificial intelligence, and big data. A DM system consists of embedded electronics, sensors, actuators, control software, and interconnectivity to enable the machines and the components within them to exchange data with other machines, components therein, the plant operators, the inventory managers, and customers. This article presents the cybersecurity risks in the emerging DM context, assesses the impact on manufacturing, and identifies approaches to secure DM