9 research outputs found

    Recruiting pregnant smokers for a placebo-randomised controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy-1

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Recruiting pregnant smokers for a placebo-randomised controlled trial of nicotine replacement therapy"</p><p>BMC Health Services Research 2004;4():29-29.</p><p>Published online 1 Nov 2004</p><p>PMCID:PMC529272.</p><p>Copyright © 2004 Coleman et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.</p

    Total serum bile acids and HPLC-MS/MS analysis of bile acid profiles in maternal serum.

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    <p>Total serum bile acids in control, untreated ICP and UDCA-treated ICP maternal serum (A). Maternal serum bile acid profiles in normal (B), untreated ICP (C) and UDCA-treated ICP pregnancies (D). In panels B–D, the serum bile acid level is shown using equivalent Y-axes in each group. However, given the significantly lower levels of bile acids in control serum the inset panel demonstrates these data using a smaller scale. * p = <0.05, ** p = <0.001, *** p = <0.0001. Panel C comparisons vs. control, panel D comparisons vs. untreated ICP.</p

    Biochemical features of the intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) cases.

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    <p>Serum biochemistry measurements represent the peak concentrations measured during the pregnancy.</p><p>BA – bile acids (normal range <14 µmol/L); AST – aspartate transaminase (normal range 5–31 IU/L); ALT – alanine transaminase (normal range 5–31 IU/L); n/a – not applicable.</p><p>Values represent median and interquartile ranges.</p

    The distribution of unconjugated, taurine and glycine conjugated bile acids in maternal and cord serum.

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    <p>Upper panel shows data from maternal samples from normal (A), untreated ICP (B) and treated ICP (C) pregnancies and lower panel shows data from umbilical cord blood samples from normal (D), untreated ICP (E) and treated ICP (F) pregnancies.</p

    Total serum bile acids and HPLC-MS/MS analysis of bile acid profiles in umbilical cord serum.

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    <p>Total serum bile acids in control, untreated ICP and UDCA-treated ICP umbilical cord serum (A). Umbilical cord serum bile acid profiles in normal (B), untreated ICP (C) and UDCA-treated ICP pregnancies (D). In panels B–D, the serum bile acid level is shown using equivalent Y-axes in each group. However, given the significantly lower levels of bile acids in control serum the inset panel demonstrates these data using a smaller scale. * p = <0.05, ** p = <0.001, *** p = <0.0001. Panel C comparisons vs. control, panel D comparisons vs. untreated ICP.</p

    Transplacental total bile acid gradients in ICP cases and controls.

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    <p>Graphs representing the differences in the levels of total bile acids between maternal, umbilical cord artery and vein serum samples from normal (A) (n = 15), untreated ICP (B) (n = 7) and treated ICP (C) (n = 5) pregnancies. Black bars = maternal samples, grey bars = umbilical cord vein samples, white bars = umbilical cord artery samples. * p = <0.05, maternal total bile acid vs. cord artery total bile acid and cord vein total bile acid. ** p = <0.005, maternal total bile acid vs. cord artery total bile acid and cord vein total bile acid. ns = not significant.</p

    Comparisons of bile acid profiles in maternal serum.

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    <p>CA – cholic acid, CDCA – chenodeoxycholic acid, DCA – deoxycholic acid, acid, LCA – lithocholic acid, UDCA – ursodeoxycholic acid, T and G prefixes denotes glycine and taurine conjugation respectively, − = statistical analysis not performed as bile acid levels at the limit of detection.</p