590 research outputs found

    Exploring the Influence of the English language in Korean Popular Music

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    Learning to Diversify Neural Text Generation via Degenerative Model

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    Neural language models often fail to generate diverse and informative texts, limiting their applicability in real-world problems. While previous approaches have proposed to address these issues by identifying and penalizing undesirable behaviors (e.g., repetition, overuse of frequent words) from language models, we propose an alternative approach based on an observation: models primarily learn attributes within examples that are likely to cause degeneration problems. Based on this observation, we propose a new approach to prevent degeneration problems by training two models. Specifically, we first train a model that is designed to amplify undesirable patterns. We then enhance the diversity of the second model by focusing on patterns that the first model fails to learn. Extensive experiments on two tasks, namely language modeling and dialogue generation, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: IJCNLP-AACL2023 Findings, 10 page

    F^2-Softmax: Diversifying Neural Text Generation via Frequency Factorized Softmax

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    Despite recent advances in neural text generation, encoding the rich diversity in human language remains elusive. We argue that the sub-optimal text generation is mainly attributable to the imbalanced token distribution, which particularly misdirects the learning model when trained with the maximum-likelihood objective. As a simple yet effective remedy, we propose two novel methods, F^2-Softmax and MefMax, for a balanced training even with the skewed frequency distribution. MefMax assigns tokens uniquely to frequency classes, trying to group tokens with similar frequencies and equalize frequency mass between the classes. F^2-Softmax then decomposes a probability distribution of the target token into a product of two conditional probabilities of (i) frequency class, and (ii) token from the target frequency class. Models learn more uniform probability distributions because they are confined to subsets of vocabularies. Significant performance gains on seven relevant metrics suggest the supremacy of our approach in improving not only the diversity but also the quality of generated texts.Comment: EMNLP 202

    L’impact des TICE sur la formation des enseignants en Corée

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    Depuis la fin des années 90, la Corée a entrepris d’améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement en promouvant l’utilisation des TICE, vues comme donnant aux enseignants la possibilité d’améliorer leur maîtrise de l’information. À mesure que les technologies progressaient, la formation des enseignants s’est transformée pour adapter les nouvelles technologies à la situation de classe et pour développer les aptitudes des enseignants. Le « Plan TICE », depuis 2002, s’adresse à plus de 30 % des enseignants, ainsi qu’aux chefs d’établissements et autres personnels d’éducation. Les nouveaux programmes de formation aux TICE prennent en compte toute la durée de la carrière des enseignants et les nouvelles technologies.Since the end of the 1990s, Korea has been striving to improve teaching quality by promoting the use of educational ICT (EICT), seen as offering teachers the possibility to improve their mastery of their subjects. As technology has progressed, teacher training has been transformed in order to adapt such new technologies to classroom situations and to develop teachers’ skills. The “EICT Plan”, operational since 2002, concerns over 30% of teachers, heads of institutions and other education personnel. The new EICT training programmes take the teachers’ length of experience and the new technologies into account.Desde finales de los años 90, Corea se ha propuesto mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza promoviendo el uso de las TICE, considerando que ofrecen a los profesores la posibilidad de mejorar su dominio de la información. A medida que iban progresando las tecnologías, la formación de los profesores se ha ido transformando para adaptar las nuevas tecnologías a la situación de las clases y para desarrollar las aptitudes de los profesores. El “Plan TICE”, lanzado desde 2002, se dirige a más del 30% de los profesores, así como a los directores de establecimientos y a otros personales de la educación. Los nuevos programas de formación sobre las TICE tienen en cuenta todo el periodo de la carrera de los profesores y las nuevas tecnologías