1,294 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian Dynamics, Classical R-matrices and Isomonodromic Deformations

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    The Hamiltonian approach to the theory of dual isomonodromic deformations is developed within the framework of rational classical R-matrix structures on loop algebras. Particular solutions to the isomonodromic deformation equations appearing in the computation of correlation functions in integrable quantum field theory models are constructed through the Riemann-Hilbert problem method. The corresponding Ï„\tau-functions are shown to be given by the Fredholm determinant of a special class of integral operators.Comment: LaTeX 13pgs (requires lamuphys.sty). Text of talk given at workshop: Supersymmetric and Integrable Systems, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, June 12-14, 1997. To appear in: Springer Lecture notes in Physic

    Free field constructions for the elliptic algebra Aq,p(sl^2){\cal A}_{q,p}(\hat{sl}_2) and Baxter's eight-vertex model

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    Three examples of free field constructions for the vertex operators of the elliptic quantum group Aq,p(sl^2){\cal A}_{q,p}(\hat{sl}_2) are obtained. Two of these (for p1/2=±q3/2,p1/2=−q2p^{1/2}=\pm q^{3/2},p^{1/2}=-q^2) are based on representation theories of the deformed Virasoro algebra, which correspond to the level 4 and level 2 ZZ-algebra of Lepowsky and Wilson. The third one (p1/2=q3p^{1/2}=q^{3}) is constructed over a tensor product of a bosonic and a fermionic Fock spaces. The algebraic structure at p1/2=q3p^{1/2}=q^{3}, however, is not related to the deformed Virasoro algebra. Using these free field constructions, an integral formula for the correlation functions of Baxter's eight-vertex model is obtained. This formula shows different structure compared with the one obtained by Lashkevich and Pugai.Comment: 23 pages. Based on talks given at "MATHPHYS ODYSSEY 2001-Integrable Models and Beyond" at Okayama and Kyoto, February 19-23, 2001, et

    Elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(^sl_2): Drinfeld currents and vertex operators

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    We investigate the structure of the elliptic algebra U_{q,p}(^sl_2) introduced earlier by one of the authors. Our construction is based on a new set of generating series in the quantum affine algebra U_q(^sl_2), which are elliptic analogs of the Drinfeld currents. They enable us to identify U_{q,p}(^sl_2) with the tensor product of U_q(^sl_2) and a Heisenberg algebra generated by P,Q with [Q,P]=1. In terms of these currents, we construct an L operator satisfying the dynamical RLL relation in the presence of the central element c. The vertex operators of Lukyanov and Pugai arise as `intertwiners' of U_{q,p}(^sl_2) for level one representation, in the sense to be elaborated on in the text. We also present vertex operators with higher level/spin in the free field representation.Comment: 49 pages, (AMS-)LaTeX ; added an explanation of integration contours; added comments. To appear in Comm. Math. Phys. Numbering of equations is correcte

    The Analytic Structure of Trigonometric S Matrices

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    SS-matrices associated to the vector representations of the quantum groups for the classical Lie algebras are constructed. For the am−1a_{m-1} and cmc_m algebras the complete SS-matrix is found by an application of the bootstrap equations. It is shown that the simplest form for the SS-matrix which generalizes that of the Gross-Neveu model is not consistent for the non-simply-laced algebras due to the existence of unexplained singularities on the physical strip. However, a form which generalizes the SS-matrix of the principal chiral model is shown to be consistent via an argument which uses a novel application of the Coleman-Thun mechanism. The analysis also gives a correct description of the analytic structure of the SS-matrix of the principle chiral model for cmc_m.Comment: 25 pages (macro included, 6 figures included as uuencoded compressed tar file), CERN-TH.6888/93, (An important argument is corrected leading to a novel application of the Coleman-Thun mechanism. Also decided to risk some figures.

    Vertex operator approach for correlation functions of Belavin's (Z/nZ)-symmetric model

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    Belavin's (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model and vertex-face transformation. The corner transfer matrix (CTM) Hamiltonian of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model and tail operators are expressed in terms of bosonized vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model. Correlation functions of (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model can be obtained by using these objects, in principle. In particular, we calculate spontaneous polarization, which reproduces the result by myselves in 1993.Comment: For the next thirty days the full text of this article is available at http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/42/16521

    Fusion of the qq-Vertex Operators and its Application to Solvable Vertex Models

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    We diagonalize the transfer matrix of the inhomogeneous vertex models of the 6-vertex type in the anti-ferroelectric regime intoducing new types of q-vertex operators. The special cases of those models were used to diagonalize the s-d exchange model\cite{W,A,FW1}. New vertex operators are constructed from the level one vertex operators by the fusion procedure and have the description by bosons. In order to clarify the particle structure we estabish new isomorphisms of crystals. The results are very simple and figure out representation theoretically the ground state degenerations.Comment: 35 page

    Impurity Operators in RSOS Models

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    We give a construction of impurity operators in the `algebraic analysis' picture of RSOS models. Physically, these operators are half-infinite insertions of certain fusion-RSOS Boltzmann weights. They are the face analogue of insertions of higher spin lines in vertex models. Mathematically, they are given in terms of intertwiners of U(sl^2)qU(\hat{sl}_2)_q modules. We present a detailed perturbation theory check of the conjectural correspondence between the physical and mathematical constructions in a particular simple example.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, uses amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, epic, eepic and texdraw style files (Minor typos corrected) (minor changes

    Quantum groups and q-lattices in phase space

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    Quantum groups lead to an algebraic structure that can be realized on quantum spaces. These are noncommutative spaces that inherit a well defined mathematical structure from the quantum group symmetry. In turn such quantum spaces can be interpreted as noncommutative configuration spaces for physical systems which carry a symmetry like structure. These configuration spaces will be generalized to noncommutative phase space. The definition of the noncommutative phase space will be based on a differential calculus on the configuration space which is compatible with the symmetry. In addition a conjugation operation will be defined which will allow us to define the phase space variables in terms of algebraically selfadjoint operators. An interesting property of the phase space observables will be that they will have a discrete spectrum. These noncommutative phase space puts physics on a lattice structure.Comment: 6 pages, Postscrip

    Free Field Approach to the Dilute A_L Models

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    We construct a free field realization of vertex operators of the dilute A_L models along with the Felder complex. For L=3, we also study an E_8 structure in terms of the deformed Virasoro currents.Comment: (AMS-)LaTeX(2e), 43page
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