16 research outputs found

    Pembinaan individu berdasarkan falsafah rukun Islam

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    Falsafah Rukun Islam, berkait dengan Iman dan Ihsan sehingga memberikan kesan terhadap pembinaan individu kepada perubahan kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Kebejatan sosial yang berlaku pada hari ini berpunca daripada kurang penghayatan terhadap pengamalan rukun Islam. Rukun Islam hadir bertujuan memandu manusia dalam melaksanakan tujuan hidup sebagai Abid dan Khalifah di atas muka bumi ini dengan tersusun dan memberi kesan perubahan sekeliling. Kefahaman makna terhadap kesaksian syahadah, pengamalam Ibadah yang syumul pada solat, puasa, zakat dan mengerjakan haji memberikan dampak kepada perubahan individu muslim yang menyeluruh sehingga perubahan tersebut memberikan kesan kepada sebuah keluarga, masyarakat dan Negara seperti yang telah di tunjukkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Rujukan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini, sepenuhnya menggunakan kaedah kualitatif, bersumberkan pencarian keperpustakaan terhadap kitab-kitab dan bahan ilmiah. Justeru, kajian ini di harapkan dapat memberikan konsep dan falsafah rukun Islam secara mendalam berdasarkan perkaitannya terhadap Islam, Iman dan Ihsan

    Effective approaches of the education of children in forming a sustainable family according to Islamic references

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    Humans and education are two important issues in planning the growth, development and advancement of a country. The basic education for an individual starts with the teaching at home, school and the environment. Children’s education is important in Islam. The importance of emphasising the development of children is a practice pioneered by Islamic scholars since ancient times based on the teaching of Islam that used Qur’an and Sunnah as their references. Parents today face with challenges in educating their children. They are required to ensure that their children are raised and given the education that covers the development of intellect, physical, spiritual, morals and social. Education can nurture the current and future generations to grow and be responsible to God, themselves, other people and the country. The aim of the present research was to examine about the effective approaches of children’s education in shaping a sustainable family according to Islamic references. The research method is based on reading of articles, journals, newspapers, books and others as primary data. The learning process involves mental, physical, emotional and social aspects. This article in general discusses about teaching in the aspects of education, which is classified into four types namely Formal Teaching, Informal Teaching, Non-Formal Teaching and Rasulullah pbuh Teaching Method. Generally, the aspects of children’s education are divided into aspects of faith, morals, physical, mental, spiritual social, emotional and sexology. Therefore, there are three main things that need to be emphasised in shaping children and their souls in forming a sustainable family which include strengthening of spiritual and worship activities, knowledge and noble values

    Implementation of augmented reality (AR) in Malaysian education system

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    The post-globalization world is witnessing the rapid development of technology. Revolution of industry 4.0 that hit the world encourages the use of various technologies and gadgets by all sectors or industries including education. Education system all around the globe excited to implement new technologies with the aims of enhancing students’ focus, interest and comprehension throughout the teaching and learning sessions. Recently, the Augmented Reality (AR) technology attracts more intention and increasingly mastered by the educators to use the technology during teaching and learning sessions. AR innovation optimized the sophistication of social medias as an effective teaching medium. The use of this technology indicates great potential to produce more creative, innovative and competitive generation. Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), Industry 4.0, Innovation, Malaysian Education System

    Active learning through student-centered activity in the instruction of Islamic education teachers as an implementation of the 21st century learning: a case study

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    Active learning through student-centered activity has a significant impact on learning as well as the mastery of the students. The implementation of student-centered activity blended with elements of active learning is among the foundation that forms the 21st century education. However, its implementation is often underestimated due to constraints faced by teachers. This article discusses the elements of active learning within student-centered activity implemented by Islamic Education teachers in primary schools applying the concept of 21st century learning in the process of teaching and learning. This study adopted the qualitative method conducted on seven teachers of Islamic Education primary school in the state of Melaka. In-depth interviews, observations and document analysis were performed for this study and the data were analyzed using NVivo 12.0. The finding indicated that there are six elements of active learning in the activities of student-centered learning that was implemented by the Islamic Education primary school teachers in the state of Melaka. All of the elements involved had demonstrated a pattern, in which all students are involved in the activities, all students perform their own activities, students learn from the activities, varied activities according to the level of students, several sets of activities in a single teaching session and edutainment activities. This study generally suggests a method that could serve as a guideline for teachers to carry out active learning through the student-centered activity in order to realize the concept of 21st century learning in the teaching and learning process


