258 research outputs found

    Early loading with mandibular overdenture with two implants inserted by guided surgery

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    Introducción: La cirugía guiada y la carga precoz de los implantes constituye un enfoque integral de la rehabilitación de los pacientes edéntulos. El objetivo del presente trabajo era presentar el protocolo diagnóstico, quirúrgico y protésico del tratamiento con implantes mediante la técnica de cirugía guiada y carga precoz en el tratamiento con sobredentadura con implantes. Caso clínico: Paciente varón de 68 años que acude a consulta para tratamiento con implantes de la mandíbula edéntula. La tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) muestra que el paciente presenta un adecuado volumen óseo para la inserción de implantes. La información obtenida por la CBCT es utilizada para la evaluación y el plan de tratamiento. Se planificaron dos implantes interforaminales. Los datos digitales de imagen tomográfica fueron enviados a un centro especializado para la realización de la férula quirúrgica. De acuerdo a la férula guiada se insertaron los implantes sin colgajo con un fresado preciso. A las 6 semanas de la cirugía, una sobredentadura fue realizada y ajustada sobre los ataches, evaluando su oclusión. El periodo de seguimiento ha sido de 5 años. Conclusiones: Este caso clínico indica que la cirugía guiada puede constituir una terapéutica exitosa en el tratamiento del paciente edéntulo mandibular con sobredentaduras.Introduction: Guided surgery and early functional loading of dental implants constitute a comprehensive approach for rehabilitation of edentulous patients. The aim of this paper was to present the diagnosis, surgical and prosthetic protocol of implants by guided technique and early loading in the treatment of edentulous mandible. Case report: A 68-year-old-man, requested an evaluation regarding implant treatment for the edentulous mandible. The cone beam computarized tomography (CBCT) showed that the patient have an adequate bone volume for mandibular implant placement. The data from CBCT were used for evaluation and treatment planning. Two implants were treatment planned. Digital data were sent to a software manufacturer for surgical template. According surgical template implants were inserted for a flapless surgical technique with an accuraced drilling. After a 6 weeks-period of time an overdenture were realized and finally, occlusion is evaluated. The follow-up were 5 years. Conclusions: This paper indicated that guided implant dentistry may constitute a successful treatment of edentulous mandible patients treated with overdenture

    A Biomimetical Dynamic Window Approach to Navigation for Collaborative Control.

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    —Shared control is a strategy used in assistive plat forms to combine human and robot orders to achieve a goal. Col laborative control is a specific shared control approach, in which user’s and robot’s commands are merged into an emergent one in a continuous way. Robot commands tend to improve efficiency and safety. However, sometimes, assistance can be rejected by users when their commands are too altered. This provokes frustration and stress and, usually, decreases emergent efficiency. To improve acceptance, robot navigation algorithms can be adapted to mimic human behavior when possible. We propose a novel variation of the well-known dynamic window approach (DWA) that we call biomimetical DWA (BDWA). The BDWA relies on a reward func tion extracted from real traces from volunteers presenting different motor disabilities navigating in a hospital environment using a rol lator for support. We have compared the BDWA with other reactive algorithms in terms of similarity to paths completed by people with disabilities using a robotic rollator in a rehabilitation hospital unit. The BDWA outperforms all tested algorithms in terms of likeness to human paths and success rate.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia through Project TEC2011-29106 and Project TEC2014-56256-C2-1-P, in part by the Hospital Regional Universitario of Malaga, and in part by the ´ Fondazione Santa Lucia of Rome. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor J. Wachs. (Corresponding author: Joaquin Ballesteros.

    Subjective quality assessment in stereoscopic video based on analyzing parallax and disparity

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    Disparity may cause visual discomfort. Pairs of video sequences with different levels of parallax, both negative and positive, were presented together to the observers. The observers evaluated the cases in which visual discomfort occurred after visualizing the transition on each pair

    Proposal for Characterization of 3DTV Video Sequences Describing Parallax Information

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    Recommendations such as P.910 suggests parameters TI (temporal information) and SI (spatial information) for characterizing video sequences for quality assessment. In this paper, we suggest two additional parameter based on disparity called SPI (spatial parallax information) and TPI (temporal parallax information) to characterize 3DTV video sequences for this purpose

    Definition of masks related to psychovisual features for video quality assessment

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    Video Quality Assessment needs to correspond to human perception. Pixel-based metrics (PSNR or MSE) fail in many circumstances for not taking into account the spatio-temporal property of human's visual perception. In this paper we propose a new pixel-weighted method to improve video quality metrics for artifacts evaluation. The method applies a psychovisual model based on motion, level of detail, pixel location and the appearance of human faces, which approximate the quality to the human eye's response. Subjective tests were developed to adjust the psychovisual model for demonstrating the noticeable improvement of an algorithm when weighting the pixels according to the factors analyzed instead of treating them equally. The analysis developed demonstrates the necessity of models adapted to the specific visualization of contents and the model presents an advance in quality to be applied over sequences when a determined artifact is analyzed

    Insertion of impairments in test video sequences for quality assessment based on psychovisual characteristics

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    Assessing video quality is a complex task. While most pixel-based metrics do not present enough correlation between objective and subjective results, algorithms need to correspond to human perception when analyzing quality in a video sequence. For analyzing the perceived quality derived from concrete video artifacts in determined region of interest we present a novel methodology for generating test sequences which allow the analysis of impact of each individual distortion. Through results obtained after subjective assessment it is possible to create psychovisual models based on weighting pixels belonging to different regions of interest distributed by color, position, motion or content. Interesting results are obtained in subjective assessment which demonstrates the necessity of new metrics adapted to human visual system

    Immediate loading of implants inserted in postextraction sockets. A 2-year clinical follow-up

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    Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio era mostrar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales insertados después de la extracción y cargados de forma inmediata. Método: 24 pacientes con pérdida dental unitaria o parcial fueron tratados con 50 implantes IPX (Galimplant®) de conexión interna y de superficie arenada y grabada. Todos los implantes fueron insertados después de la extracción correspondiente y fueron cargados de forma inmediata. A los 3 meses se realizaron las prótesis definitivas. Resultados: Los hallazgos clínicos indican una supervivencia y éxito de los implantes del 100%. El 72% de los implantes fueron insertados en el maxilar superior mientras que el 28%, en la mandíbula. Se realizaron 30 coronas unitarias y 10 puentes fijos provisionales de resina y posteriormente de cerámica a los 3 meses. Después de un periodo medio de carga funcional de 24,3 meses, no ha habido complicaciones. Conclusiones: Este estudio indica que los implantes dentales insertados de después de la extracción y cargados de forma inmediata pueden constituir una alternativa implantológica predecible y exitosa.Introduction: The aim of this study was to report the outcome of treatment with implant inserted after tooth extraction and immediately loaded. Methods: 24 patients with single or partially tooth loss were treated with 50 IPX Galimplant® internal connection and sandblasted-etched surface implants. All implants were inserted after tooth extraction and loaded with immediate acrylic prosthesis. After a period of 3 months it realized definitive ceramic prosthesis. Results: Clinical results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 100%. 72% of implants were inserted at maxilla while 28% were inserted at mandible. 30 single crowns and 10 fixed bridges immediate acrylic and after 3 months ceramic prosthesis were realized. After a mean functioning period of 24.3 months, no complications were reported. Conclusions: This study indicate that dental implants inserted after tooth extraction and immediately loaded may constitute a successful, predictible alternative implant treatment

    Fracture and fatigue of cp titanium narrow dental implants. New trends in order to improve the mechanical response

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    Sixty-four fractured commercially pure titanium (cp-Ti) narrow dental implants (NDIs) with similar macrogeometry and connection designs were studied after di erent implantation times in humans in order to determine their reliability and to evaluate the causes of the fracture. These NDIs were compared with other similar implants, made with alloyed titanium with 15% Zr and with 12% strained titanium. Original implants were tested under static and fatigue conditions, simulating the tri-axial loads in the mouth by means of a Bionix hydraulic test machine. Fractography was studied using field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FSEM). The results showed that cp-Ti NDI exhibits low strength for mechanical cycling, and the alloyed Ti and strained titanium increase the mechanical strength, guaranteeing long term mechanical behavior. NDIs fractured due to fatigue, and, in some cases, the presence of cracks in the original NDIs quickly led to fracture. These cracks were attributed to plastic deformation during machining were found to be exacerbated due to acid etching in the passivation process. All cases of fracture were cp-Ti dental implants due to the low fatigue limit. The results show that, when titanium is alloyed or cold-worked, the fatigue limit is higher than cp-Ti. This in vitro research will help clinicians to select a better NDI system for safer treatment

    Dental treatment with single-implants. A 5-year study

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    IIntroducción: La implantología oral representa en la actualidad, una modalidad terapéutica odontológica en los pacientes con pérdida dental total y parcial. El estudio muestra la evaluación de los pacientes tratados con coronas unitarias mediante la carga de los implantes unitarios. Métodos: Fueron tratados146 pacientes con pérdidas dentales unitarias con implantes con superficie arenada y grabada Galimplant®. Los implantes fueron cargados funcionalmente tras un periodo de tiempo de 6 semanas en la mandíbula y 8 semanas en el maxilar superior. Los hallazgos clínicos (implantológicos y prostodóncicos) se han seguido durante 5 años. Resultado: Fueron insertados 216 implantes en ambos maxilares (168 en el maxilar superior y 48 en la mandíbula) para su rehabilitación prostodóncica con coronas implantosoportadas. 81 implantes fueron insertados en el sector anterior y 135 implantes en el sector posterior. Después de 5 años de seguimiento clínico, los resultados indican una supervivencia y éxito de los implantes del 95,8%. Durante el periodo de cicatrización, se perdieron 4 implantes por movilidad, mientras que 5 implantes se perdieron por periimplantitis. Se presentaron complicaciones prostodóncicas en 8 coronas con fractura de cerámica. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos clínicos del presente estudio indican que la rehabilitación prostodóncica con coronas unitarias mediante la inserción de implantes con superficie arenada y grabada, representa una terapéutica odontológica con éxito.Introduction: Implant dentistry constitute a therapeutic modality in the prosthodontic treatment of patients with partial and total tooth loss. This study reports the evaluation of patients treated with single crowns by loading of single implants. Methods: 146 patients with single-tooth loss were treated with Galimplant® sandblasted and acid-etched surface implants. Implants were loaded after a healing period of 6 weeks (mandible) and 8 weeks (maxilla). Clinical findings (implants and prosthodontics) were followed during 5 years. Results: 216 implants were inserted (168 maxillary, and 48 mandibular) for prosthodontic rehabilitation with single-tooth crowns. 81 implants were inserted in anterior sites and 135 in posterior sites. After 5-year followup, clinical results indicate a survival and success rate of implants of 95,8%. 4 implants were lost during the healing period by mobility, while 5 implants were lost by peri-implantitits. Technical complications showed 8 cases of ceramic fracture. Conclusions: Clinical results of this study indicate that single crowns supported by sandblasted and etchedsurface implants and can be a successful dental treatment