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    ABSTRACTEducation plays a significant part in developing a person’s personality and teaching ideals. Individuals shall be instilled with good ideals through Islamic education. Surprisingly, education that begins in school has a longer and more lasting effect. Unfortunately, many recent cases now report on issues of integrity that affect people from all walks of life. This is a clear indicator that the value of integrity is seen to be getting thinner among Malaysians. As a result, the research was conducted to assess the impact of Islamic education in instilling the concept of integrity in all communities, including individuals, society, and the country. This is a qualitative study that makes use of library and documentation resources. The study discovered that teachers play a significant role in Islamic education, and that teaching content is critical in creating a positive influence and raising student understanding of the principle of integrity. Al-Quran and Sunnah related to corruption and integrity disclosed in the syllabus of Islamic Education are regarded to be able to offer students a solid understanding as well as assist in the development of a good society in this scenario. Kata kunci: Education, Islam, corruption, integrity, syllabu

    Embedding higher order thinking skills in Islamic history (Sirah) education in Malaysia

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    The promotion of integrating higher order thinking skills (HOTS) in the Malaysian education system is pivotal to producing analytical thinkers to keep up with the rapid globalization of this era. Thus, the implementation of HOTS in learning and facilitation (PdPc) has been emphasized. However, little is known about the integration of HOTS in Islamic history and civilization (Sirah) lessons. Furthermore, teachers continue to use traditional methods and disregard incorporating HOTS in PdPc. Therefore, the current study conducted an in-depth investigation into the components of Sirah lessons to support the implementation of the Malaysian education development plan (PPPM) 2013-2015 by strengthening teaching techniques through the use of HOTS for a better understanding of Sirah lessons. Using an explanatory sequential mixed method design, the findings reveal that the teaching components of Sirah lessons with the integration of HOTS are at a moderate level in the conclusion stage of a lesson. Therefore, the current study proposes a model that integrates HOTS, i.e., the element of attitude, preparation and planning, teaching aids with relevant aspects of PAK21, knowledge of HOTS, mastery of the subject content, teaching techniques and approach, assessment, and evaluation

    Behaviour and the role of family institutions in assisting the economy and sustainable society

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    Sustainability illustrates something with the tendency to maintain one's existing quality. To guarantee the sustainability of the world, nature, stays in a good condition, the attitude of the people of earth is very related. To achieve the sustainability of the earth and nation, positive and active engagement from the smallest community unit, which is family, is very important. Ideally, families are the first teachers for children. The family or parents are their role models. They give the greatest impact for the growth of personality, attitude, value, characteristic and skills for the young generation. The family unit are the main source in understanding and giving understandings one's meaning and philosophy. Then, this concept paper will highlight the concept of sustainability in general and the sustainability concept from the Islamic perspective as well as the relationship between the family unit behaviour in guaranteeing a life where a family with harmony and sustainability could give an impact to the universal well-being

    Penerapan konsep ikhlas dalam menyantuni anak istimewa (autisme)

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    World Health Organization (WHO) pada tahun 2017 mendedahkan satu dalam kalangan 160 orang kanak-kanak mengalami autisme di dunia dan prevalensnya meningkat secara global. Perangkaan ini jelas menunjukkan ramai ibu bapa di luar sana yang bergelut dengan cabaran hebat dalam membesarkan dan mendidik anak-anak istimewa ini. Mereka turut menghadapi tekanan yang tinggi berbanding ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak yang normal dan anak dengan ketidakupayaan yang lain seperti down syndrome. Objektif kajian ini untuk meneliti mekanisma alternatif bagi membantu ibu bapa menghadapi kenyataan dalam menerima kehadiran anak autisme ini. Kajian ini melibatkan metodologi secara analisis kajian kepustakaan, iaitu kajian komprehensif terhadap pelbagai penulisan dan kajian berkenaan autisme dianalisis untuk mendapatkan alternatif yang perlu diterapkan dalam menyantuni anak istimewa ini. Dapatan daripada analisis tersebut mendapati konsep ilmu, kasih sayang, harapan, latihan, amanah dan sokongan (IKHLAS) perlu diterapkan dalam diri setiap ibu bapa yang mempunya anak istimewa supaya anak-anak tersebut mendapat ruang dan peluang yang sepatutnya dan tidak terus dipinggirkan oleh masyarakat. Diharapkan penulisan ini boleh dijadikan sedikit input kepada ibu bapa dan pihak yang berkaitan agar melaksanakan konsep IKHLAS dalam rangka usaha mendidik dan menjaga mereka

    Da’wah Thoughts of Hasan Al Banna and Said Nursi: A Comparative Research in Islamic Education Perspective

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    Islamic education has been strongly emphasized in Muslim communities. The quality of education and adherence to the Islamic worldview will shape Muslim personalities towards the true meaning of excellence in this world and the hereafter. This article discusses and introduces the efforts of Tawhid purification in Islamic Education perpsective undertaken by Hassan Al Banna (1906-1949 AD) and Badiuzzaman Said Nursi (1877–1960 AD) to address emergent problems within the Egyptian and Turkish Muslim community in early 20th century whereby the absorption of values and thought outside the authenticity of Islam had successfully influenced society thinking in terms of religious beliefs and practices. Both Hassan Al Banna and Said Nursi therefore offered a solution to this problem by implementing measures to purify tawhid in society. This article analyses their efforts in tawhid purification in the implementation of da’wah dictates in Egypt and Turkey. To achieve this goal, the historical analysis method is utilised to discuss the efforts of Hassan Al Banna and Said Nursi and present critical examination of his efforts to save the tawhid of Muslims and ensure they return to the true teachings of Islam. The results of this analysis highlight Hassan Al Banna and Badiuzzaman Said Nursi as a da’wah figure who contributed to tawhid purification in the Islamic world. The findings at the same time could be used as guidelines for the religious, preachers and researchers to propose tawhid purification as an important da’wah effort in society today

    Analisis tinjauan literatur (LR) terhadap komposisi pengajaran Pendidikan Islam mengintegrasikan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT)

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    Kajian mengenai komposisi pengajaran guru Pendidikan Islam menjadi fokus perbincangan dalam kajian ini. Namun, strategi dalam pengajaran yang mempunyai elemen Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) yang melibatkan penghayatan dalam pengajaran masih kurang diberi perhatian. Hal ini kerana kebanyakan sarjana berpendapat bahawa elemen penerapan KBAT dalam pengajaran adalah rumit dan sukar untuk diaplikasikan dalam tempoh masa yang terhad. Walau bagaimanapun, strategi pengajaran perlu dimantapkan agar penerapan elemen KBAT berjaya di budayakan dalam pengajaran iaitu dengan perhalusi melalui setiap komposisi iaitu permulaan pengajaran, perkembangan pengajaran dan penutup pengajaran. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada tinjauan literatur berkaitan pengajaran elemen KBAT dalam kajian terdahulu dan mengintegrasikan penemuan kajian lepas bagi meneroka cadangan isu baharu untuk dikaji. Kajian kualitatif ini menerapkan reka bentuk analisis dokumen dan berpandukan tinjauan literatur (literature review, LR) sebagai landasan. Analisis ini memfokuskan kepada latar belakang kajian, permasalahan, metodologi dan dapatan kajian terdahulu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa kajian-kajian lepas lebih menumpukan fokus penerapan KBAT dalam komposisi permulaan dan perkembangan, bermakna komposisi penutup pengajaran masih kurang disentuh. Dapatan juga menunjukkan bahawa permasalahan yang timbul daripada kajian-kajian lepas dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan KBAT dalam pengajaran Pendidikan Islam melalui strategi komposisi pengajaran yang telah ditentukan elemen-elemen KBAT tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kajian terhadap komposisi pengajaran Pendidikan Islam yang menumpukan kepada pengajaran yang KBAT wajar diketengahkan